Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 953: Someone broke in! **** it!

Gu Sixue stretched out her hands and hugged the man's waist, "Thank you."

She put her small face on the man's shoulder and slowly closed her eyes.

I hope... I have a bright future and a peaceful life.


After a day of turmoil, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi set foot on the plane to fly back to the H Empire at night.

Cheng Ye pushed the suitcase behind them.

I just didn't expect that the plane did not take off smoothly, but was delayed due to weather.

"Spring rain is as expensive as oil. I didn't expect that there would be such a heavy rain in spring in the capital with great wind and sand." Ruan Su looked at the pouring rain outside in the waiting hall with emotion.

"I don't know when the plane will take off after the delay. If it really doesn't work, let's change it." Bo Xingzhi held her hand with a hint of pampering in his eyes, "How about we leave tomorrow?"

"Anyway, there is nothing particularly urgent, and there is no need to be so urgent." Ruan Su nodded, "Well, let's go back to the villa first."

"Would you like to... go to the six places?" Bo Xingzhi pursed his lips, "I haven't been to the six places for a long time. They have recently built a new type of robot, do you want to go and see?"

"A new type of robot?" Ruan Su raised her eyebrows and said with interest, "That's not bad, let's go."

So, the three went straight out of the airport, and Cheng Ye changed the plane ticket in the taxi to tomorrow.

Sitting in the taxi, you can clearly hear the sound of rain outside the window.

"I haven't seen such a heavy rain in a long time!" The taxi driver was very chatty. "Oh, in the spring of previous years, the wind and sand in this capital were so heavy that people couldn't open their eyes, but it turned out to be such a heavy rain this year."

"It feels a little abnormal." Cheng Ye, a cheerful young man, immediately caught the taxi driver's words.

The two kept chatting all the way, and it was already an hour later when the car stopped at the gate of Liuli.

Su Xing and the others got the news before. They heard that Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi would come back. They held an umbrella and waited at the gate early. When they got off the bus, Su Xing and another brother rushed over with an umbrella. .

"Master, Miss Ruan!"

Su Xing hadn't seen them for a long time, and immediately greeted them excitedly.

"Hurry in, it's raining too much here." Bo Xingzhi patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go inside."

So the group hurriedly entered the main office building of No. 6, where the brothers had long been waiting.

They saluted Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su in unison.

"Master, Miss Ruan!"

"Everyone sit down." Bo Xingzhi signaled to everyone that you don't have to be polite. It was raining too much outside, and some rain fell on his shoulders. He took the tissue that Su Xing handed over and wiped it.

Just now, I just gave Ruan Su an umbrella, but he is so tall that it is unavoidable that he will get drenched.

Ruan Su's body was clean without any dampness.

Her eyes flickered slightly, and she stood on tiptoe and snatched the tissue from his hand, carefully helping him wipe it.

Her expression was gentle and her movements were gentle.

Bo Xingzhi groaned at the top of his heart, and there was a throbbing in the bottom of his heart.

My heart was almost soft enough to turn into a puddle of water.

As soon as I came in, I was force-fed a mouthful of dog food.

Everyone: "!!!"

Everyone is still single, please pay attention!

Soon, Su Xing and the others took Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su to see the latest robots, including those that automatically search for books in the library, and those that automatically deliver food and clean the restaurant, or are used in major airport high-speed rail stations. There are several kinds of guiding robots that can clearly help people improve their quality of life and living standards, and achieve the effect of reducing manual output and saving costs.

"Can this robot just add some functions?" Ruan Su pointed to one of the logistics center robots, "It can not only carry couriers, but also have the function of sorting or repacking couriers. I know that logistics has a A set of systems, but if this robot can cooperate with the logistics system, it should be able to play a very big role.”

Su Xing's eyes lit up immediately when he heard the words, "Miss Ruan reminded us that this robot is the first draft and has not yet been finalized. Our team will discuss it later."

"I don't understand robots, so I just... said it casually. You don't have to take it seriously." Ruan Su really didn't understand these new types of robots.

"You are too modest, you reminded us." Su Xing laughed and said jokingly, "I didn't expect that Miss Ruan, who has countless vests, would have times when she didn't understand."

Bo Xingzhi flicked his head, "Poor what?"

The wife is full of posture.

Su Xing smiled badly, "Just kidding, kidding."

The working atmosphere in the six offices is very good, and Su Xing and the others also perform their duties and work as a team.

Everyone also attended Gu Sixue's wedding, and during the meal, the topic was brought up in the restaurant of the sixth place.

"Sixue is really abusive."

"Who said it wasn't? That Miss Dai is really disgusting."

"I heard that she is still pregnant, and I don't know if there is any fetal gas."

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi looked at each other and listened to everyone's whispers.

"I heard that these robots from the Sixth Division are going to participate in the competition?"

Ruan Su changed the topic and didn't want to mention Gu Sixue's **** incident. After all, what this kind of thing needs most is time for everyone to forget about it, instead of mentioning it often.

As soon as she opened her mouth like this, everyone's chatterbox was opened.

"Participate in the International Robot Competition. I don't know if I will win the prize." Su Xing laughed at himself, "I have always won a bronze medal, but I have never won a silver medal, let alone a gold medal."

"It's amazing to win the bronze medal. There are so many countries participating in the competition." Ruan Su didn't think there was anything wrong. "The bronze medal is also an affirmation of everyone's strength."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Bo Xingzhi again, "Let's go to the scene during the game and cheer for everyone."

"Of course." Bo Xingzhi let out a low laugh and gave her a freshly peeled shrimp, "It's up to you."

"The game is at the beginning of next month, and I can express the tickets for the game to you." Su Xing said with a smile, "Go on, big guy! Did you see it? Miss Ruan and the young master are going to the scene!"

"If we win the prize this time, Bo Xingzhi and I will add chicken drumsticks to you." Ruan Su was also infected with a smile, "Add bigger drumsticks."

In the evening, Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su didn't go back to the villa at all, and stayed at six places.

Anyway, there is also a thin room here.

The rain that had been raining all day finally stopped, and a faint earthy fragrance wafted in the air.

After dinner, when they had nothing to do, the couple took a walk in the yard.

Ruan Su couldn't help recalling the many conflicts and contradictions he had with Gu Sixue when he lived here.

There is also the matter of Nie Laoxuan's fate.

"Time flies so fast."

Bo Xingzhi raised his hand and touched her head, "Yes! Before you know it, we have been together for so many years."

"The moon is out." Ruan Su looked up and saw the bright moonlight in the night sky.

"It looks like it will be sunny tomorrow." Bo Xingzhi chuckled, "It's late at night, go back and rest."

His dry and warm big palm took her small hand and walked back.

It was late at night, and the whole yard was immersed in silence.

Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su also rested, and after a period of intense intimacy, both fell asleep.

Unbeknownst to everyone, a black shadow sneaked into the yard and tiptoed towards the robot data room.

He wore a black night clothes, came to the door of the room and looked around quietly, and then took out a thin wire and pushed it into the keyhole. The voice of Xixi Susuo was particularly clear in the dark night.

With a "click", the door opened.

The man in black quietly stepped into the room, and then quietly touched the front of the computer. There were no fingers in the room, and only the moonlight from the window could barely see the road ahead.

Finally, he came to the computer and pressed the power button.

But... he found that the power was turned off, and the computer could not be turned on.

"Damn it!" He cursed lowly and went to find where the power switch was, but he couldn't find it for a while.

He had to take out his mobile phone and turn on the flashlight function that came with it.

Finally found the power strip, however... when he went to press the power switch, he found that the power switch was also off.

The switch in this room should have been turned off.

Oh shit!

It seems that he only needs to find the six power distribution rooms and find the switch in this room before he can turn on the computer. But finding a power distribution room is not so easy... After all, there are so many rooms here.

If it really doesn't work... just take this computer away.

Thinking of this, the man in black secretly praised himself for being so smart, he immediately took off the computer, held it in his arms, and quickly ran out of the room.

The next morning.

Su Xing yawned and went straight to the restaurant, when he heard colleagues talking, "Another ** stole an abandoned computer from us."

Su Xing didn't take it at all, "These **** are really crazy, and I don't know how many discarded computers have been stolen from us."

"It looks like I'm going to the abandoned market to buy a batch of junk computers again." A colleague shook his head helplessly. "You don't have to be so stupid to steal our design draft, right? Why so stupid?"

"There are too many people who want to get our plan. Everyone still has to be careful about theft and keep it going until the end of the game!" Su Xing smiled and took a sip of milk.

Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su also walked in together at this time.

Ruan Su raised an eyebrow, "And a thief?"

"The design of the six places has always been outstanding, and it may be expected to make an impact this year." Bo Xingzhi's deep eyes swept a stern look, "So the anti-theft function should also be outstanding. Otherwise, there are too many thieves."

"Master, Miss Ruan." Su Xing greeted them, "Are you leaving today? Don't you stay for a few more days?"

Ruan Su shook his head, "I still have something to do when I go back to Country M, so we'll see you next month."

She and Bo Xingzhi had to rush back to hold a banquet to recognize their son.

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