Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 954: in the face of death!

After breakfast, Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su headed straight for the airport. The air after it had rained was very fresh, and the ground was still damp.

Six cars were speeding on the road, and Su Xing drove the car himself.

After sending them to the airport smoothly, Su Xing got out of the car and looked at Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su reluctantly, "Young master, Miss Ruan... You have just met and you are leaving again."

"How old is your mother!" Cheng Ye stretched out his hand and punched Su Xing's chest, "Hurry up, give me the suitcase. It's not like you'll be gone in the future, why do you still want to do my job?"

"Come on, I have to go back and have a robot competition with my brothers." Su Xing snorted and said goodbye to Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su.

Cheng Ye's martial arts are among the best in their six divisions, but... he's not very good at computers or other areas.

So after Song Yan's car accident this time, Cheng Ye was temporarily transferred to Bo Xingzhi's side.

"Let's go in." Bo Xingzhi said lightly, flying back to Country M and he still had things to deal with. He had been outside for a while recently, and he didn't know what happened to Song Yan.

This thought flashed through his mind, and his eyebrows suddenly pressed down.

After boarding the plane, he sat on the plane with Ruan Su, and the sweet voice of the flight attendant came from his ears, broadcasting the precautions.

"What's wrong?" Ruan Su couldn't help but ask when he noticed the change in his mood.

"Suddenly thinking of Song Yan, I don't know how he is recovering now." Bo Xingzhi's low voice was slightly hoarse. Although Cheng Ye was not bad, he still spent more time with Song Yan and had a better understanding.

"After we got off the plane, we went directly to the hospital." Ruan Su took the initiative to hold his big palm, "Now that medicine is developed, he should be recovering well. He must be in much better condition than the two days after the operation. So you also Don't worry too much."

The plane flew smoothly in the sky, Ruan Su leaned drowsily on Bo Xingzhi's broad shoulders, and suddenly, the plane was bumpy.

She opened her eyes leisurely and faced the man's dark ink eyes, "What's wrong? Did you encounter airflow?"

"It should be." Bo Xingzhi patted her head soothingly, "This is something that happens often."

Several passengers on the plane had already started talking and expressed their shock.

Ruan Su glanced out the window, the weather was cloudless and there should be no accidents due to the weather.

She was thinking about it when the plane suddenly began to plummet from 9297 meters to 3733 meters. Looking out the window, you could clearly feel that the plane was descending rapidly.

At this time, the cab was already a mess, and the captain's forehead was full of beads of sweat, "Come on, hang up the 7700 code! We need an emergency landing!"

"Failure! The landing gear is faulty and cannot lift normally!"

The co-pilot quickly followed the captain's instructions and contacted the air traffic control.

At this time, the purser also clearly felt that something was wrong, and began to comfort the passengers.

The landing gear of the aircraft cannot be lowered, which means that the passenger plane will not be able to land. If the danger is not eliminated in time, the tragedy of aircraft crash and death may occur.

At this time, the commander-in-chief of the aviation flight department asked the captain to do the actions of piercing the clouds and the rear landing gear and throwing it off, trying to throw the nose landing gear down. Drop the rack down!

The captain was getting tighter and more impatient.

If an accident did occur, all the passengers and crew on the plane would be...

He dared not think about it.

At this moment, the purser walked quickly to the front of the cab, she did not dare to walk in but said softly outside, "Captain... Mr. Bo... Captain Bo Xingzhi took our flight. Don't let him come over and try?"

"Young Master Bo?" The captain's head exploded when he heard Bo Xingzhi's name. "What about Ruan Su?"

"Mrs. Bo is also there." The purser's voice was shaking. If the couple had an accident on their flight...

Her face was as pale as paper, "Captain, this is a special situation. Our president of North Wind Airlines, Mr. Li, and Mr. Bo also have friendship. I believe that Mr. Li will not blame you."

The captain gritted his teeth, "That's fine, you go and invite him over."

The chief purser pursed his lips and turned around and walked quickly towards Bo Xingzhi's location, "Captain Bo, our plane was deliberate, and the landing gear couldn't be lowered properly, can you go in and have a look? Our captain wants to I invite you to discuss countermeasures together."

Bo Xingzhi guessed that the plane was malfunctioning when he felt the plane land madly.

He put away the phone in his hand and looked at Ruan Su beside him, "I'll come when I go."

Ruan Su nodded, "Okay."

The calm expressions of the passengers on the plane gradually began to collapse at this time.


"What happened? Am I going to die?"

"I don't know! This is mysterious. Let's be honest, can you handle it?"

"Return, I ask to return!"

"Mom, I'm so scared."

Bo Xingzhi's ears kept coming from the passengers' fear of collapse. He stepped into the cab with a slightly calm and handsome face, and saw that the red signal light was still flashing.

He immediately realized the seriousness of the plane's intention, and at this time had made contact with the air traffic controller.

The captain is in a hurry to communicate with the air traffic control personnel, "We want to make a forced landing to Jiangcheng! Yes, or Dongcheng, which is closer, can Dongcheng be okay?"

"I will report to the superior and arrange all the matters, please wait a moment." The air traffic controller immediately began to respond to the situation.

Seeing Bo Xingzhi coming in, the captain didn't care to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and immediately gave his place to Bo Xingzhi, "Young Master Bo... No, Captain Bo! Please help us to see if you can do it. The situation is so urgent, what should we do?"

His voice was full of tears, and it was one of the biggest challenges of his career.

I've encountered air currents, bad weather, and lightning before, but... if a plane like this fails directly... if it really doesn't work, they will crash and die.

At this moment, the voice of the air traffic controller came, "North Wind Airlines flight A58827T, please answer when you hear it."

Bo Xingzhi's voice sounded faintly, with an irresistible force, "Hello, I'm Bo Xingzhi, I took over the captaincy of flight A58827T."

The air traffic controller was stunned for a moment, "Bo... what to do?"

There was a brief blank in her head, but she reacted quickly. "Hello, the superior has agreed to make an emergency landing in Dongcheng, and the emergency landing runway has been cleared at Dongcheng Airport. The superior has deployed 59 fire trucks, 20 ambulances, 4 lighting vehicles, and 25 engineering vehicles are quickly rushing to the scene. "

She paused and said, "I look forward to your safe landing with everyone."

The control center was so quiet that a pin drop could be heard.

Several leaders widened their eyes in shock, "Am I right? Bo Xingzhi was on the plane?"

The air traffic controller nodded, "Yes, he took over the flight."

Even though Bo Xingzhi flew the plane, they were still worried.

Anything can happen in an airplane.

Not to mention the problem of such an urgent failure this time.

At this time, Bo Xingzhi on the plane had already started to fly towards the nearest Dongcheng.

In about ten minutes, the plane hovered over Dongcheng. He had a handsome face and a sonorous voice sounded through the radio, "I am the passenger of this flight, Bo Xingzhi, the temporary pilot. The plane has an emergency. I will take the method of throwing it in the air, and then I hope that everyone will not be overly nervous, and keeping calm is the best cooperation for me."

After speaking, he completed a set of actions such as rapid ascent, sideslip, and high-slope circling.

And as he steered the plane, the passengers couldn't help but let out bursts of exclamations.

"My mother! This is too fierce!"

"This... I wish I could make the plane spin 360 degrees in the air and dance a ballet..."

"Mom, Mom, I won't quarrel with you anymore, I want to go home!"

"God bless us, let us land safely."

All kinds of voices came from everyone. Ruan Su sat on the seat with his chin propped up and couldn't help thinking that when he and Bo Xingzhi divorced, the man's plane encountered an emergency.

At the time he handled it beautifully and perfectly.

She wasn't nervous or scared at all, she always felt that he could do it.

As long as he is there, she will never be afraid.

The captain is an old captain with more than ten years of experience. He picked up an axe without saying a word and used a nylon rope to tie his waist to get in. He used the axe to hit the place where the front landing gear was stuck, but he spent a lot of money. The strength is still not loose.

Bo Xingzhi motioned to him, "Don't use wasted effort. I can try to use the test landing method."

The test landing is to drive the aircraft to land on the runway according to the normal force and try to make the landing gear touch down on the runway.

Then the plane takes off again.

But... Bo Xingzhi drove the plane in two large circles, landing and hitting twice in a row, and the front landing gear still remained motionless.

In the end, Bo Xingzhi could only make a decision, "Please ask the purser to organize the passengers to sit in the middle and the rear as much as possible, I want to make an emergency landing. Please learn the self-protection actions of the forced landing. I will make a forced landing! This behavior is very dangerous, but please everyone Believe me, I will lead everyone to a safe landing. I am a very experienced and very capable pilot."

His mellow voice sounded in the broadcast, as if giving everyone strength silently.

The flight attendant did not hesitate, and repeatedly taught everyone how to do the movements. The other flight attendants also worked together to appease everyone.

At this time, the passengers were also concentrated in the middle and rear of the cabin according to Bo Xingzhi's intention. Everyone stood and squatted to free up the weight of the nose.

Some people began to cry loudly, while others wept silently.

Everyone is afraid of death.

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