Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 955: So handsome! legend!

Bo Xingzhi asked the captain to hold the accelerator, and immediately after the main wheel touched the ground, the first and third engines were pulled back to the idle position.

The other co-pilot is responsible for pulling down the speedbrake and all the main engine switches, and putting out the engine!

"Be sure to remember what I just said to you. Mind all your actions."

Bo Xingzhi's expression was condensed, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a low voice, "After doing everything as I said, I will immediately turn on the emergency evacuation bell. Therefore, in order to survive, the three of us must cooperate well!"

"Yes, Captain Thin!"


The captain and co-pilot quickly agreed.

The two of them glanced at each other. The current situation was so urgent that they had no other choice but to follow Bo Xingzhi's arrangement to cooperate with him.

In the cabin, the purser and flight attendants are still trying their best to teach everyone to practice the self-protection actions of forced landing, "Everyone must do as we say. Everyone must protect themselves, the plane will make an emergency landing in five minutes! Landing! The process is very dangerous.”

She talked about the level of danger while soothing.

At 2:37 pm, Bo Xingzhi looked at the blue sky in front of him, and his voice reached everyone's ears, "I am Bo Xingzhi, I will make an emergency landing in one minute! Please believe me, I will bring everyone to a safe landing. "

After speaking, he immediately drove the plane and began to slide down, and the plane landed with a "two points lighter" attitude!

Just as the nose rubbed the ground heavily, streaks of sparkling sparks were drawn on the runway!

Almost everyone in the cabin could feel the heavy crashing sound in their ears.

Everyone almost followed the posture taught by the flight attendant to do the protective action, but despite this, it was still difficult to escape the inertial impact.

Several passengers hiding in the middle of the aircraft cabin and the crew members in front of them were thrown into the nose of the plane, some hit the seats, some hit the door, and screams were endless.

Ruan Su also stood in the front. She had good concentration and martial arts. When she saw someone flying out, she staggered and ran over to try to catch him, but she couldn't stand still at all.

All I could see was that the man was slammed into the door of the machine and then fell heavily with a howl.

The plane is still taxiing wildly and uncontrollably on the runway, and the taxiing speed is very fast!

Almost everyone's heart is in the throat.

The crew also fell apart, some people were hit with blood on the head, and some people hit the waist...

There was a continuous stream of crying in the cabin, and everyone was afraid that what would come was an explosion of the plane, or a more terrifying picture.

Even if the center of gravity of the aircraft is moved back, the risk factor is still extremely high. If there is a slight error, the consequences will be disastrous.

At this time, because the landing weight of the nose was too heavy, the bottom was sunken, and sparks were constantly rubbing out. It ran out of control from the runway and hit the terminal building!

And everyone only saw the scenery passing quickly from the window, and only felt that the plane that was rushing forward like crazy was still ramming forward.

The sound of "Boom Rumble" can be heard incessantly.

The terminal building was empty for a long time, and both the staff and passengers had already evacuated. As the plane descended, the police lights around the airport continued to flash, and the fire trucks followed along. The runway was sprayed with emergency foam. Fear that if the plane explodes, the ambulance is on standby!

All the leaders of Dongcheng City and the leaders of the airport command center were all waiting on the runway, and they were waiting... for fear of any accidents.

The heavy crashing sound and the dazzling sparks that kept wiping out fiercely tugged at their hearts.

The plane was about to crash into the terminal building.

And the passengers in the cabin couldn't help screaming, "Ah!"

Some were timid and even closed their eyes and covered their ears.

at this time!

The sizzling sparks and the frantically advancing plane stopped abruptly!

It stopped!

Steadily parked about a meter away from the terminal!

It is like a fierce horse that has finally been tamed.

Bo Xingzhi's handsome face was expressionless, as if the person controlling the plane was not him at all.

"Stop...stop?" The captain looked at the nearby terminal in shock, and murmured in disbelief.

Just a minute later, he thought they would definitely collide, all of them would be killed...

It stopped now.

How did Bo Xingzhi do it? His eyes stared at Bo Xingzhi's angular profile, this man is **** good-looking, but also **** respectable!

The co-pilot burst into tears when he realized that the plane had stopped, and fell on his seat, "I thought I was going to die! I don't want to die yet!"

The feeling of the rest of the life after the catastrophe makes people psychologically break through the defense in an instant.

There was cheers in the cabin in an instant, and many passengers hugged each other happily and sang and danced.

Some are crying like crazy, some are laughing like crazy...

The feeling of taking a life from death is more exciting than winning the lottery.

Ruan Su and the crew helped up the passengers who were hit.

The door of the plane was opened, and all the passengers walked down one after another. The ambulance was on standby and rushed up to pick up the injured passengers and take them to the hospital.

After everyone left safely, Bo Xingzhi, Ruan Su and the crew left the plane.

There were many reporters and media outside, and when they saw them, they immediately gathered around.

"Captain Bo, Young Master Bo! How did you do it?"

"We thought the plane would definitely hit the terminal, but it didn't. How did you control it so accurately?"

"What did the crew do?"

"Oh my God! Someone was injured, was it serious? Did anyone die?"

The reporters held up their cameras and asked questions like a barrage of cannons.

Bo Xingzhi waved at them, signaling them to be quiet.

"Everything was done with the cooperation of the crew. Everyone did what they were supposed to do together. My wife and I have to rush back to the country of M, so I ask everyone to let it go."

Ruan Su also smiled slightly, "You can interview the crew members, the captain and co-pilot, as well as these beautiful girls, they are really great."

After finishing speaking, the two and Cheng Ye opened the reporter and left together.

After the leaders of Dongcheng finished comforting the passengers, they came over and found that Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su had already left.

And this plane has been exposed to the Internet by the media because of the previous 7700 code.

The safety of this plane also affects the hearts of thousands of netizens.

From time to time, the situation on this plane will explode.

When the plane landed safely and only about a dozen people were injured, it was reported that there was a burst of online carnival.

"Captain Thin YYDS!"

"I saw Ruan Su! Wow!"

"If there is no Captain Thin, there is really no safety for the whole crew."

"The captain of the plane was interviewed and described the thrilling moment, and I'm going to see it."

So many netizens went to see the interview with the crew again.

From the captain and co-pilot to the flight attendants, almost everyone has lingering fears.

Especially the captain burst into tears as he spoke, "It was Captain Bo who saved us... I'm ashamed of myself."

Almost everyone knows about this.

But Su Xing and the others, who knew that Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su were on the sixth flight, were already in a hurry.

After learning that the plane landed safely, they dared to call.

"Master, how are you? Are you okay?"

"How are you, Miss Ruan?"

"It's scary."

After Bo Xingzhi appeased them, they embarked on another flight to Country M.

Ruan Su here also received a wave of information bombardment on the phone and WeChat, which caused a headache.

But I also know that everyone is concerned and well-intentioned.

She replied all of them.

Inside the Ye Family Manor.

Old Madam Ye wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Thank God, the plane is safe and sound. It's all because of Ah Zhi's good skills! It would be great if Xiao Su and him are okay. alive."

Ye Yanli hurriedly comforted her, "Mom, our family is also in charge of the Sky Department, and God will naturally bless them. Isn't it okay?"

"Come back quickly, I can't wait a minute longer." The old lady Ye's brows showed worry, "I'm really worried about my mother. I'm so upset here, it's uncomfortable!"

"I believe Xiao Su will be back soon. It will only take a few hours to fly back from Empire H, very fast." Ye Yanli comforted her again.

The popularity of this incident is still high, and netizens are still praising Bo Xingzhi YYDS in various ways, and passengers who took the plane have released videos taken at the time, and some passengers have also been interviewed.

Describes all the conditions in the cabin at that time.

"Miss Nguyen is great. She and the flight attendants consoled and encouraged everyone. Really great!"

"She also sang a song "Lady Shexiang"! As you all know, this Mrs. Shexiang is a very famous legend in history, and it is very shocking."

Some tourists shared the recorded Ruan Su's singing on the Internet.

The download volume was very high for a time, but the download volume exceeded 10 million in just a few hours.

When Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi got off the plane and were about to return to Ye's house, Ruan Su saw his song "Mrs. Shexiang" hanging high on the hot search, and the other one was that the download of this song broke 100,000…

It's... a little scary.

"I'm not the original singer of this song, why are there so many downloads? It would be embarrassing if the original singer asked me for the copyright fee." Ruan Su couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and then posted a Weibo: "The download volume is so high, the copyright fee How much? I'll pay!"

She also @ the original singing Phoenix Legend.

The original singer is also an open-minded singer group, a male and female partner group with a very high nationality.

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