Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 956: feeling in the dark

Phoenix Legend quickly responded to Ruan Su, directly forwarding and commenting, "No, no, it's just a song. You and Captain Bo are heroes who save lives. It's our honor that you chose to sing this song."

Ruan Su was shocked, "Is it so open-minded? So many downloads are a lot of traffic and a lot of money! This combination is really respectable."

She quickly replied to Phoenix Legend, "Thank you two, our husband and wife just did what they were supposed to do, and they can't be called heroes."

One after another, they replied a lot to each other.


In minutes, Ruan Su took the legend of Huanghuang to the hot search.

The legend of Huanghuang has also become a legend because it does not require copyright fees.

The pair did not expect that they would be sent to the hot search by Ruan Su.

"This Ruan Su is indeed a popular physique. Following her, we also became so popular." The male singer swiped his phone's screen and clicked his tongue twice.

Although they have high nationality, they are not often on the hot search list. Generally, it is the kind of traffic idol that often dominates the hot search list.

The female singer couldn't help laughing out loud, "It's quite a good deal without the copyright fee. Not to mention the popularity of the blog, but also to gain a good reputation. You say, are we considered unintentional?"

"There are still some music critics who are writing music reviews, commenting on Ruan Su and us who sing better and more beautiful." The male singer opened another music review with a high number of likes, "Said Ruan Su alone tops us, It's useless to say that I am, in addition to knowing YOYO twice, but I have to share the salary with you equally, hahaha!"

"Isn't there a lot of thieves like this? I thought you were used to it." The female singer couldn't help but said again, "By the way, aren't we going to have a music variety show recently? Or... let's tell the director Say, ask Ruan Su to sing a song too?"

The male singer nodded, thinking it was a good idea, "It's best if the three of us sing this "Mrs. Shexiang" together."

"Okay, let's discuss it with the program team first, let's go!"

The female singer was originally a fiery temperament, grabbed her jacket and walked out, and the male singer quickly followed.

Ruan Su on the plane didn't know that she was already thinking of her and wanted to invite her to do a show together.

The popularity on Weibo has been persistent for a long time, not only Weibo.

This incident was also widely reported on social media in country M, which attracted the attention of many people who kept praising Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su.

"Bo Shao deserves to be the son of the president, and represents the M image of our country for the people and the country."

"The image of our Chinese people is tall and mighty, and is so just and awe-inspiring in the international arena, which is touching and admirable."

"I really didn't expect that it was the wife who was so touching and touched hundreds of millions of people."

Almost all reviews are positive.

The president also knew about this, and said to Shang Lingxiao with emotion, "Azhi really gave us a face this time, and his face is really bright. You say, how should I reward him? Let's celebrate. Banquet? Or the famous car of the award-winning villa?"

Before Shang Lingxiao could answer, he said to himself, "Oh, hurry up, Ah Zhi has everything, I didn't expect my son to have such a strong sense of justice, he doesn't seem to care about anything, after so many years, I don't even know what he likes."

Shang Lingxiao heard an inexplicable anger in his heart, Bo Xingzhi, Bo Xingzhi! **** it!

Don't you just fly a plane? What's so amazing? Didn't it just save a few people?

Does it take everyone to be so excited? all so excited? Want a special reward?

Seeing the overwhelming news of Bo Xingzhi on social media, Shang Lingxiao was so impatient that he almost wanted to slap the president in front of him to death.

He lowered his head and stared at the ground sullenly, how could he not die? The words that he didn't want to hear at all were whispering in his ears.

Why are these disgusting father and son still not dead?

Die, must die!

Everyone must die!

The flames of anger surged in his chest, but it was suppressed by the only reason he had left.

"Father, why don't we have a family reunion dinner, and invite other brothers and sisters to come together, let them all learn Ah Zhi, so that they don't always think they can do nothing. I think... it's the right way to share your worries more. ."

The president nodded, "You're right, you have to call those stinky brats and dead girls too, let them grow their brains, and don't just enjoy it every day."

He has several illegitimate children. Although none of them hold any positions, he usually has no shortage of money and lives fairly well.

Among them, Shang Lingxiao and Bo Xingzhi are the most promising.

After hearing Shang Lingxiao's words, he felt that this method was feasible. "Okay, I'll leave this to you."

Shang Lingxiao twitched the corners of his mouth, "Okay, father."

"Well, okay, let's go out." The president waved at him.

Shang Lingxiao felt disgusted as if he had swallowed ten pounds of flies. Why did he hold such a family banquet for Bo Xingzhi? gas!

He turned away, his face black as ink.

The president glanced at his back before sending a message to Bo Xingzhi, "Azhi, welcome back."

Of course... Several minutes passed, but Bo Xingzhi didn't reply to him either.

He was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, "Stinky boy, I'm your father!"

Still no reply...

He threw down the phone and snorted, "Forget it, forget it, for the sake of his popularity, this president doesn't have the same knowledge as you."


In the evening, Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su's plane landed at the M country's international airport.

After getting off the plane, the three of them walked directly outside.

As soon as they stepped out of the airport, the driver of the Ye family rushed over, "Miss, Young Master Bo, the old lady asked me to come pick you up."

As soon as he finished speaking, a driver from the presidential palace also walked over quickly, "Master, the president asked me to take you back to the presidential palace."

Ruan Su glanced at Bo Xingzhi, then pursed his lips, "If you go back to the Presidential Palace, I'll go back to Ye's house."

"Alright, then I'll come to visit grandma and grandpa tomorrow." Bo Xingzhi knew the president's urination, and he and Ruan Su were already very tired and exhausted.

So he doesn't plan to fight with the president anymore, making himself even more tired.

So the two cars drove out of the airport at the same time. Ruan Su sat in the Ye family's car with his head tilted against the window, looking at the scenery outside the window.

After going out for nearly half a month, I was very tired physically and mentally.

When she was drowsy, the car parked in the garage of Ye Family Manor.

The driver's voice sounded, "Miss, you're home."

Ruan Su opened her eyes and yawned delicately, then got out of the car.

The driver pushed the suitcase behind her and walked towards the villa where Mrs. Ye lived.

Ruan Su asked casually as he walked, "How is your home recently?"

The driver hesitated for a while with an embarrassed expression, "It's okay... okay."

Ruan Su frowned, "What's wrong?"

The driver quickly lowered his head, "No... nothing. It's just... the old lady's health is not very good recently."

While talking, he went to the courtyard.

She took a few steps and ran into the living room, saying loudly, "Grandpa, grandma, I'm back!"

But...the living room was quiet, and her heart suddenly began to sink.

Only Song Jiayan heard the movement and walked downstairs slowly, she walked very slowly with a big belly.

"Xiao Su is back?"

Ruan Su hurried over to support her, "Aunt, where's the family? What's wrong with my grandmother? Is she sick?"

"Xiao Su..." Song Jiayan pulled her to sit on the sofa, "I originally said that I was going to pick you up at the airport, but the old lady suddenly fainted and was taken to the hospital. Now I don't know what's going on, I'm afraid you're worried So I didn't tell you."

"Didn't I come back?" Ruan Su had a bad feeling in his heart, "I'm going to the hospital now."

"You just came back, so you should take a rest and wait until tomorrow." Song Jiayan hurriedly grabbed her, "It's too late today, haven't you eaten dinner yet?"

Ruan Su is still in the mood to eat dinner now, "Aunt, you won't let me go to the hospital, what's wrong with my grandmother?"

"Xiao Su..." Song Jiayan's eyes reddened, "Let's have dinner first."

She didn't know what to say.

As she spoke, she stood up and dragged Ruan Su into the restaurant. As soon as the two sat down, the servant brought dinner.

Do it for two.

Ruan Su didn't like this feeling of being kept in the dark. She was absent-minded, "Aunt, are you telling the truth? I'll find out sooner or later. What's more, I'm still a doctor. If others can't cure it, maybe I can cure it. ."

"Xiao Su... Cancer... Your grandmother is most likely to have lung cancer. The doctor said that she would have to follow up. At that time, you were afraid that you would be distracted on the plane. She was happy and excited when you saved so many people... We are all afraid of you. An accident with Young Master Bo. She's so emotional!" Song Jiayan burst into tears, "If it's really cancer... what should we do?"

"Cancer also has to be classified as benign or malignant, early or late stage. Crying is useless." Ruan Su took her hand, "After eating, I will go to the hospital to find out the situation. I am a doctor, you believe me ."

Song Jiayan's nose was red from crying, "Xiao Su, I'm so sad."

Ruan Su quickly reassured her, her beautiful eyes were full of worry, "You are a pregnant woman, you can't get excited, you will have fetal gas."

She looked at Song Jiayan's bulging belly, "What's more, you are already eight months pregnant, and it will be a while before the due date, but there must be no mistakes."

Outside, I don't know how many people are staring at Song Jiayan's belly, trying to destroy the fetus in her womb.

Song Jiayan choked again. Since she was pregnant, she has been extremely emotional, and she is not at all like her before. She used to be valiant in Team Sky, but now she cries at every turn, and asks Xiao Su to comfort her.

It's really embarrassing.

"Xiao Su, I know, I will take good care of myself and not hold back my family."

"Okay." Ruan Su took another sip of soup before putting down the chopsticks, "I'm going to the hospital now, call me if you have anything."

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