Song Jiayan stood at the door with a big belly and watched Ruan Su's back disappear into the night.

The thick night color makes people feel cold all over.

Although it is spring now, it is still very cold, especially at night like winter.

"There is a heavy dew at night, young lady, you should hurry back to the house." The housekeeper came over and looked at her worriedly, "Your health is important. The old lady will definitely be fine."

If this old lady falls ill, the support in this family will also fall.

"I also really want to go to the hospital." Song Jiayan felt a little uncomfortable, and there was nothing she could do.

She has a big belly and can't take care of herself, let alone take care of others.

Since she married into the Ye family, almost everyone in the Ye family has treated her extremely well.

Her sisters all envied her for marrying a good man and having a good mother-in-law.

There is also a famous and talented niece like Ruan Su at home.

Just being a family member with Ruan Su makes you envy others.

So she sincerely prayed that Mrs. Ye was safe and sound.


When Ruan Su rushed to the hospital, Mrs. Ye just woke up.

After seeing her, her dull eyes suddenly lit up, and she couldn't help reaching out to Ruan Su, "Xiao Su... Are you back?"

Ruan Su took a few steps and rushed to the hospital bed to hold Mrs. Ye's thin hand, "Grandma, how are you feeling now? Is there any discomfort?"

"I was a little dizzy when I woke up, maybe it's because of high blood pressure." Mrs. Ye didn't know her physical condition yet, thinking that she was too excited because of her old problem.

Ye Yanli shook his head gently to Ruan Su, but Ruan Su didn't say any more, but a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "Grandma, it's because I don't want you to worry. The situation on the plane was really dangerous. Fortunately, Bo Xingzhi's flying skills are very good."

"You're all right." Madam Ye struggled to sit up. After seeing Ruan Su, she felt much better.

Ruan Su immediately put a pillow behind her waist so that she could sit more comfortably. "You just woke up, are you hungry? Would you like some porridge?"

The old lady Ye shook her head, her face was still a little pale, and her voice was hoarse, "Drink some water, I have no appetite."

Ye Yanli took the warm water from the water dispenser and fed it to her. After a few mouthfuls, Mrs. Ye's throat finally became more comfortable, "I'm really old, and I faint when I get emotional."

"Grandma, as long as you are fine." Ruan Su patted her hand comfortingly, then picked up the medical records on the table and flipped through them at will.

The medical records are complete, and today's test results are also available.

Especially in the examination of the lungs, there are shadows in the lungs, suspected of lung cancer.

In the case of shadows, it will not be a simple lung disease, and further examinations are required.

Ruan Su frowned, this medical record is temporarily inconvenient for the old lady to see, to save her from psychological pressure.

She chatted with Mrs. Ye for a while, and then said, "I went to chat with the doctor who saw the doctor today. It shows that there are still test results that have not come out. I asked him if he saw it."

Mrs. Ye did not suspect her, "Go ahead."

As soon as Ruan Su walked out of the ward, Ye Yanli followed.

The smile that was forced in front of Mrs. Ye just now disappeared, and his handsome face was worried, "Xiao Su, you have also read the medical records, her illness..."

Ruan Su knew that he was worried about Mrs. Ye's body, and a trace of complexity flashed in her beautiful eyes, and their moods were the same.

"I don't know yet, and further examinations must be done. I suggest doing a fiberoptic bronchoscopy."

"What is fiberoptic bronchoscopy?" Ye Yanli heard about this test for the first time. He had heard CT and MRI before, but the word was very unfamiliar.

Ruan Su was not impatient, but explained patiently, "Bronchofibronoscopy is the clearest, clearest, and most direct examination for lung examinations. A biopsy is taken through a bronchoscopy, and cells are taken to determine which type of tumor it is. Make final diagnosis and treatment."

Ye Yanli nodded again and again, "That's more useful than guessing here."

"I'm going to see the doctor first." Ruan Su walked towards the doctor's office after saying that.

The doctor who diagnosed Mrs. Ye today was about to change shifts with the doctor on the night shift when Ruan Su came in.

He suddenly stopped when he changed his white coat, "Doctor Ruan."

"Doctor Zhang, what do you think of my grandmother's examination?" Ruan Su handed him the medical record, and the man took it over and turned it over, "The old lady is most likely to have cancer. Let's do a detailed examination tomorrow."

Dr. Zhang is a middle-aged man in his forties, and he usually treats patients very rigorously.

Ruan Su has also heard of his character, "Usually my grandmother does not have symptoms of coughing or vomiting, so I was surprised to find out that she has a lung problem this time."

"Lung cancer is like this. It is not without symptoms. The symptoms are relatively insidious in the early stage. Therefore, it is not easy to detect in the early stage. If the fibroid lesion is relatively large, it may cause compression symptoms, such as compression of the heart, arrhythmia or arrhythmia. Abnormal changes in the heart, if it invades the large blood vessels, it may cause symptoms of vascular compression. It may be that we found it early, and the symptoms have not yet appeared." Dr. Zhang took off his white coat, "Dr. Ruan, see you tomorrow. I have to go back first. You don’t have to be too upset, it is most likely benign. If it is benign, it’s okay to not remove it.”

Ruan Su knew that it was time for him to get off work, so he didn't delay his time any more, "See you tomorrow, Doctor Zhang, thank you very much for today. Oh, yes, I have another unkind request."

Doctor Zhang stopped and looked at her puzzled, "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Ruan Su looked at him with clear eyes, "I hope that before the exact test results come out, I don't tell my grandma about the suspected cancer. I'm afraid she can't bear the blow when she's too old."

"Oh, yes." Doctor Zhang promised to leave in a hurry.

Ruan Su put the medical records in his bag, and then walked back to the ward.

The medical records can no longer be seen by Mrs. Ye, otherwise...

She was thinking about this when she heard a familiar voice, "Miss Ruan."

She looked up and saw a familiar figure walking out of the elevator, it was Song Yan's mother, Mrs. Song.

Ruan Su was stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered that he had discussed with Bo Xingzhi to get off the plane today, so he went to the hospital to see Song Yan, but he forgot.

She walked towards Mrs. Song and greeted with a smile, "Auntie, why are you on this floor? Isn't Song Tesuke on another floor?"

Mrs. Song carried a fruit basket in one hand and a bunch of flowers in the other hand, "I saw your uncle bringing your grandmother over during the day, and I was startled. So I'll be fine tonight. Just come and have a look."

With that said, the two walked towards Mrs. Ye's ward together.

"You're so kind." Ruan Su didn't expect Madam Song to be so considerate. She took the fruit basket from Madam Song's hand, "I'll get it for you."

Because Mrs. Song attracted attention and attention, Mrs. Ye did not find that Ruan Su did not bring the medical records back to the room.

Mrs. Song is a very talkative person and is very good at chatting.

It made Mrs. Ye laugh out loud, and it could be seen that her mood also improved.

After chatting for a while, Mrs. Song saw that it was getting late, so she got up.

"I have to go back first. I've been taking Jingyao with me recently. Now I'm staying at home with my husband! I have to go back and put him to bed."

"Is Qiqi accompanying Special Assistant Song in the ward?" Ruan Su got up and escorted her out, "Would you like me to drive you back?"

"No need, the driver is in the parking lot!" Mrs. Song laughed, "Qiqi has been with the ward every night recently, and the child naturally fell on our old couple. But Jing Yao is very sensible and obedient, I hope Song You can get better sooner."

Ruan Su helped her press the elevator button, "Thank you for being with my grandma tonight, she is in a much better mood."

"I think the old lady is in good spirits, why didn't she go home to rest?" Mrs. Song looked at Ruan Su suspiciously, always feeling a little strange.

Ruan Su couldn't say anything more. After all, the test results didn't come out, so she had to say, "I want to do a detailed test tomorrow. After all, I'm old, so I can take precautions before it happens."

"That's right, but it's always right to be careful."

At this moment, the elevator opened with a ding, and Mrs. Song stepped in.

Ruan Su watched her leave before returning to the ward.

Ye Yanli was sent back by Ye Yanli, and Ruan Su just came back today, and Ye Yanli urged her to go, "You have been on the road for a day, and you will come back tomorrow. You have to rely on inspections. And you!"

However, Ruan Su had no choice but to go home.

Early the next morning, she went to visit Song Yan first. Song Yan's health was much better than before.

"The knee is also recovering well, but it's still too early to get out of bed and walk."

Ruan Su looked at the injuries all over his body and smiled lightly, "Qiqi took good care of you, and your complexion has turned a lot more rosy."

Song Yan saw that she was wearing a white coat and knew that she was coming to work in the hospital today. "Qiqi has lost some weight recently because of me."

"Wait until you are discharged from the hospital and compensate others." Ruan Su laughed, "Didn't your young master pay you double the salary for your car accident?"

Speaking of this Song Yan, I feel ashamed, "I feel ashamed."

How can anyone get double pay if they don't go to work...

"Stop talking about this, and take good care of your injuries." Ruan Su looked at the time, "I have to go to my grandma's ward first, she has to go for an examination."

"Boss, I'll take you off." Jian Qiqi quickly stood up, "I heard that the old lady is ill? Is it serious?"

Ruan Su's eyes showed a trace of worry, "Everything has to be checked before we know. Go back and take good care of Song Yan."

While the two were talking, they heard a familiar voice, "Xiao Su."

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