The weather here is hot all year round, with the scorching sun in the sky.

So the people here are very dark skinned.

Lin Qi was sweating from the heat at the moment, and the T-shirt was sticking tightly to his body and it was very uncomfortable.

While answering the phone, he fanned the air with his hands, "Boss, the other party is too cunning, and he is probably a veteran of the crime. I don't think they are targeting the child and Su Xing, but you. The purpose is to lure you out. Damn it. Not a thing."

"I see." Ruan Su nodded, "I called all the brothers from the secret door branch to help. I don't believe that this little beggar could not be found. At present, the little beggar who delivered the letter is the only clue. How?"

"Shang Yang has already found the license plate number of the van. We also went to find the van. After we found it in the woods outside the city, we found that the car was empty. They grabbed the car. So... the clue is broken." Lin Qi said and took out a green sign, "This is the sign found in the van. I don't know where it is. Green..."

"It should have been the gangsters who accidentally fell into the car. They were in a hurry to take the children away without paying attention to this little detail. Take a photo of the sign and send it to me, and I'll check it out." Ruan Su couldn't see any expression on her face, She is now worried about the safety of her child.

If the child has three strengths and two weaknesses, it means that he has implicated Su Xing and the child.

Their mother and son are innocent.

And he didn't want to be the sinner who implicated their mother and son.

Therefore, the child must live and must be saved!

Thinking of this, she frowned, "Remember to report to me in time if you have something to do. I'll check the source of this green brand first."

"Yes, boss."

Not long after hanging up the video call, Ruan Su received the photo sent by Lin Qi.

The green sign is small like a badge, with a wild wolf totem carved on it, and the back is also very green, so green that it makes people panic.

Which organization would use this green stuff as a token?

Ruan Su couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

It always felt weird and abnormal.

Bo Xingzhi was recently checking which institute the architectural drawings of the institute were.

So Ruan Su didn't bother him, but went directly to An Lin and a few secret and great colleagues.

Xuechen directly replied to her, "My sister, my eldest brother, when will you take pictures of Princess Li? The voices on the Internet are so high, let's not miss the best opportunity, okay?"

Ruan Su's head was a little big. "Now is not the time to talk about this. I've been very busy recently, and I don't have the time to talk to you about this."

How come this time, this kid is still talking to her about this?

Princess Li can find a heroic actress to play it, right?

"What about the script? My sister, didn't the director of the banquet ask you for it?" Xuechen took the next step.

"The script hasn't come out yet. I'll talk about it after I've been busy for a while. It's not a very urgent matter." Ruan Su's head hurt even more. !"

"Okay!" Xuechen was a little reluctant to miss this rare opportunity to catch Ruan Su.

An Lin quickly returned to Ruan Su, "That's a small group called the Green Hat Family in the red light district, but I heard... this small group is affiliated with the Emperor Sky Green Army. You know... this Green Army is nothing. nice one."

"I see. I will go to the secret door under my hand to check the details."

The secret and great information is well-informed on the dark web, so Anlin finds this information extremely quickly.

Ruan Su told Lin Qi about the relationship between the Green Hat family and the Emperor Sky Green Army.

After doing all this, she realized that it was late at night.

She looked at the surrounding environment and realized that this was the study in Bo Xingzhi's private villa.

Knowing that she was busy, Bo Xingzhi never bothered her.

She was instantly moved.

Pushing open the door of the study, she found that the light downstairs was still on.

She walked suspiciously and smelled a faint aroma of rice.

She walked towards the restaurant and saw a delicate supper on the table.

Simple red bean porridge, and fruit salad, a mashed potato.

Bo Xingzhi heard footsteps coming out of the kitchen, he was still wearing a floral apron.

Looking at her dotingly, "Are you tired from working in the middle of the night? I made some porridge and a simple late-night snack. How about you try it."

He doesn't know how to do complicated things. These simple ones are okay. Just peel the potatoes, put them in a pot and steam them, and pour some tomato sauce on them.

Fruit salad is more convenient, the fruit is cut everything and sprinkled with salad dressing.

Red bean porridge Rinse the red beans and throw them into the pot, add water and cook until OK.

So...he ended up cooking a plate of edamame.

It's all very simple stuff.

This time he thought he didn't roll over.

He brought the steaming edamame that had just been cooked and placed it in front of Ruan Su.

He also took off his apron and sat beside her, then squeezed an edamame, peeled it off, and threw it into the bowl in front of Ruan Su, "How about edamame."

Ruan Su almost vomited after taking a bite.

She looked a little complicated and looked at Bo Xingzhi with a look of anticipation, "How much salt did you put in?"

"I put three spoonfuls, what's wrong?" Bo Xingzhi peeled an edamame for himself, and suddenly Jun's face wrinkled, "It's so salty, don't eat it!"

It was so salty that it made me want to vomit.

He directly picked up the plate of edamame and poured it into the trash can, "Don't eat it, it's too unpalatable."

Ruan Su wanted to laugh a little, but she held back.

Start with salads, and mashed potatoes.

There are salads, porridge, and edamame in this late-night snack.

It was a strange combination, but when she thought of this man clumsily making a late-night snack in the kitchen, she was only moved and joyful.

Whatever it is, eat it.

What kind of supper is this, it's exactly what this man wants.

He held himself wholeheartedly in front of him, how could he not accept and not give back?

She was thinking about it here, when she suddenly saw a warm smile flashing across Bo Xingzhi's handsome face, his eyes were as bright as diamonds, he opened his thin lips, kissed the corner of her lips, and licked her lips unwillingly. Horn.

Full of charm and evil.


"You got it here, let me clean it up for you."

Ruan Su blushed, the man actually swept away the mashed potatoes from the corner of her lips...

Don't be ashamed!

Fortunately, there are only two of them in the villa!

After eating supper, Ruan Su took the initiative to wash the dishes, and the man pushed her out of the kitchen, "Go and rest, I'll wash."

Ruan Su smiled and had to go back to the bedroom.

After returning to the bedroom, she went directly to the bathroom to take a shower.

The light in the bathroom was turned on. Not long after she turned on the shower, the door was pushed open. She looked up and saw the man taking off his coat, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, one, two, three...

Ruan Su said to him unnaturally, "What are you doing?"

The man's elegant eyebrows moved and he smiled, "Let's wash together to save time."

Bo Xingzhi unbuttoned another button, turned around to hang his clothes, the shirt that had been completely unbuttoned was gone, and it was sex, feeling the perfect body that instantly made all women's heart beat faster.

The silk strips all over the body are all perfect, and there is temptation everywhere.

Because of the strong visual impact, Ruan Su's eyes couldn't help but sway, and then he heard the man's low voice, "Help me wash."

The corners of Ruan Su's eyes twitched, subconsciously wanting to refuse, but she walked over by ghosts and gods and took the initiative to extend her hand...

Two minutes later.

The man's crimson thin lips curved slightly, looking at the woman whose two little hands were constantly busy, "Wipe my back."

Ruan Su: "..."

Ruan Su originally thought that he would be given all kinds of things by men in the bathroom...

It turns out that she thinks too much. The man didn't do anything, he just looked at her inscrutable.

Ruan Su thought that the man had made a late-night snack for himself in a thoughtful manner, and it was nothing to wipe his back.

So she didn't think about it any further.

After waiting for him to wash up, she was ready to leave.

But the man suddenly buckled her waist from behind and pulled her into his arms.

The man's suppressed and forbearing voice sounded in his ears, "Wife, where do you want to go?"

Ruan Su's arm rested on his still wet chest, his eyes narrowed, "Aren't you going to sleep?"

However, the man pressed her directly into his arms, his thin lips fell, and lightly bit her shoulder.

The skin that had just taken a hot bath was very sensitive, and Ruan Su's head instantly exploded like fireworks.

The whole body is numb.

She tried to avoid it, but she couldn't avoid it... and the man had no intention of letting her go.

She's been so busy lately...he's so busy that he doesn't have time at all, and it's rare that no one bothers them.



The morning sun filtered in through the window.

It just hit the upper body of the man Chiguo, and the man's perfect body line is extremely perfect to stimulate the eye.

Ruan Su opened his eyes and saw this extremely alluring scene.

The non-stop all night made her tired and uncomfortable now.

She moved to check the time, but found that her phone was turned off.

Last night, she was forcibly carried by this man from the bathroom to the bedroom, and every scene made her heart beat faster.

Ruan Su's eyes looked at the man's still sleeping face, which was unbelievably beautiful.

The sharpness between his brows seemed to soften a lot, but he was still invincible.

She yawned and sat up. She blinked and looked at the man's still closed eyes. The sunlight outside the window was warm and pleasant, with a faint golden halo falling on him. It was really beautiful.

Especially how the plump thin lips look and feel.

She couldn't help but stretch out her finger and lightly tap the man's thin lips.

At this moment, the man suddenly opened his mouth, and caught her finger all of a sudden.

Soft lips put her fingers in her mouth.

Ruan Su was taken aback and wanted to pull out his finger, but the man bit it tightly.

The man's eyes were as bright as stars, and he looked at her evilly. Ruan Su had to look at him aggrievedly, "Let go, it hurts a bit."

The voice was hoarse and soft, and the man loosened his teeth as soon as his heart softened.

Only then did she see a faint circle of teeth marks on her fingers.

Smelly man!

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