Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 963: What are you doing for fun?

Bo Xingzhi hugged her with a smile, continued to close his eyes, his long eyelashes flickered slightly, his arms tightened around her waist, the voice just woke up with a hoarse and sullen voice, and a bit of lazy sex, feeling, "Do you want to kiss me?"

Otherwise why steal his lips.

He was actually very happy.

Although his back hurts a lot, Baby scratched his back a few times last night, and it still hurts now.

But in his eyes it was a sign of love.

If there is any injury on his body, it can only be caused by his baby.

Ruan Su's pretty face stiffened, "No."

His big hand grabbed her small hand and shook it twice, "What time is it?"

"It should be seven or eight o'clock, and the sun is out." Ruan Su glanced at the sunlight outside the window.

He suddenly laughed softly, "I exercised so much last night, I'm a little hungry. How about you?"

Ruan Su's face was slightly hot, no matter how long she was with him, she always seemed to be the one who was teased.


"Then let's order takeout to deliver the food." Bo Xingzhi turned on his phone, asked Ruan Su what he wanted to eat, and placed the order.

Ruan Su was too lazy to lie on the bed, so Bo Xingzhi got out of bed and went to wash.

In a daze, she fell asleep again.

When he woke up again, he saw Bo Xingzhi wearing a black bathrobe sitting on the sofa in the bedroom holding a notebook and working.

Just as she was about to lift the thin quilt and get out of bed, she suddenly remembered that her clothes from yesterday were all in the bathroom...

She took another look at the clothes hanger by the bed and there were no pajamas. After looking around, she saw Bo Xingzhi not far away with his shirt.

She quietly got out of bed, stepped on the floor with her bare feet, and dragged Bo Xingzhi's white shirt over her body.

Bo Xingzhi looked at her when he felt the movement, and when he looked up, he saw Ruan Suzheng standing in front of him wearing his shirt, and his slender and clean legs were eye-catching.

The boundless beauty of spring makes the throat tighten.

Ruan Su didn't notice that the man was looking at her at all, she turned around and wanted to go to the cloakroom to find her clothes.

As a result, as soon as she turned around, the man stretched his long arms and pulled her into his arms, and she fell on the sofa unexpectedly and was buckled to her chest by the man's big palm.

The man's brows and eyes were filled with the lingering warmth from last night, as if a fire was burning.

Although she only wore one shirt, she felt as if the shirt on her body had been burned to ashes...

There is a feeling of red fruit coming.

She swallowed her saliva subconsciously, and said softly in the man's devouring eyes, "I'm going to find pajamas... You let me go..."

The man stared at her pretty face, his voice low and slow, "Okay."

Having said that, he tightened his palms even more.

The next second the man pressed her into his arms, she was forced to sit on his lap, and the man's thin lips slowly fell and gnawed gently.

Ruan Su felt a little weak when he was so obsessed with him early in the morning.

All his nostrils were surrounded by a man's clear breath.

Through a thin layer of shirt, you can clearly feel the temperature of the man Yuyu's open chest.

She was wearing a man's shirt, with an air of sultry.

There was only a double sofa in the bedroom, the space was cramped, and the temperature kept rising.

And the man's big palm pressed the back of her head and clasped her waist with one hand.

She couldn't move at all.

She struggled slightly, but the man smirked in a low voice, "dressed like this, wife, what do you want?"

Ruan Su glared at him with a charming look, "It's not because of you, the pajamas I brought into the bathroom last night were all wet by you... I want to go to the cloakroom to find a new set."

The man's eyes were deep and sultry, and his voice was hoarse and low, "Wife, although it's early spring, the heating in the house is still fully on. You can go looking for clothes without wearing them...why do you want to pick up my shirts? Put on?"

Obviously just to tempt him!

Ruan Su's charming eyes flashed with shame and anger, "I just wanted to find a pajamas! You... Where did you think of going?"

The usually cold face is dyed with a faint blush, like a goddess who is forbidden and wants to be high and cold.

But extremely captivating.

The man's teasing voice sounded instantly, "Then why are your face so red?"

Hearing his question, her face instantly flushed red.

The corners of the man's lips were slightly raised, and he directly picked her up and pressed her onto the bed.

Her blue hair was scattered on the bed, and the man lowered his head and took a deep sniff, "Although it's not as long as before, it looks good now."

"Bo Xingzhi, don't be like this... I was very tired last night." Ruan Su looked at him with clear eyes.

The man nodded and said sternly, "That won't work. We've been very busy every day recently, and our nerves have collapsed like a chord. You finally have an operation this afternoon, and you have time this morning... You won't let me eat enough? "

"You're a bastard!" Ruan Su gave him a coquettish look.

The man pursed his lips and kissed. "I'm a **** and a **** who loves you."

At the temporary noon, Ruan Sucai was so weak that she could finally go to eat. Bo Xingzhi picked her up from the bed and sat down at the dining table.

She is really weak now and has no strength at all.

The lunch prepared by the part-time worker invited by Bo Xingzhi was already set on the table, and the food was very rich.

The man handed the chopsticks to her, his eyes filled with doting, "Eat more, it's good for your health."

Ruan Su looked up at him lazily, lowered her head and took a sip of soup, pursing her lips, "If you squeeze me a little less, my body will be better."

The man raised his eyebrows lightly, showing a trace of wanton evil, "How is this oppression? This is an in-depth exchange of physical and mental pleasure."

His eyes darkened, "Do you still have the strength to accuse me? Huh?"

Ruan Su froze instantly, "No, no. I'm hungry when I eat vegetables."

Bo Xingzhi smiled softly and did not tease her again.

After waiting for her to eat, Bo Xingzhi picked her up again and carried her directly to the balcony. The warm sunshine in the spring shone on her body, which was very warm and comfortable.

"Lie here to rest for a while and soak up the sun."

There is a sofa bed and a hanging chair on the balcony, which is very comfortable.

Ruan Su lazily curled up on the sofa bed like a cat, looking out the window at the trees and flowers that were sprouting.

Delicately yawned, she was still a little lazy, "I'll sleep a little longer, you will call me at two o'clock."

At three o'clock, I have to operate on my grandmother, so I get up at two o'clock to take a shower.

This time, Bo Xingzhi didn't have the heart to disturb her again, but put a thin blanket on her, and sat aside with his laptop in his hands to do his work.

Occasionally he would look up at her sleeping face, put his warm fingers on her lips for a moment, or lower his eyebrows and lean over to kiss her forehead.

Ruan Su frowned as if he felt something, but still fell asleep.

Seems to be really tired of her.

Ruan Su was woken up by Bo Xingzhi, and when she opened her eyes, she felt the warm sunlight shining on her body.

After a good night's sleep, I felt a lot more comfortable and my physical strength recovered a lot.

I saw that the man was still sitting energetically beside her at work, and saw her wake up. The man closed the notebook and said, "Wash up and eat something, and I'll take you to the hospital."

Ruan Su nodded when passing by the restaurant, and saw several exquisite dim sums on the restaurant.

It seems that Bo Xingzhi prepared it when she was asleep.

This man is always so attentive.

She quickly finished washing up and put on a more comfortable set of casual clothes. Because I have to go to the operating room in the afternoon, I have to dress more comfortably, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to stand in the operating room for a long time.

She wore a pair of flat shoes, which were extremely comfortable.

Came to the table to eat some snacks and drink a glass of hot milk.

Wiping his red lips, he looked at the man next to him who had changed his clothes.

The man wore a navy blue sweater with a pair of black slacks, which made him look tall and long and very sporty and casual.

She looks good, no matter what she wears.

Ruan Su squeezed a cake and put it in his mouth, "Eat one before leaving."

Bo Xingzhi was caught off guard and was forced to open his thin lips to chew and swallow.

He has never been very fond of these pretty and fancy desserts, such as macarons and small sweet-scented osmanthus cakes.

But as long as it is fed by Xiao Su, I like it if I don't like it.

Bo Xingzhi drove her away after taking her to the hospital.

Ruan Su went directly to Dr. Zhang's office. When Dr. Zhang saw her coming in, he got up immediately, "Dr. Ruan, are you here?"

"How are the preparations for the operation?" Ruan Su asked.

Dr. Zhang immediately handed over a dozen reports to Ruan Su, "All the preoperative examinations of the old lady's body indicators have been completed, and she is just waiting for the operation at three o'clock."

Ruan Su casually flipped through it and said to him, "Okay, I'm going to change now. We'll go to the operating room at three o'clock when we're ready."

The time soon reached three o'clock.

Almost all of the Ye family were in the hospital, and many relatives of the Ye family heard that the old lady had also come over for the operation today.

Seeing Ruan Su and Doctor Zhang approaching, Ye Yanlijun's face flashed a trace of worry, "Xiao Su, after all, your grandmother is so old..."

"It doesn't matter how old you are." Ruan Su patted him on the shoulder soothingly, "Uncle, although I am not the main surgeon for this operation, I can trust Dr. Zhang's technique. He is very good."

Hearing Ruan Su say this, Ye Yanli had no choice but to let go of his bad premonition, "That's fine."

He looked at Dr. Zhang again, "I'll leave it to you this time."

"You're welcome, Ye Shao, I will definitely finish this operation successfully." Dr. Zhang said a few words and entered the operating room with Ruan Su.

The operating room door slammed shut.

Everyone gathered outside and waited quietly.

Song Jiayan stood beside Ye Yanli with her potbellied belly outstretched, Ye Yanxin was moved and helped her to the side of the chair and sat down, "I won't let you come, but you want to come. You are a pregnant woman, what are you talking about? Lively, shall I ask the driver to take you back?"

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