"Aren't I worried about my mother's surgery? I also want to accompany my mother."

Song Jiayan held Ye Yanli's hand, while the other hand stroked her stomach and sat down on the chair with some difficulty.

Several other relatives around also spoke up, "That's right, Jiayan, you're going to give birth soon, so it's better not to go back and forth."

"It's almost due date, isn't it?"

Song Jiayan smiled gently, "It's still half a month before the due date."

"It's still half a month early. You have to pay attention to your body when you are about a week before the due date. The baby will come out one day."

As soon as she finished speaking, Song Jiayan suddenly felt a pain in her abdomen.

The pain suddenly caused the stomach to churn.

The child turned vigorously in her stomach, and it was almost visible to the naked eye that the baby was moving on her stomach.

Because of the relatively good nutrition in the late pregnancy, her face has been round and jaded recently, and her facial features will be wrinkled. She pales in pain, and holds Ye Yanli's big palm tightly, "Husband, my stomach suddenly hurts!"

"What?" Ye Yanli was taken aback.

The second-born mother was also taken aback just now, "Isn't it half a month left? Why does it hurt?"

"Isn't it about to give birth?"

"Has the amniotic fluid broken? Is it red?"

"Oh my God! Call the doctor!"

"Go to the obstetrics department!"

The people around started to urge, some of them had already run over to find the nurse at the nurse station.

The scene was instantly chaotic.

Ye Yanli's head exploded with a buzzing sound when he heard that Song Jiayan was likely to give birth.

He stood there at a loss, almost helping Song Jiayan with his hands and feet, his voice trembling, "Wife, wife, hold on...I, we'll go to the obstetrics department right now."

"What are you going to go for? Hurry up and hug her!" Old Master Ye was anxious for his son. Why does his son look stupid now?

Ye Yanli heard Father Ye's low roar, and hurriedly hugged Song Jiayan, and trotted all the way towards the elevator.

"Yes, yes, Dad is right, what else did I let you go?"

Other relatives have already pressed the elevator button. "The obstetrics and gynecology department seems to be on the third floor."

Two nurses at the nurse station also chased after them, running and contacting the obstetrics and gynecology department, "There is a pregnant woman here who is about to give birth. You should prepare quickly. We are from the operating room, yes, yes."

"How is it? Are the contractions severe? What is the frequency?" A nurse asked Song Jiayan gently, "If it's about once every two minutes, it means you're about to give birth. Is it wet underneath?"

"Yes... I felt a warm current gushing out just now, I don't know if it was red or..." Song Jiayan's forehead was covered in sweat, her face was pale and she shrank in Ye Yanli's arms and replied Nurse's question.

"It should be red, don't be afraid, take a deep breath, and don't be nervous." The nurse followed her into the elevator, "I'll take you there."

The elevator descended rapidly and quickly reached the third floor.

The elevator door was opened, and several nurses from the obstetrics and gynecology department were already waiting here. Seeing Ye Yanli rushing out with Song Jiayan in her arms, she immediately said, "Come here with us to check how far the cervix is ​​open."

"Come here and check it out."

Ye Yanli did not dare to delay, and immediately followed the nurse towards the examination room.

Mr. Ye and several relatives of the Ye family also rushed over, "Jiayan, don't be nervous. Listen to the arrangements of the doctor and the midwife."

"Yes, yes, there is nothing to be afraid of to have a baby. It's right to listen to the doctor. If you really can't have a baby, you will have a caesarean section."

"Just use force, if not, cut it."

"Cesarean section is uncomfortable. It will take more than a month for the incision to heal. Do you think caesarean section is as simple as that?"

"It's easy to take the child out, but it takes a long time to recover from the injury!"

Several relatives started a lively discussion there.

In the examination room, Song Jiayan lay on the examination bed, and the doctor put on sterile gloves to start the examination.

"Yo! I opened four fingers, it's quite fast."

"What work do you do? How is your body usually?"

The doctor asked while examining.

"It's from the Sky Department. I usually train regularly, and my physical fitness is very good." Song Jiayan replied while lying there nervously.

"No wonder I opened four fingers as soon as I saw red, okay, wait a while, and I can give birth after I opened six fingers." The doctor said, and let Song Jiayan get off the examination bed, "Go for a blood test in all aspects. , and fetal heart rate monitoring, once every half an hour."

The little nurse supported her, "Come with me."

Listen to the doctor's words... It seems that giving birth to a child is very simple...

Here Song Jiayan has started to prepare to have a child, while Ruan Su and Dr. Zhang are helping the old lady Ye in the operation.

After the general anesthesia, the old lady closed her eyes.

Ruan Su looked at the calm face of the old lady, and she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

But luckily...it's benign.

Dr. Zhang was under a lot of pressure and felt like he was being supervised by the first person in surgery.

Ruan Su's surgical skills are not comparable to ordinary people, who doesn't know this?

The result was good, they didn't take the lead, they insisted on attacking him.


The little nurse wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Doctor Zhang, are you hot? Shall I turn off the heating?"

"No, no, no." Dr. Zhang almost blurted out, I'm so **** stressed!

I'm not hot!

Generally, on the days when the heating is turned off, the unified heating company shuts down on 3.15.

There is still about a week or so before March 15th.

It's a good day for spring.

"Are you nervous, Doctor Zhang? Are you a little nervous when I'm here?" Ruan Su raised her eyes and glanced at Doctor Zhang, who was obviously short of breath.

"No, no." Doctor Zhang dared not admit it.

Ruan Su had no choice but to say, "Otherwise, I'll go out and have the surgery."

As she said that, she turned around and walked to the rest room outside the operating room.

Doctor Zhang was about to cry.

She's gone and he's even more nervous...

He took several deep breaths in a row before starting the operation.

After resting for a while, Ruan Su felt a little bored and simply walked out of the lounge and went directly to the corridor outside.

Ye Yanli was not seen in the corridor. She looked at the relatives of the Ye family strangely, "Where are my uncle and my grandfather?"

Why is Song Jiayan gone?

"Miss Ruan, your aunt is about to give birth! It's sent to the obstetrics and gynecology department."

"Yes, yes, why did you come out? How's the old lady's surgery?"

When Ruan Su heard that Song Jiayan was about to give birth, she looked at everyone with a strange expression, "She gave birth? The due date is still half a month away! Why is it earlier?"

Saying that, she didn't care to answer these people's questions, and rushed towards the elevator.

The elevator is shown on the top floor and another elevator is shown on the first floor.

She simply rushed directly into the safe passage and took the stairs even faster.

By the time she rushed into the obstetrics and gynecology department, Song Jiayan had already been sent to the delivery room.

"Six fingers have been opened, and I just sent it in to give birth." Ye Yanli said quickly when she saw her, "There is a painless injection."

"I know, you can also give birth in water." Ruan Su said and rushed into the delivery room, and said to the little nurse as she walked, "Prepare me sterile gowns and gloves, I'm going in now."

"Doctor Ruan? Are you Dr. Ruan?" the little nurse said to Ruan Su not sure.

Ruan Su pointed directly to the doctor's badge hanging in front of the pocket of his white coat, "Yes, I am Ruan Su. The mother inside is my aunt."

"Okay, okay, I'll go prepare it for you right now." The little nurse hurriedly went to get the sterile gown and sterile gloves for Ruan Su.

What a joke, Dr. Ruan is very famous. Some time ago, he performed an operation that caused a sensation in the whole hospital. The patient's broken knees couldn't be put together at all, but she succeeded in putting it together abruptly, and the operation was very good!

I heard that the next double medical journal will publish her surgery as a case.

When Ruan Su entered the delivery room, Song Jiayan was frowning and sweating profusely, listening to the arrangements of the doctor and the midwife, exerting force.

Seeing her come in, the doctor said unhappily, "You are not an obstetrician, what are you doing here?"

"This is my aunt. I naturally want to be by her side when she gives birth." Ruan Su said and walked to Song Jiayan's side, "There are better ways of giving birth, such as water birth, why not arrange it?"

The doctor rolled his eyes impatiently, "She is from the Sky Division, and her physical fitness is so strong that she doesn't need water birth at all, right? I think it's better for her to give birth directly."

"Physical fitness is strong, but I don't want my aunt to leave a bad shadow when she gives birth, and I don't want her to suffer when she gives birth." Ruan Su said while giving Song Jiayan an internal examination, "Now Opened seven fingers, ready to give birth in water."

The water delivery method not only reduces the amount of bleeding during childbirth, but also rarely damages the part where the child is born, and the fetal heart rate does not change abnormally. Due to the relatively short delivery time. Therefore, the pain of pregnant mothers will also be reduced and helped.

"She can prepare to give birth in water when she has five fingers. If she gives birth in water when she has five fingers, the child is probably born now." Ruan Su's tone was a little angry, "It's not that our Ye family can't afford the money for water birth. , I think you are just too troublesome."

"Why are you angry? The reason for not preparing her for a water birth is because of her excellent physical fitness. I believe in her physical fitness." The doctor plausibly said. "Are you an obstetrician or am I an obstetrician?"

"No matter how good your physical fitness is, water delivery will also reduce some of the pain of childbirth. Although abrupt vaginal delivery is also possible, but a lot of stitches are required during lateral incision! It hurts when stitching!" Ruan Su didn't want to argue with this doctor anymore. , makes no sense. She said directly to the little nurse, "Get ready to give birth in water immediately."

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