Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 965: Pass the gates of hell!

The little nurse was about to go when she was called by the doctor just now, staring at her with anger on her face, and screamed sharply.

"Are you a nurse in her department or a nurse in the obstetrics and gynecology department? Why should you follow her arrangements and orders?"

The little nurse stood on the spot in embarrassment, her feet as still as if they were nailed to the floor, "Doctor Fu, I... I just want to make the mother give birth as soon as possible."

"I'm her doctor, I have the final say!" Dr. Fu growled irritably, "Dr. Ruan, I invite you out!"

"I'm not really a doctor in your obstetrics and gynecology department, but she is my aunt. I can't leave her alone." Ruan Su said to the nurse directly, "Call the hospital leader for me, I want to apply for admission to the obstetrics and gynecology department. The authority. I was wrong just now, I operated across departments, and my hand stretched too long."

The little nurse didn't dare to delay, so she hurriedly called the leader. Ruan Su was wearing sterile gloves, so it was inconvenient to hold the phone.

After the call was connected, Ruan Su immediately applied for permission.

The leaders did not embarrass her either.

What a joke!

She is now the face of the general hospital.

Who doesn't know that she is so good at playing with a scalpel.

What's more, it was because the aunt was going to have a baby, so it was reasonable for her to accompany the delivery in the past, right?

Who has few relatives and few acquaintances?

After hearing that the hospital leader promised Ruan Su to come to accompany the delivery, Dr. Fu's face was very ugly.

The Fu family has always been attached to the Jing family, and can be said to be one of Jing Sa's lackeys.

Therefore, Dr. Fu is also in the same group as Jing Baizhi in the hospital.

She had long been overjoyed that the young grandma of the Ye family had given birth to a child in her own hands, and wanted to toss Song Jiayan vigorously to make her suffer a little when she gave birth.

The best child can be stillborn or the fetus is suffocated or something.

But she didn't expect that Ruan Su ran out of Mrs. Ye's operating room and went directly to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Isn't she performing an operation on Mrs. Ye with Dr. Zhang?

Doctor Fu gritted his teeth in anger.

But he had no choice but to obey Ruan Su's arrangement.

Preparations for water birth are made quickly.

Ruan Su helped Song Jiayan into the warm pool. At this time, Song Jiayan was too sore to speak. She held her high bulging stomach, and the pain was almost convulsing.

The contractions were almost once a minute, and she burst into tears in pain, so she could only hold Ruan Su's hand tightly, "Xiao Su! Xiao Su!"

As if only Ruan Su could give her strength.

"Auntie, I'm here. Is the water temperature ok?" Ruan Su reached out and tested the water temperature, "Listen to the rhythm of the midwife, don't waste your physical strength at will."

The warm water wrapped around her body, and Song Jiayan felt that the pain seemed to have eased a bit.

Her tense mood also relaxed a little.

The body and mind of people soaked in warm water will be relatively calm and relaxed. Due to labor pains, the secretion of stress hormones produced in the body that causes the blood pressure to rise and prolong the labor process will be reduced.

The buoyancy of the water relaxes the muscles, allowing more force to be used for uterine contractions.

This can speed up the labor process and shorten the time to give birth to a baby.

It is also more comfortable in the water than on the birthing bed, and can take different positions to help the pelvis relax.

so that the fetus can be delivered more smoothly.

And the shorter time of water birth can reduce the harm to the mother and the risk of hypoxia to the baby.

With the rhythm of the midwife, Song Jiayan worked hard to cooperate.

The time gradually passed for half an hour, and soon it was close to an hour.

"Auntie, try harder, the child's head has seen it, and it's out!"

Ruan Su's excited voice sounded in Song Jiayan's ears, and she couldn't help but continue to exert her strength.

"Born! The child is born!"

When the child's body appeared in the water, Ruan Su immediately reached out and carried the child out of the water.

The midwife and Doctor Fu began to clean up the blood and some secretions that came out of Song Jiayan's body.

Because the body is relatively relaxed during childbirth in water, there is no tear in the body part, so there is no side incision, and there is no subsequent painful suture problem.

Song Jiayan's physical fitness is very good, so after she got out of the water and cleaned up, Ruan Su helped her out of the delivery room.

At this time, the little baby had already made a loud cry.

Ye Yanli saw Ruan Su helping Song Jiayan out from the inside, and he walked over with the baby excitedly, "Wife, it's a baby boy."

He couldn't help kissing Song Jiayan's cheek, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Let's go back to the ward." Ruan Su smiled, "The child is very healthy, and the physical examination in all aspects is up to standard."

Song Jiayan was still a little weak at the moment, she showed a weak smile and glanced at the baby in Ye Yanli's arms, "That's good, as long as he's healthy."

The little baby blushed and huddled in his father's arms, and fell asleep now with his eyes closed.

It looked very cute, she was a little emotional, this is her baby.

Be a mother!

Being a first-time mother feels really different.

After entering the ward, she lay on the bed, and Ruan Su gave her some popular science after giving birth, "I also ordered you a whole set of postpartum repair packages. After giving birth, women still have to protect their bodies. "

"Thank you, Xiao Su, you are so considerate." Song Jiayan moved her hand, "If it wasn't for you, I would have suffered more when I gave birth."

Judging from the attitude of that Doctor Fu, other things might happen.

Ruan Su smiled and arranged all the things that should be arranged, "Women have to go before the gate of **** when they give birth. You probably won't be able to get breast milk now. If the baby is hungry, you can drink some milk powder first. Aunt, we will hire a professional at home. The confinement aunt came over, the confinement center is still not as comfortable as living at home."

"Yuesao..." Song Jiayan also thought about asking Yuesao before, but she originally planned to discuss it with Mrs. Ye in a few days, thinking that the time would be enough.

Unexpectedly, it was born prematurely.

"Yes, my uncle and I will arrange for the confinement sister-in-law. We will definitely invite experienced people, please invite two." Ruan Su said while looking at Ye Yanli, "One is in charge of the baby, and the other is in charge of the aunt. what do you think?"

Ye Yanli didn't understand this at all, he nodded hastily, "Yes, yes, everything is up to you."

After arranging everything, she left the ward and went directly to Mrs. Ye's operating room.

After entering the elevator, she hurried to the operating room. As soon as she ran over, she heard a young nurse calling her, "Dr. Ruan, your grandmother's operation is over, and it was very successful."

Ruan Su stopped, "Where's her? Are you in the ICU?"

"Yes. It's been about twenty minutes since I advanced." The little nurse nodded, "You can rest assured."

Immediately after the operation, they need to be observed in the ICU for 24 hours, and after the critical period, they can be transferred to the ordinary ward without the need for the ICU.

Ruan Su let out a long breath.

Grandma will be very happy if she wakes up and knows that the child has been born safely and smoothly.

After thinking about it, she went to Dr. Zhang's office, and Dr. Zhang was eating tiredly.

Exhausted and in urgent need of replenishment.

After seeing Ruan Su, the middle-aged man in his forties was so frightened that he almost choked.

No one blamed him, but Ruan Su's medical skills at a young age made him unable to help but feel respect.

"Doctor Ruan, the operation was a success."

"I've heard the nurse say it." Ruan Su glanced at the lunch box he put down, "You eat, don't worry about me."

She said, took out a few shopping cards from her pocket and put them in front of Dr. Zhang, "Give it to you."

Dr. Zhang was so frightened that he hiccups. He quickly grabbed the water glass next to him and took several sips of water. He looked at her in shock, "Dr. Ruan, we are colleagues. I can't take these things."

"It's just a few cards, but it's not worth a lot of money." Ruan Su said, turning around and leaving.

Dr. Zhang grabbed the cards and wanted to chase them out, but he thought that there were people coming and going in the corridor, and he was afraid of causing bad influence when he saw the two of them pulling and pulling.

In the end, he had no choice but to give up. He lowered his head and saw the face value on the shopping card. The hiccups he had just cured suddenly recurred.

"Fuck one hundred thousand?"

He is dizzy!

There are five here, a full half a million?

Those licking dogs who treat Jing Baizhi as lackeys every day have never gotten so many benefits from Jing Baizhi, right?

Dr. Zhang suddenly felt that he and Ruan Su were his own!

Chi Guoguo's own person!

In the next time, I must take good care of Mrs. Ye until she is discharged from the hospital!


the Middle East.

Su Xing sat in a children's room with a sad face, and she looked at everything in the room from time to time.

Su Jinghuai's photos, Su Jinghuai's toys, Su Jinghuai's picture books...

Everything, everything is the shadow of the son.

She closed her eyes sadly, son... how are you now?

Safe or unpredictable?

She dared not think about it.

Just thinking about it would blow my head.

Just when she was sad, there was a knock on the door.

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said softly, "Please come in."

Lin Qi walked in from the outside and handed her the information he had found. "There were two men in the Green Hat Corps who were suspected to be haunting the kindergarten a few days ago. I targeted them both."

"Really?" Su Xing looked at the information he handed over in shock. There were pictures of two men on it. The two men were very airy, and at first glance, they were not good people.

There are also the recent movements of two men, and there is indeed a picture of them wandering around the kindergarten nursery.

"If it's the two of them, now we must quickly find their foothold, and then it is possible to find out where the child is." Lin Qi sat beside Su Xing. He was a rough man and had almost no experience in comforting others.

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