Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 966: Can't believe it! Rough man tenderness!

The man's clumsy voice sounded in Su Xing's ear, "Don't be too...don't be too sad, I will definitely bring the brothers back to the child safely."

Su Xing raised her head and saw Lin Qi beside her. The man was wearing a black T-shirt, and the air of the dusty man who had just returned from the outside was blowing towards his face.

The sun is shining in the Middle East, and he has been running around, so he still smells like a rough man full of sweat.

Not dirty, not smelly.

It was sweat in search of her child.

It moved her, and she couldn't help but feel a strong expectation in her heart.

"Lin Qi, thank you."

Lin Qi wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled a little rough, "Why do you say these polite words? We all work for the boss. Although you manage women's work, but our boss is the same, then we are family."

Su Xing heard that Lin Qi didn't talk to her at all, although the man didn't speak any pleasant language.

But Su Xing was still moved, and tears rolled in her eyes.

She couldn't help but turned around and wiped it.

Then I heard Lin Qi ask her rudely, "How's the ransom going? 100 million is not a small amount, I have also saved more than 100 million for those who have been running around behind the boss over the years. Lend it to you first."

Su Xing immediately shook her head when she heard the words, "No, no, I can make it up myself. Now I have collected tens of millions, how can I use your money?"

It is already very troublesome for others to help them find children, and Su Xing felt that it would be too shameful to use other people's money.

She also knew some people who could borrow some money, and she also took part of the money from the Huo family.

So piecing things together should be able to scrape together 100 million tomorrow.

I'm just afraid that in the days to come, I'll have to spend it repaying debts.

Her salary is not low, but for these debts, it is a drop in the bucket.

Her savings and her assets are all gone...

But what does money mean when compared to the life of a child?

"You must find me if you need it." Lin Qi stood up after saying that, "I have to go back and take a shower, it's really hot today."

As he said that, he walked outside, and Su Xing also came out to see him off, seeing that the T-shirt on his back was soaked with sweat.

Immediately, there was a hint of emotion in my heart.

She said subconsciously, "Lin Qi, why don't I... let me wash your dirty clothes for you? You can also bring some of your brothers here... After all, go out..."

Lin Qiyi scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "No woman has ever washed my clothes in my life! I'm so embarrassed, forget it, I'll do it myself."

With that said, he strode away.

The man is tall and straight.

It's just that the sweaty T-shirt was deeply imprinted in Su Xing's mind.


In a dark room, a small shadow huddled in the corner.

With a "click" sound, the door opened.

A man in a wheelchair was pushed in.

The man looked condescending even in a wheelchair. He looked down at the little boy curled up in the corner with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

Since the kid was arrested, he hasn't cried or made a fuss, and has been very quiet. It's so quiet that it doesn't look like a child who is only two years old and can just talk.

This piqued his interest.

He didn't mind coming over to see him in person.

"Little devil, what's your name?"

Su Jinghuai slowly opened her eyes, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, he quietly looked at the man in front of him, and only spoke after a while, "Why arrest me? I'm just a child."

"I have to ask Ruan Su, your good godmother." Di Tian smiled complacently, "Your godmother made my legs crippled, I have to find you if I can't find her. It's very reasonable to pay a mother's debt to her son, isn't it? What? Guess what I'll do with you?"

Su Jinghuai's pupils shrank when she heard him mention Ruan Su's name.

Di Tian observed his expression, he was still a child after all, and his expression was very revealing.

He thought that Su Jinghuai would be afraid to beg for mercy, and would cry and beg him to let him go. But... He never imagined that there was only a flash of fear on the child's face, and soon the child calmly said to him, "If you are targeting my godmother, that's fine. What do you do with me?" It's okay, I'm willing to bear your revenge for her."

What the **** can a two-year-old child say?

Di Tian looked at him in shock, and his heart filled with surprise, he looked up and down the little boy in front of him again, he was small, only above his knees, but his small body stood up straight.

"What if I kill you now?"

"Whatever you want, I don't have the ability to resist." After Su Jinghuai finished speaking, she returned to the corner.

He gritted his teeth, which were not yet even, and dared not let his fear overflow.

Aunt Ruan, if I die... what is death? Will I never see Mommy and you again? It's a pity that I haven't been able to call you a godmother myself.

Su Jinghuai has a small head, and her thoughts are very simple.

He couldn't tell whether Di Tian was frightening him or telling the truth.

He believed it.

He was very afraid of death, but if he died, the man could spare Aunt Ruan.

Thinking of this, he pretended to be calm and said, "After you kill me, remember not to trouble my godmother. She hasn't given birth to her own baby yet..."

The little boy's face was tense, and even now he has not shown any behavior of crying and screaming.

He has always been quiet and calm.

Di Tian couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

"I'm still worried about Ruan Su when I die. Hehe - knowing what a hero protects beauty at such a young age? It's ridiculous!"


He looked up and down the little boy huddled in the corner, "If you have nothing to do with Ruan Su, I really want to accept you as my son. It's a pity—"

"What a pity?" Su Jinghuai stared at Ditian with big eyes like black grapes.

He felt that this man was very scary, and he looked like a bad guy. Although this man was very good-looking, he was bad!

Bad eyes and bad words.

"It's a pity that you are Ruan Su's godson. I can't let you go, and it's even more impossible for me to let you be my child." Di Tian laughed wickedly, "How do you want to die? Did you blow up in a frying pan, or did you Steamed to death in a steamer, or did I just shoot you?"

Listen to these perverted ways to die from his mouth.

Su Jinghuai's small face, which was carved by powder and carved jade, turned pale and pale.

He bit his pink lips, and after a while he said in a trembling voice, "As you wish."


Aunt Ruan!

Uncle Thin!

I'm going to die!

I'm about to be killed by this bastard!

Su Jinghuai cried in her heart.

He's just a kid and it's a lie to be so threatened that he's not afraid.

But no matter how scared he was, he wouldn't let his tears fall.

He is a little man, he should not cry in front of this bad guy, crying is an act of weakness.

This bad guy wants to kill him and Aunt Ruan!

"Interesting, it's really interesting!" After Di Tian finished speaking, he ordered his subordinates to push him out of the room.

The door was re-locked with a bang, and the whole room fell silent.

Su Jinghuai's tears finally poured out after the bad guy left.

He cried silently, letting the tears run down his entire face.

I don't know if Mommy is looking for him, or if Aunt Ruan knows that he was taken away by the bad guys.

He really wants to get out of here...


M country.

After spending a day and a night in the ICU, Mrs. Ye was sent out and transferred to the general ward.

The operation was successful so her body recovered as expected.

She regained consciousness as it approached dusk.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Ruan Su and Mr. Ye who were guarding the hospital bed.

After looking around for a week, I found no sign of my son and daughter-in-law.

Maybe it's going home, after all, my daughter-in-law is pregnant.

She thought to herself.

Feeling her movement, Ruan Su looked at her and looked at each other.

Ruan Su couldn't help a smile in his eyes, "Grandma, are you awake? Does the wound hurt?"

The old lady Ye nodded. She is still very weak and her voice is very soft, "Pain... dizzy... uncomfortable..."

"It doesn't matter. These are normal reactions. Are there any other uncomfortable places? If there are any, you must tell me in time." Ruan Su looked at her with concern on the side of the bed.

Mrs. Ye wanted to laugh, but the smile hurt her body, so she shook her head and said no.

"Old woman, you have been very successful in this operation, and our family is blessed with double happiness."

Mr. Ye quickly took out his mobile phone, opened the album, and held it in front of Mrs. Ye, "Look who this is."

"What?" Mrs. Ye looked at his phone suspiciously, and saw a small baby on it.

The baby's facial features haven't grown yet, but he can already see a shadow that is somewhat similar to Ye Yanli.

She looked at this photo in astonishment, and Mr. Ye happily flipped through the album, and several pictures in a row were of this little baby.

"This is... Could this be Jia Yansheng? When did it happen?" Mrs. Ye responded very quickly. Seeing Mr. Ye's overjoyed look, if she couldn't figure it out, her brain was broken.

"Haha, the child was born when you were operating. Do you think it was a double happiness? The child is very healthy." Mr. Ye continued, "When Jiayan is discharged from the hospital, I will bring the child over for you to take a look at."

"Discharged from the hospital? Is it a caesarean section?" Old Mrs. Ye thought that her daughter-in-law was guilty of giving birth, and said a little distressed, "It will take a long time to recover from a caesarean section!"

Ruan Su hurriedly explained to Mrs. Ye, "No, grandma. It was a water birth, and you need to be observed in the hospital for two days after giving birth."

"That's fine, that's fine. As long as the child and Jia Yan are safe and sound." After Mrs. Ye finished speaking, her eyelids began to sink again.

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