She wanted to say something else, but before she could say it, she fell into the deep darkness.

"Grandma's body is still too weak, let her rest." Ruan Su tucked Mrs. Ye's quilt in a low voice, "Since grandma is awake and aunt is safe and sound, I have to make a trip. "

"Going on a business trip? Where are you going now?" Old man Ye looked at her in surprise, "Xiao Su, you seem to be very busy recently, has something happened? If you need help, although Grandpa is old, he can still do it. Do your best."

A lot of things have happened at home recently. Xiao Su has been busy before and after, which has saved the couple a lot of heart.

Mr. Ye saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart, and he felt more distressed for this granddaughter.

Whenever I look through her, I seem to see the shadow of my daughter back then.

Now that he heard that she was going to go on a business trip again, he suddenly had mixed feelings and couldn't tell how uncomfortable it was. Seeing that the child was so busy, but he did nothing, he felt uncomfortable.

He also desperately wanted to do something, do something for the children.

Even a little bit is fine.

"Grandpa, as long as you are good, you are better than anything else. Take good care of my grandmother here with the nurses, and I will come back after I settle the matter." Ruan Su looked at the old man Ye with a pair of apricot eyes, and saw that the old man took care of him He took out a token from his pocket.

He looked at the token for a while, then wiped it and handed it to Ruan Su. "It's time to hand this thing over to you."

Ruan Su's eyes flashed with doubts. She looked at the token in her hand. There were three words on the token, "Shocking Bell".

The token is made of amber, painted with totems entwined with leaves, looking ancient and mysterious.

She asked curiously, "What is this? What does the shocking clock mean?"

"Our Ye family has been loyal and good for generations, and has always existed to protect the royal family. If you look at the history of our Ye family's genealogy, you will know that we have been since the Li Dynasty. Just like the blood droplets in the early years or the existence of Jinyiwei. When the bell rings, the seal of divine power will come out."

The old man Ye sighed deeply, and his expression showed a trace of sadness.

"So up to now, why is our Ye family still a century-old family? It's because our ancestors have always been a shocking bell. Unfortunately, a hundred years ago, those imperial families who had been following our Ye family were forced to live in seclusion due to the suppression of various forces. We can't escape from the world. We are holding the Heaven-shaking Clock token, but we are weak and we can no longer restore the glory and glory of the past. Now, Jing Sa is a woman who is madly grabbing power, Xiao Su... I hope you can take it With this Heaven-shaking Clock token, find those families, and they will definitely take you as the leader when they see this token. You and Azhi will no longer have to be weak, and against Jing Sa will have a little more chance of winning."

"Where are those families now?" Ruan Su did not expect that the Ye family still had such a secret.

"I don't know either. But I know where the Earth-shaking Bell is. If you find the Earth-shaking Bell and ring it, then you will naturally meet the descendants of the escapist families or their liaisons."

After saying that, Mr. Ye took out another map. The map looked a little old and very worn.

The writing on it is faintly visible, and the locations drawn on the map are also very old.

"Grandpa, you can rest assured that I will do as you say, but now I have to go on a business trip first." Ruan Su looked at him gratefully, "I didn't expect that grandpa would give me such a mysterious force. In charge, thank you for your trust."

"Whether our Ye family can keep it, whether we can continue its glory, or whether it will be destroyed in Jing Sa's hands, is all up to you." Mr. Ye patted her on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Go ahead."

Ruan Su nodded heavily and clenched the Shocking Clock token in his hand and turned away.

She must go to rescue Su Jinghuai right now!

Looking at Ruan Su's straight and slender back, Mr. Ye moistened his old eyes, and he looked at Mrs. Ye as if he was muttering to himself, "Old lady, you won't blame me when you wake up, right? I handed the burden to Xiao Su... …”


A red private jet rushed over Yunxiao and flew out of the sky.

heading towards the Middle East.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening when Ruan Su arrived in the Middle East.

The private plane landed in the suburbs, and Lin Qi personally drove to pick her up.


"I brought 300 million over here." Ruan Su handed a bank card to him, "If they want ransom, give them the money, and make sure to ensure the safety of the children."

"Three hundred million?" Lin Qi was stunned. "The other party only needs one hundred million."

"The remaining 200 million is just in case. The kidnappers are tricky and have to guard against it." Ruan Su pushed away the bushes in front of him.

Looking at the dark night above her head, she had a serious expression, "I hope the child is okay."

After walking out of the woods, I saw a black car.

Shang Yang was sitting in the driver's seat. After seeing Ruan Su, he quickly got out of the car, "Boss."

Ruan Su nodded at him, "I've been doing well recently. Lin Qi didn't see the wrong person."

The kidnapper's van and the kidnapper's recent traces were all found by Shang Yang, a computer expert, which saved Ruan Su a lot of effort.

The car was walking on the rugged mountain road, and the surroundings were silent.

Occasionally there are insects and beasts.

Ruan Su closed his eyes tiredly and took a nap.

After about an hour or so, the car finally entered the city road.

The bumpy feeling finally faded away, leaving only a smooth ride.

By the time we arrived at the association, it was already past eleven o'clock at night.

Su Xing has not slept and waited for Ruan Su, she was pacing back and forth in the living room uneasy.

The Fan sisters didn't rest either and stayed by her side all the time.

The two sisters graduated from a standard famous university. They were not familiar with them when they first arrived. After being taught by Su Xing for a while, they became her right-hand man.

The twin sisters didn't go back to sleep after hearing that Ruan Su would also come.

"Where is Miss Ruan? Do you want to call and ask Brother Lin?" Fan Yiyi asked Fan Qingqing in a low voice.

Fan shook his head gently, she was a silly elder sister, far less shrewd than Fan Yiyi.

"I don't know, why don't you call and ask?"

Fan Yiyi pouted, "Forget it."

"It's almost here." Su Xing glanced at the twin sisters, "Go wash some fruit and prepare some late-night snacks."

"Okay!" The sisters immediately got up and went to prepare.

They had never done any of these things when they were at Fan's house before, but when they came here, let alone washing the fruit... they even mopped the floor and cleaned them with ease.

Especially the business in the association, the two of them no longer dare to be as sloppy as when they first came.

They clearly know that they are doing something meaningful.

A few days ago, an abandoned little girl with poisonous sores was sent to the association.

The doctors in the association are now in the recovery stage after diagnosis and treatment.

It looks really pathetic.

The sisters had just washed the fruit and walked to the living room door when they heard footsteps, Fan Gently turned around subconsciously and saw a tall and slender woman stepping on the night.

The woman was wearing a beige windbreaker, and the wind at night lifted her flying jacket, looking very sassy.

"Miss Ruan!"

Fan exclaimed softly, "Are you here?"

Ruan Su nodded to her, "Long time no see."

"Come in and have a rest." Fan Yiyi smiled shyly at Ruan Su, "This is the freshly washed fruit."

Ruan Su waved her hand, she is not in the mood to eat anything now.

When she walked into the living room, she saw Su Xing. Although the other party tried her best to disguise her calmness, Ruan Su could see through her calm inner anxiety at a glance.

"Show me all the kidnappers' information, will also tell me the time and place of the transaction tomorrow." Ruan Su rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

"Okay, okay." Su Xing responded and rushed into the room to get these things.

Although it was late at night, everyone still didn't feel sleepy.

After waiting until after twelve o'clock, Ruan Su raised his eyes from the information and glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and then got up tiredly, "Everyone, rest. I'll go meet these robbers in person tomorrow."

Su Xing was startled when she heard the words, and pulled her arm nervously, "Miss Ruan, if these kidnappers have guns... what would you do?"

"It doesn't matter, I have martial arts. Jinghuai is just over two years old, no matter what, I can't let him die." Ruan Su patted her hand soothingly, "Let's rest."

the next day.

After Ruan Su and Su Xing had breakfast together, Ruan Su took a deep look at Su Xing, "Wait for me to bring Jinghuai back safely."

After she finished speaking, she turned and got into the car.

When Su Xing saw that she was leaving, she knew that she was going to see the kidnappers.

They must have got in touch with the kidnappers, and they are going to the place to meet and trade.

Su Xing felt panic in her heart, she couldn't care less, she opened the car door and sat up.

"Go down." Ruan Su looked at her coldly, "You will only hinder me if you go."

Su Xing shook her head, her eyes filled with tears, "Miss Ruan, let me go!"

If anyone is going to die, it must be her, not Ruan Su!

She clenched the package in her hand and prepared a trench coat exactly like Ruan Su.

Ruan Su wanted to open the car door on Su Xing's side, but was blocked by Su Xing's body.

"Miss Ruan, I can't let you die for me."

"I asked you to get off, do you hear me?" Ruan Su's voice was cold enough to freeze the entire carriage.

Su Xing shook her head, "No, I must go with you."

Ruan Su's expression became colder, "I don't agree."

This Su Xing will really cause trouble. Are those kidnappers here to drink tea and chat?

"Miss Ruan, I beg you. Jinghuai is my son. If I don't go, I won't feel at ease if I die." Su Xing looked at her with red eyes. It was obvious that she didn't rest well last night.

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