Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 968: Should I choose him or the other?

"But..." Ruan Su looked at her hesitantly.

Su Xing grabbed her sleeve tightly with both hands, "Miss Ruan, I know what you're going to say. But, I really want to go. Please, let me go."

Ruan Su sighed helplessly and then motioned for Shang Yang to drive.

"Acting on a whim for a while, you must ensure your own safety and don't act recklessly. Su Xing, you should know better than me how you got this life. If Jinghuai is rescued, you... After Jinghuai What should I do?" Ruan Su told her.

Su Xing nodded heavily. "Miss Ruan, don't worry, I'm not a three-year-old child, I will definitely not drag you down."

Ruan Su said nothing, but looked out the car window.

After a while she turned around again, took out a pistol from under the seat, looked hesitant and put it back in again.

"Why don't you bring it?" Su Xing looked at Ruan Su suspiciously. Isn't it safer to bring a gun?

Ruan Su smiled sarcastically, "The robbers won't let us bring guns in. So the weapons are temporarily put in the car. After we get in, if I can send the child out, you must leave us alone and ensure the safety of the child first. Take him away immediately. Got it?"

Su Xing's eyes turned red again, "Then what should you do?"

Ruan Su narrowed his eyes, "Don't worry about me."

Su Xing glanced at her again, and then choked up and said, "Okay. I promise you."

The car continued to drive forward until it reached an abandoned factory. When she saw the gate of the abandoned factory, Su Xing's heart also clenched tightly.

Ruan Su and Lin Qi got out of the car and saw many people in black guarding the abandoned factory.

And Ruan Su only brought Lin Qi and Shang Yang.

After the three got out of the car, they walked towards the gate of the abandoned factory together.

As soon as he walked to the door, he was stopped by a vicious man in black, "Who?"

Ruan Su pointed directly to the black suitcase in the hands of Lin Qi and Shang Yang, and looked coldly at the man in black who stopped her, "One hundred million is in it, I'll pick up my child."

"You can't go in, give me the money!" The man in black raised his hand fiercely to grab the suitcase.

Ruan Su's breath became even colder, "I want to see the child first."

At this moment, a man came out of the factory with a gun on his body, and he said to Ruan Su, "Liangzi, sir, only let this woman in, and the rest will wait outside. write."

When Ruan Su heard the words, he said to Lin Qi and Shang Yang next to him, "Go back to the car and wait for me first."

Lin Qi glanced at her worriedly, but said nothing, threw the suitcase on the ground, turned around and left with Shang Yang.

After seeing the two men leave, the man in black said to Ruan Su, "Come with me."

Ruan Su walked directly into the abandoned factory behind the man in black with the gun.

Lin Qi and Shang Yang prepared all the weapons in the car. Su Xing was very nervous when she saw the two of them fully armed, "Lin Qi, you are..."

Lin Qi raised his head and looked coldly at the reopened door of the abandoned factory, "If the boss hasn't come out in half an hour, we'll go in!"

Su Xing looked at the weapons, she picked up a small pistol and held it in her hand, "I'll go too."

Can kill one count as one!

The three of them waited quietly in the car.

Half an hour passed quickly, and Su Xingshang felt a thin layer of sweat in her heart.

"Five more minutes, we'll go out as soon as the time is up!"

Lin Qi's eyes stared at the watch on his wrist for a moment.

Seeing that it was almost time, Shang Yang started the car and rushed towards the factory gate.

Extremely fast!

The man in black who was guarding the door saw the car rushing over and immediately raised his pistol to fire at them.

The bullet hit the car and left severe bullet marks.

Su Xing sat in the back seat of the car and waited until the car was about to hit the gate. She raised her pistol and shot at a man in black.

This was the first time she hit someone with a gun. Although the pistol was small, her arm was numb from the recoil.

At this time, Lin Qi directly picked up a gun, closed the gun, and shot at the door for a while.

Tututu's strafing speed was extremely fast, and it caught those men in black by surprise.

They didn't expect that the people Ruan Su brought would be so fierce, and they were not afraid of death and directly bumped into them and brought this kind of weapon without saying anything.

And their people were directly knocked down by Lin Qi.

When these people were all killed, Lin Qi said to Su Xing in the car, "Don't go in, you are waiting for us outside. There is something to signal. Shang Yang and I just go in."

"But..." Su Xing wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Qi, "The association cannot do without your management, so many children are waiting for you to go back."

He suddenly snatched the gun from Su Xing's hand and reloaded the bullet for her, "Take it. Be obedient."

A few bullets in this small pistol just now were shot out. Although only two people were hit, Su Xing's arm was so numb that she could barely lift it up.

She didn't expect Lin Qi to notice such small details.

When the man's rough palm handed the pistol to her, she could almost feel the calluses on the man's big hand.

Rough yet warm.

After Lin Qi got out of the car, Su Xing stayed in the car firmly.

He kicked open the closed door with a thud. However, it did not attract the attention of the people inside, because Ruan Su was fighting with a group of men in black inside.

A man in a wheelchair sat high on a high platform and looked down at Ruan Su.

Lin Qi directly exploded a man's head with a gun, followed by the second, the third...

However, what Lin Qi and Ruan Su did not expect was that more and more men in black came flooding in.

And there are only three of them.

Shang Yang's force value is far from Lin Qi's.

Although he also has kung fu, he is a three-legged cat.

After barely holding on for a while, they hid behind Lin Qi out of breath, and when the men in black discovered that he was relatively weak, they gathered around him.

And Lin Qi was so busy dealing with other people that he couldn't care about him at all.

"You can find a way to get out, the boss and I are here!" Lin Qi yelled at him helplessly.

At this time, Shang Yang was sweating profusely, and was supported by his own cleverness.

He hides and runs around.

Seeing that he was about to be caught by the man in black, Ruan Su jumped straight into the air, stepped on the head of a man in black, and fell to Shang Yang's side to help him block some of the men in black. human attack.

"You find a way to find out where the child is being held."

Ruan Su whispered to him, "I'll cover you later."

Shang Yang's head is easy to use, but his force value is a little worse.

People who are good at doing things will also have shortcomings, and there are things they are not good at.

Shang Yang nodded heavily, "Yes."

Ruan Su and Lin Qi, who was not far away, looked at each other, and the tacit understanding of their partners for many years made Lin Qi immediately nodded at her.

Lin Qi carried the gun on his shoulder and shot directly at the high platform.

And the other party was not to be outdone, and rushed forward with guns.

Lin Qi quickly hid behind a large pillar.

The high platform became a mess after being shot by him for a while, and Di Tian, ​​who was in a wheelchair, was immediately pushed away from the high platform by his subordinates.

Taking advantage of this chaotic time, Shang Yang escaped behind a hidden abandoned machine.

He cuddled around his waist, quietly looking for places in the factory where children might be imprisoned.

Di Tian frowned and looked at Ruan Su, "You're crazy!"

"Ditian, am I crazy or are you crazy?" Ruan Su sneered, took a pistol thrown by Lin Qi and pointed it at Ditian, "You stole my child, and now you have to silence us, you are so kind. Like that. I think you're impatient, right? You still treat me like this, knowing that my husband is a poor man."

Just then, bang!

Bo Xingzhi led Cheng Ye and more than 20 brothers to charge in.

Di Tian gritted his teeth, "Damn it! I knew that your husband and wife would never be separated." He clearly arranged his own people for fifty miles around the factory, so why did Bo Xingzhi rush in?

"We've killed all your people, so Ditian, I advise you to take it easy." Bo Xingzhi stared at Ditian with a cold expression, "We don't have any personal enmity with you, so why are you targeting us?"

Di Tian looked up to the sky and laughed, "No personal vendetta? How did you say such shameless words? I tell you, Bo Xingzhi! I will seek vengeance from you in this life, and I will seek vengeance from you in the next life!"

Seeing Bo Xingzhi approaching, Lin Qi was also stunned. He was surprised last night that Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su had always been inseparable as husband and wife. Why did Ruan Su come alone last night.

It turns out that the couple has discussed it, one is bright and the other is dark!

"Di Tian, ​​hand over the child!" Ruan Su's voice was cold, "We will let go of the past."

"Ruan Su! Don't be arrogant, you just killed Bo Xingzhi, and then I let your child go, how about that?" Di Tian squinted his eyes and smiled very proudly, "I really like watching this kind of human nature. Contest, I really want to know, is the child more important? Or is the thin line more important?"

"I want both the child and the husband." Ruan Su's voice became even colder. "So it's only you who will die, Di Tian."

"Really? The child is in my hands now." Di Tian roared angrily, he waved his hand, his eyes gritted his teeth, "Bring me that stinky boy!"

At this time, Shang Yang had just touched a small dark room that was locked. When he was fiddling with how to open the lock, two men in black suddenly ran over, and he immediately hid in fright.

I saw the man in black directly take the key to open the door, and rudely pulled out a little boy over two years old from inside. Shang Yang felt distressed when he saw it, he went around behind the man in black and wanted to knock him unconscious and grab the child. As a result, the two men in black were extremely agile and directly pushed him to the ground.

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