With three strokes and five divisions, Shang Yang was given a uniform, and Shang Yang was dragged to Ditian by the man in black with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Sir, this kid actually wants to go around and take the kid away." The man in black said and kicked Shang Yang again.

Shang Yang fell to his knees on the ground with a thud in pain, extremely embarrassed.

He struggled to get up, but the jet-black muzzle aimed directly at his eyebrows, forcibly pressed him to the ground, a foot in black sneakers stepped directly on his head, and a vicious voice sounded maliciously , "Remember? No way!"

Shang Yang yelled at the man in black, "Let me go! You bastards!"

"Keep your mouth clean! Don't you look at what the situation is now?" The foot stomped on his face and kept rolling over the dishes.

Shang Yang's face was bloodied by the uneven ground.

At this moment, another man in black also grabbed Su Jinghuai and walked over, pointing a gun at the child's temple.

Di Tian smiled sinisterly and triumphantly, "Ruan Su, do you see clearly? Your subordinates and your children are in my hands. I advise you to kill Bo Xingzhi immediately! Otherwise, both of them will die!"

"One for two, you won't lose anyway."

"Hurry up!"

"Go on!"

Di Tian's expression is very crazy, his eyes are full of excitement and viciousness, like a poisonous snake that sees its prey, spitting out a letter, only barely dancing.

"You don't need to kill Bo Xingzhi, just kill me." Ruan Su sneered, she threw the gun in her hand directly in front of Ditian, and walked towards Ditian step by step. "I'm your hostage. Let go of the child and my men."

"You think I'm stupid?" Di Tian raised his eyebrows and looked at her delicate but hateful face, "Ruan Su, what I want is Bo Xing Zhi Di."

"If you don't let the child go, I can't kill him." Ruan Su laughed, "Give the child back to me."

"Then... let's die together!" Di Tian waved his hand, but instantly the entire abandoned factory was pitch black.

Di Tian actually cut the switch!

Ruan Su was frowning and was slowly adjusting to the darkness when he suddenly heard footsteps accompanied by the gunshot of bullets.

She listened to her arguments, dodging bullets.

At this moment, Bo Xingzhi rushed over from nowhere and stretched out his arms to hug Ruan Su in his arms.

Immediately after, they rolled on the spot behind a pillar closest to them.

Ruan Su was hugged tightly by Bo Xingzhi.

She was about to speak when she heard Bo Xingzhi whisper in her ear, "There is probably an ambush here, otherwise Di Tian would not have such a good chance of winning."

As he finished speaking, only a loud bang was heard!

An explosion sounded!

The sky-high flames shot up from the northeast corner of the factory, illuminating the entire factory in an instant.

At this time, Di Tian and his men had already withdrawn to the hanging building of the factory building, and the place below the hanging building was facing the explosion.

A rope was hung high on the hanging floor, and the two figures, one big and one small, hanging under the rope were Shang Yang and Su Jinghuai.

Xiaodou Ding Su Jinghuai, who was only two years old, searched the crowd below with her big eyes when the fire was on. When he saw Ruan Su, his eyes filled with tears instantly.

He couldn't help yelling at Ruan Su, "Aunt Ruan, hurry up and leave me alone. It's dangerous here! They've buried explosives here and there!"

"Damn! How does this stinky boy know?" Di Tian gritted his teeth and couldn't help but slap the man in black beside him.

The man was a little embarrassed, "I don't know either..."

"Give me the rope to descend!" Di Tian had to instruct his men, "Descend, keep descending!"

The men quickly began to turn the chain and pulled the rope down.

Seeing that Shang Yang and Su Jinghuai were about to descend on the explosion pile, the flaming flames swallowed the constantly rising flames, and could engulf the two at any time.

The strong smell of smoke lingered in his nostrils, and the scorching temperature was under his feet.

"You kind of burn me to death now! What kind of man are you torturing me like this!" Shang Yang's shoes had touched the tongue of fire and were burning.

A burning pain in the toes.

But he forcibly held back, what is this ignition?

He is not afraid of death.

Su Jinghuai glanced at the fire under him, his face was tense, and the voice of Xiaomai was over the abandoned factory building, "I'm not afraid either."

Having said that, his big eyes were flushed red, and he was holding back the tears just to keep them from falling.

He don't cry!

He doesn't cry in front of bad people.

He didn't want Aunt Ruan to see his weak appearance.

His two small hands were tied with ropes at the wrists and hung high.

A deep red mark had long been drawn on his wrist, and the rough rope was causing him a lot of pain.

But he will not cry even if he dies, and he will not show weakness to bad people.

The child's skin was originally very delicate, and bloodshots continued to overflow along the rope, almost dyeing the thick rope red.

You can imagine how painful it is!

Even so, he remained silent.

Ruan Su felt very distressed by this scene, "He's just a child, Di Tian, ​​put him down. Let me go up!"

"Ruan Su, it's too late! If you killed Bo Xingzhi just now, maybe I'll let this kid die. But now it's too late! Did you see it? There are explosives buried all around. Ten minutes later All will be detonated! At that time, next year's day will be your memorial day!"

Di Tian's eyes showed the madness of Chi Guoguo, he was a complete lunatic.

He was already crazy!

He went crazy when the child and Ouyang Xing all died!

Now he wants Ruan Su and Bo Xing to stop the bleeding and repay the debt!

He looked at the irritable Ruan Su's red eyes, and then took another look at Bo Xingzhi's anxious look. He couldn't help laughing.

The way he looked up and laughed was so crazy that Bo Xingzhi clenched his back molars, "I'm going to replace the child."

Ruan Su couldn't help grabbing his arm, "He's crazy and you're crazy? You're going to die."

"Do you want me to watch the child die?" Bo Xingzhi stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly, and after a while he let her go again, "This matter is because of our husband and wife. From now on, the child is innocently implicated. If I have an accident, you will find the right time."

Ruan Su nodded heavily, she understood what he meant.

She was a little sad, "Bo Xingzhi, we don't have a child of our own, you must not die, you know?"

Bo Xingzhi held her small face, "Don't worry, I will die by your side even if I die."

His deep eyes looked at her deeply, "I only love you in this life and this life, whether it is dead or alive, I only love you."

When Ruan Su heard him say that, he didn't know why his eyes started to get wet.

She found his lips accurately in the dark firelight and kissed them hard.

Bo Xingzhi didn't expect Ruan Su to be here under such circumstances.

Take the initiative to kiss him!

He was suddenly at a loss.

Ruan Su gave him a deep kiss and then evacuated, looking at him with bright eyes, "If we go out alive, let's have a baby!"

Bo Xingzhi looked at her blankly, "How did you give birth? There are silkworms in your body..."

"If there is no way to conceive naturally, we will use scientific methods!" Ruan Su looked at him with determination, as if he had made up his mind. "Always give it a try, don't you?"

"Okay!" Bo Xingzhi lowered his head and kissed her excitedly. If it weren't for the time and place here, he would really like to...

Ruan Su was breathless after being kissed by him for a while before pushing him away.

Bo Xingzhi hugged her tightly and then released it after a few seconds. He turned and left, striding towards Ditian with his slender and powerful legs.

His back is tall and straight, and against the backdrop of the fire, he is as domineering and mighty as a **** who can resist everything!

"Bo Xingzhi, what are you going to do? Don't think I'll let them go if you come here! Hahaha!" At this time, Di Tian had already lost his mind. His eyes were blinded by hatred, and he could only see his own pain and sorrow. .

He shouted with a twisted face, "Put them down, put them down! Burn them to death! I want to see Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su's children burn to ashes with my own eyes! I want to see them burn to ashes!"


"Shoot! Kill Bo Xingzhi!"

"Kill Ruan Su! They killed my wife and children, and I want them to pay back double!"

When Ruan Su heard his wife and children, he was stunned, "I don't know you at all, when have you harmed your wife and children?"

"Have you seen it, she still doesn't admit it! Ruan Su! My child was stillborn, and he died before he had time to see this beautiful world! It's all because of you and Bo Xingzhi!" Guoguo stared at Ruan Su, her eyes were full of strong hatred, and she wanted to peel Ruan Su for cramps!

"A cunning and ruthless woman like you should have gone to **** long ago! You don't know who I am, right? Hahaha!" Di Tian smiled, "I'll let you all die."

"I'm the one..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Bo Xingzhi coldly, "You are Huo Jiliang!"

As early as when he was at the ski resort, he felt that this Ditian looked very familiar.

And just when Huo Jiliang said that Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su killed his wife and children, Bo Xingzhi couldn't help thinking of Huo Jiliang.

"So the plastic surgeon who died not long after you escaped from prison was killed by you." Bo Xingzhi's expression was cold, and his tall figure was about five meters away from Ditian.

He didn't take any weapons, just stood in front of Di Tian neatly, "If you are really Huo Jiliang, I have to tell you something."

"Su Jinghuai, he is—" Bo Xingzhi was about to tell Huo Jiliang the truth, but at this time Ditian had already gone mad. He smiled very proudly with red eyes, and didn't listen to what Bo Xingzhi was saying. He yelled, "Put it down! Burn to death!"

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