Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 970: he died! Come with me!

"do not want!"

Ruan Su's eyes widened and he ran desperately towards the fire, but at this time the sling was quickly lowered.

In the blink of an eye, Bo Xingzhi had already jumped in front of Ditian, raised his hand and slashed towards Ditian.

Ruan Su rushed into the fire reluctantly, the flames swept towards her, but she rushed in recklessly.

As if feeling no pain.

At the same time, with a loud bang, Su Xing kicked open the closed door. She waited outside for several hours until it was dark, but Ruan Su and the others still did not come out.

She waited anxiously, and finally rushed in with a pistol in her hand.

The moment she kicked the door, the moment she saw her son fall into the fire, she seemed to have fallen into an endless ice cave, raised her pistol and shot at Ditian who was standing on the hanging building. .

"You take my son's life back!"

"You murderer!"

She roared hoarsely, raised her pistol desperately and shot several times frantically.

At this time, Di Tian, ​​who was in madness, also saw Su Xing standing at the door. He widened his eyes in shock and looked at Su Xing in disbelief, "Wife?!"

"you are still alive?"

He was sitting in a wheelchair and didn't have time to dodge at all, it all happened in an instant.

No one expected that a woman would suddenly rush out and shoot at Ditian.

The bullets swish three times in a row and hit Di Tian's chest and arm respectively.

Blood gushed out from his wound, but he didn't seem to feel the pain, and looked at Su Xing with a pair of eyes, "Wife... I'm not dreaming..."

He couldn't help reaching out to Su Xing, plopped down on the wheelchair, and crawled towards Su Xing little by little, leaving a long trail of blood behind him.

"'re not're still alive."

"Why...why did I only know today..."

Blood continued to overflow from his nose and mouth, but he ignored the pain in his body and crawled towards Su Xing, and big tears poured out from his scarlet eyes.

" child!" But Su Xing didn't even look at him, dropped the gun in her hand and rushed towards the fire. She shouted Su Jinghuai's name hoarsely, "Jinghuai! Jinghuai! I am here! Mom is here!"

Di Tian couldn't help laughing at Bo Xingzhi, "My fault, it's all my fault! My fault!"

What does he still not understand by now?

Su Jinghuai was Huo Jiliang's son. His own son was hidden by Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su, but he thought it was... the enemy's child, and he killed his son himself.

"Ah!—" He shouted uncontrollably, his shrill cry resounded above the entire abandoned factory building. He couldn't bear this fact at all.

This fact almost destroyed him in an instant.

He didn't die when his mother died. He knew that Ouyang Xing died, but he didn't die when the child was stillborn.


At this moment, he only hates why he is not dead, why he is not dead!

Why are you still lingering here!

What the **** did he do!

"God! Why did you do this to me!"

At this time, Ruan Su had already rushed into the fire and found Su Jinghuai, and quickly took him out.

Xiao Jinghuai's hair and clothes were on fire, and her face was black with smoke, and she fainted from the smoke long ago.

Ruan Su hugged him tightly in his arms, reached out and probed his breath, fortunately he was still breathing, and fortunately everything was still in time.

Bo Xingzhi and Lin Qi rushed over to rescue Shang Yang. Shang Yang's injury was much heavier than the child's.

Those Ditian's subordinates had long been in chaos when Ditian was shot, and they became a group of rabble.

"The gunpowder will explode in a few minutes. We have to get out quickly." Bo Xingzhi looked at the men in black who were scurrying around, and said to everyone he brought over, "Everyone, go away! Immediately retreat! It's about to explode here. It's gone!"

Su Xing let out a long sigh when she saw the child being held in Ruan Su's arms. She followed everyone and retreated. When she passed Ditian, she stomped on Ditian's chest with hatred. " I have no grudges against you, but you treat my son like this! You give me death!"

The dying Di Tian didn't know where the last trace of strength came out and hugged Su Xing's ankle tightly, he looked at her sadly, tears of remorse and pain rolled down, "A-Xing,'s me, I am Huo Jiliang! I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I didn't know this was our son."

After hearing his hoarse voice, Su Xing's head buzzed, her mind went blank, looking at Di Tian's unfamiliar face, she said in disbelief, "What did you say... Are you Huo Jiliang? You are still alive. ? You have plastic surgery?"

"I'm sorry for you, I thought... I thought he was Ruan Su's child. I thought you were dead, I thought it was Ruan Su who killed you... So I seek revenge against Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi... Now say It's too late for anything." Huo Jiliang took out a bank card and a key from his pocket with trembling hands, "This is my...all my savings over the years, you...give you...the password is you 's birthday. Here's the key to my Swiss bank, you go..."

He can't trust anyone, so his property has always been carried with him.

Su Xing took the bank card and key, still buzzing in her head, feeling a little incredible.

And there was another huge rumbling explosion in the southwest corner, and people around were fleeing everywhere.

Huo Jiliang spat out a mouthful of blood, "Go away, it's going to explode here! I... I've been shot so many times by you, and I can't survive. Go away! I, I'm sorry Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi...for I, say sorry for me...I'm sorry for you...everyone!"

"Take care of the children...forget...forget me!"

He stared at Su Xing with staring eyes, "Let's go!"

Su Xing took two steps back, she covered her head with her hands, "I killed! I killed Huo Jiliang! I..."

She couldn't hold back her tears.

"I deserve you to kill me! Go away! I'd rather die in your hands! I... love you!"

Huo Jiliang kept urging her to leave, Su Xing shook her head and turned and finally ran towards the gate.

Huo Jiliang's eyes flashed countless pictures, how she just married into the Huo family, how she was bullied by him, how she was pregnant... It would be great if life could be restarted... a tear It slid down his eyes and fell to the ground.

sorry! Ouyang Xing! sorry! son! If there is an afterlife, if there is an afterlife... Ouyang Xing, you must never meet me again, nor the Huo family...

Finally, he tilted his head and died.

The sound of rumbling explosions kept ringing, the factory building was abandoned and in disrepair, beams and worn-out machines kept collapsing on him, and he had long since lost his breath.

After Ruan Su got into the car with the unconscious Su Jing pregnant, she found out that Su Xing hadn't come out yet, and Lin Qi also found out.

He turned around and ran towards the factory without hesitation. "Boss, I'm going to find her!"

At this time, Su Xing had just run to the door of the factory building when a huge beam smashed down, blocking her way.

She was startled, she couldn't help but took two steps back, looking at the blocked road ahead with lingering fear, and then glanced at the floating mushroom cloud rolled up layer by layer due to the explosion behind her.

Just when she was overwhelmed and was about to climb on the beam, a familiar figure rushed over the beam.

A warm and rough big grasped her hand, and a hoarse man's voice sounded, "Follow me!"

"Lin Qi?" Su Xing froze for a moment and followed the man's footsteps subconsciously.

"There is a small door here, let's go through the small door!"

The man took her by the hand and walked forward without looking back, Su Xing followed step by step.

She stared blankly at the tall man's back, and a trace of affection that she didn't even know was born quietly.

This feeling... peace of mind, safety, something she had never experienced before.

She didn't know why a strange thought had arisen in her heart, hoping that this path would never end, and she could follow him all the way down...

When the path was about to come to an end, Su Xing heard the whistle of a police car.

"The police are here?" Lin Qi stopped and craned his neck to look forward.

Su Xing looked at him in surprise, "Great!"

When Bo Xingzhi came in in the morning, he had already contacted Li Yanbei and asked him to bring the police over to encircle the Emperor Sky Green Army.

Apparently they have arrived by now.

At the end of the path, dozens of large stones were piled up.

Lin Qi first climbed onto two large rocks about two meters high, then bent down and stretched out his arm to Su Xing, "Take my hand."

Su Xing gritted her teeth and grabbed Lin Qi's big palm, then climbed up.

She stepped on the stone with her toes, and she almost used her whole body to climb up. Suddenly, the small stone she stepped on loosened. When she stepped on it, she was caught off guard and slipped downward.

The small stone actually fell off immediately. Lin Qi hurriedly lay on the big stone and pulled her whole body up. The next second she fell into Lin Qi's warm and broad embrace.

The man looked at her wrist and said anxiously, "Your hand is injured, you have to bandage it quickly."

Only then did Su Xing see that the skin on her right wrist was rubbed, and blood spilled out from the wound.

"It's okay, I'm not in pain."

She crawled out of the man's arms and said a little embarrassedly, "Let's go quickly, or Miss Ruan and the others will wait."

Lin Qi also awkwardly squeezed his hand into a fist, put it on his lips and coughed lightly, "Okay, let's go."

The Wenyu Ruanxiang in his arms just now seems to still have residual warmth.

There was a flush under his bronze-colored face, which made his heart beat faster, but outsiders couldn't see it...

The two hurried forward, Lin Qi took her hand, afraid that she would fall again, and held her hand into his palm.

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