Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 971: forget it! That's good!

Su Xing lowered her head and looked at the man's big hand, and walked out just like that, only when they were about to walk to the side of the car, the two let go.

And the policemen brought by Li Yanbei were already cleaning up the remnants of the Ditian Green Legion. The scene was full of wails. Those who were originally a mob, now Ditian is also dead, they are even more greedy for life and fear of death and fleeing everywhere.

Ruan Suhuai sat in the car with Su Jinghuai who had passed out in a coma. When she saw Su Xing and Lin Qi coming back together, she immediately said to Lin Qi, "Get in the car, let's hurry up and take the child to the hospital."

"Here..." Lin Qi glanced at the police who were catching Di Tian Yu Nie everywhere.

"Leave it to Li Yanbei and Bo Xingzhi, let's go to the hospital first. Shang Yang and the child can't be dragged on any longer." Ruan Su commanded calmly.

As soon as Su Xing got in the car, she saw Su Jinghuai with a black face. Seeing her son's unconscious appearance, she felt extremely distressed.

Check your child's body immediately.

Seeing her worried look, Ruan Su quickly told her, "There are burns on the arms and thighs. These are all skin injuries. I am afraid that he will hurt his head when he falls. It needs to be checked thoroughly."

Su Xing nodded again and again, "Thank you, Miss Ruan..."

"You're too polite." Ruan Su told Lin Qi to drive.

The car slowly drove out of the old abandoned factory, and as they drove far away, they could still vaguely hear the constant sound of explosions.

Fortunately, there are no residents around here, otherwise... I'm afraid it will make headlines directly.

After about two hours, the car finally drove into the city.

Su Xing was praying all the way, hoping that nothing would happen to her son.

Fortunately, after being sent to the hospital for examination, the child was not in any serious condition.

"Slight concussion, and a little malnutrition. Recently, I need to pay attention to my diet. There are also some burns and skin injuries. Because I am young, there should be no scars."

The doctor informed Su Xing and Ruan Su of the test results.

Su Xing's heart that had been hanging in the air finally fell.

The spirit that has been tense has also loosened.


Seeing her like this, Lin Qi hurriedly said, "Your wrist is bruised. Let the nurse take care of it for you."

Only then did Ruan Su realize that she was also injured, "Take care of it, don't get infected."

Shang Yang's feet were severely burned, and the entire right leg was burned, but there was no serious problem elsewhere.

Lying on the hospital bed, he gritted his teeth angrily, "I was captured by those **** just because my martial arts was too low."

"I swear that when my injury is healed, I must practice diligently, and I will become a master of our secret door!"

"These are things in the future, let's recuperate first." Ruan Su glanced at him and poured a glass of water, "The taste of burns is not good."

Shang Yang and Su Jinghuai both lived in the ward of the burn department.

In order to facilitate the care of the two wounded, the two of them were arranged in a double ward, one large and one small lying quietly on the hospital bed.

Su Xing felt a little sad when she saw Su Jinghuai who was still in a coma. She couldn't help but recall the scene before Di Tian was dying.

The man she had always feared was finally dead and never to be seen again.

She hated him and feared for countless nights that he would suddenly appear in front of her and her children and continue to disturb their peaceful lives.

However, when he really died, her heart was suddenly empty, not joy, not happiness, but an inexplicable emptiness.

She herself couldn't tell what kind of relationship she had with Huo Jiliang.

She once wanted to abort the child when she was pregnant, but if she did, she would never be able to become a mother again.

So she left a child, a child with her blood and Huo Jiliang genes flowing in her body.

The child is innocent…

Not only Huo Jiliang's child, but also her child...

"Ditian is dead." Su Xing murmured looking at Ruan Su, "He is Huo Jiliang. He apologized to me... But, what's the use? It's true that he almost killed his own son. He It's a fact that I changed my name."

Ruan Su walked in front of her, then took her hand and stared at Su Xinghong's bright eyes quietly.

"Su Xing, you will be free in the future. You will never be affected by him again. No one will come to find you and bully you again. It is a good thing that he is dead. No one will come to bring bad children."

Big tears fell down, Su Xing couldn't help crying, she covered her face with her hands, crying hysterically, "Really? Really?"

She had never cried so freely.

As if to vent all the grievances and pains of the first half of his life.

Her choked voice overflowed her lips, "That's great... that's great..."

Seeing Su Xing crying frantically, Lin Qi silently handed her two tissues, opened his mouth awkwardly, and said what he had practiced several times in his heart.

"It will be fine after you cry. It's not easy for you to bring your children orphans and widows. In the future... you can find a better man to take care of you."

"You're also pretty, and you're smart and capable. The conditions are very good, and it's even easier to find a good man, so don't cry."

After hearing Lin Qi's words, Ruan Su couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

As her own capable man, she is most aware of how steely and straight he is.

And he's still a rough guy, it's not that he's sloppy, it's just that he has only brothers and only tasks in his mind...

When was the iron man tender? Will you comfort women?

Shang Yang's eyes widened in shock, "Brother... You said it so beautifully! When did you say something like that?"

Lin Qi glanced at him, blushed and retorted with a thick neck, "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm speaking the truth and the truth. When you say this, it makes me feel like... I seem to be glib."


What a drag bro! Because I thought he was smart and capable before, I promoted him.

Su Xing took Lin Qi's tissue and wiped the tears on her face, with a thick nasal voice and a cry, "What else can I find for a woman like me? I have children, what if others treat them badly? It's better for me to live alone, as long as the child grows up safely and well, it is my greatest wish. So, I don't want to look anymore. "

She felt sad again and couldn't help crying again.

The child was born in a single-parent family, a fact that she could not change.

She can only passively accept it, and she can only try her best to raise her children.

Fortunately...the child is very sensible.

Although he is only two years old, he is very sensible.

She really doesn't know if it's fortunate or unfortunate now.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" At this moment, a milky voice sounded from the hospital bed.

Su Xing quickly wiped her tears and walked towards Su Jinghuai, "Jinghuai, how are you? Is there any discomfort?"

"I'm fine, Mommy. There's nothing uncomfortable." In order not to worry Su Xing, Su Jinghuai gritted her teeth and didn't mention her injury.

His legs and arms were burning hot, he glanced at it quietly, and there was medicine on it, it should have been applied by the nurse aunt.

It should be fine in a few days. So he's a little man, he can't cry or cry.

Otherwise, Mommy will be worried and sad.

Aunt Ruan will also be worried.

Su Xing carefully took a wet towel to help her son wipe his face, "If you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell Mommy, you know? Don't push it hard."

"I see." Su Jinghuai answered crisply.

Ruan Su couldn't help laughing, it was really cute.

She checked the child's wound again, "You are injured, so don't touch your wound easily. If there is any discomfort, ask the nurse to help you deal with it."

"Thank you, Aunt Ruan." Su Jinghuai nodded sensible, "Where's my Uncle Bo? Has he come back?"

"He's still handling things in the police station, and he'll come to see Jinghuai later." Ruan Su couldn't help holding his little hand, "Just call me godmother in the future. Don't call me auntie again. Godmother is very happy. To have a godson like you."

Su Jinghuai stared straight at Ruan Su with her big eyes without blinking, her eyes full of surprises, "Can I really do it?"

After asking, he looked at Ruan Su with a little shyness and a little excitement in his eyes, and his tone suddenly became a little shy for some reason, "Godmother."

Ruan Su was stunned, a smile flashed on her pretty face, "Are you shy?"

She couldn't help but laugh, "How can you be shy at such a young age?"

Suddenly Su Xing was also happy.

The haze of being kidnapped before was immediately washed away.

The psychiatrist also came to help Su Jinghuai with psychological counseling and psychological construction, fearing that he would leave a terrible psychological shadow.

But unexpectedly, Su Jinghuai was not particularly affected.

"His mental capacity is beyond my imagination."

The psychiatrist was a gentle young man. He pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said to Ruan Su and Su Xing, "This child is very powerful. He can communicate with me normally after this kind of thing happened, and there is no pain or sadness. Emotions. It's really shocking."

Ruan Su narrowed his eyes, "Is there a possibility that he has suppressed his emotions in his heart? For example, he would have nightmares or cry bitterly. I mean in the middle of the night..."

The psychiatrist nodded in agreement, "There is also such a possibility. Then you can observe again, I will come over to talk to him for a week in a row, if he is normal in mood and behavior for a week in a row, then he is really not. affected by this.”

After speaking, the psychiatrist left.

When the two of them returned to the ward, they saw that Lin Qi was taking a few Ultraman and playing with Su Jinghuai.

The two had a great time.

There are also a lot of Ultraman cards, which seem to be making an Ultraman game.

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