Ruan Su didn't know much about this kind of children's game.

After she watched for a while, Su Xing motioned her to go out to talk with a dignified expression on her face.

Ruan Su nodded and glanced at Su Jinghuai and Lin Qi who were having a good time, and followed Su Xing out.

The two came to a relatively secluded corner in the corridor outside the ward, and Su Xing said solemnly, "Miss Ruan, if I kill Huo Jiliang, will I go to jail in the future? caught..."

It's not scary for her to go to jail, what she's afraid of is what to do with her son?

The son has a murderer mother, even with the help of Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi, his life will be stained in the future.

At that time, she was eager to protect her son. The moment she saw her son being thrown into the fire, she raised her gun and aimed it at Huo Jiliang... She didn't think about what would happen if he died.

This was the first time she had killed someone in her life, and the two or three Huo Jiliang's subordinates who had been hit before were not fatal, so...she was not afraid of being fake. She has been anxiously waiting for the arrival of the police.

Ruan Su patted her hand soothingly, and then said lightly, "Di Tian is a kidnapper, he kidnapped the child, and tried to kill me and Bo Xingzhi. You are just self-defense. This matter is serious. The Yanbei couple will handle it, so you don't have to worry."

"What did you say?" Su Xing stared blankly at Ruan Su, "Am I in self-defense?"

Ruan Su smiled and spoke again.

"Legally speaking, you are self-defense, and greatness is also a self-defense, so you don't have to worry or be afraid. What's more, you have killed a wanted criminal who is also wanted by the heinous H Empire, and you are also doing a lot of evil and jealousy in the Middle East. Business criminals, you have done a great job."

"Dedication..." Su Xing's heart was pounding.

She looked at the woman in front of her, so beautiful and moving.

It was this woman who rescued her and her son from the fire pit and gave them a new life.

She covered her face in shame, tears running down her fingers, "Miss Ruan, I did so many mistakes when I first met, why can you just let it go..."

She choked out, "You have helped me so much."

Ruan Su narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Su Xing, I'm not the Virgin. When you married into the Huo family, it was not what you wanted, and it was not your intention to be manipulated by Huo Jiliang. You are about to be forty years old. I just sympathize with you and a lot of involuntary That’s all. You should know that in many remote areas and countries, there are still many women who are suffering inhuman torture. So, are you willing to do this job?”

Su Xing wiped her tears, "I do."

Ruan Su shook his head, "Take the Fan sisters to Stan and create a new women's and children's protection association. Improving the social status of women is our main task. With Ji Youyou in the Middle East, it can come to an end for the time being. Don't promise yet. It's too early, think carefully before making a decision."

As soon as Su Xing heard that she was going to Stan country, her eyes widened in shock, and her heart also raised, "Then if you go, keep him in your arms..."

Ruan Su's expression was very calm, and she couldn't tell what the mood in her heart was.

"The conditions in the country of Stan are very backward. Whether it is education or life, it is very poor in all aspects. I will give you a fund, and you will use it to set up a school. As for Jinghuai, I want him to live with me in Ye's house. Being separated from your biological mother at a young age is a cruel thing, if you don't want to go, I will send someone else."

"I'll go." Su Xing lowered her head with a hint of reluctance in her voice. "Reason tells me that it is best to follow you and Young Master Bo in Jinghuai. Emotionally, I still can't bear him. Whether it is the Middle East or the country of Stan, the conditions are not comparable. Country M, I can't be so selfish for the sake of my children."

She paused and said, "What's more, the child has his own way to go. I can't stop him from having a brighter future. I'm still worried..."

She raised her head sharply to look at Ruan Su, "I'm also worried that he will follow his father's old path in the future, rebellious and gloomy... So I'll keep it by your side."

Genes are weird sometimes.

She is afraid that Jinghuai will inherit Huo Jiliang's genes when she grows up, and it will become more apparent when she grows up, and she will collapse!

And the best way is to put them around Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi.

Might be better.

"It seems that you have brought up Jinghuai very well." Ruan Su also understood Su Xing's mood at this time, "You don't need to answer me now, you can think about it again, let's go, let's go in."

It took too long to come out, and it was easy to cause Su Jinghuai's doubts.

Although he is young, he is very smart.

Su Xing wiped the tears on her face and adjusted her mood again, and then returned to the ward with Ruan Su.

Ultraman's game is over, and Lin Qi is feeding Su Jinghuai water.

The burnt part of the little guy was burning, but he didn't say anything, didn't cry, didn't cry.

Many people may think that he is very sensible.

However, Ruan Su and the psychiatrist felt that this was an abnormal performance, and he did not look like a normal child.

Normal children want to cry and make trouble, and they want to call their mother when they are crying.

He has nothing.

He can also play with Lin Qi.

This... is clearly beyond the scope of a normal child.

Su Xing felt sad when she saw such a warm picture of Lin Qi and Su Jinghuai.

She was about to part with her son, but he was still so young... She kept doing psychological construction for herself, all for the sake of the child. I don't want him to follow me through hardships and detours, and I don't want him to be as terrifying as Huo Jiliang in the future.

He should become a normal person, study life and work...

Three days later, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi took Shang Yang and Su Jing on a private plane back to M country.

Lin Qi and Su Xing took care of the aftermath here in the Middle East, and then the Women and Children's Association in the Middle East was handed over to a sister in the association to take care of it.

Su Xing took the Fan sisters to the country of Stan, and Lin Qi stayed by their side to protect them.

Looking at Su Xing who was in a very lonely and depressed seat next to him, Lin Qi rubbed his hands together, trying to liven up the atmosphere and soothe Su Xing's mood.

"You can visit the children during the festival... After all, the children are your own. The boss is just taking care of you. Do you think the children brought out by the boss can be bad? Isn't that good enough?"

Su Xing forced a smile from the corner of her lips, but it looked full of bitterness.

"Yeah...she's so good, but I' dirty. My child is also stained with dirty Huo Jiliang's blood."

Lin Qi didn't expect Su Xing to say this, and suddenly felt a little helpless, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

He didn't know how to answer for a while, but after thinking for a while, he said with a very serious expression, "No. You are also very good. You were also sent by the boss to create a new association. Giving birth to Jinghuai can't be your regret in life. Or a stain. Jinghuai is also a very good child. He will only be better in the future."

Su Xing twitched the corners of her lips again and didn't speak again, her eyes were looking at the white clouds outside the window from a distance.

The plane is running smoothly, and both her life and the child's life have opened a new prelude at this moment.

She only wished that he would not repeat Huo Jiliang's mistakes.


Su Jinghuai had never been on a plane for such a long time, and he fell asleep unconsciously in Bo Xingzhi's arms.

When I woke up again, it was dark and the plane was landing.

"Godmother, are we there yet?" He raised his little hand and rubbed his eyes and glanced at Ruan Su who was sitting next to him.

Ruan Su wore a black sportswear with a pair of old shoes on her feet, looking very casual.

She nodded slowly, "Here. We'll go home later."

Bo Xingzhi's deep voice sounded, "There is probably no dinner at home now, we will go back after eating outside."

"What would Jinghuai want to eat?" Ruan Su asked casually.

Su Jinghuai grinned innocently, "You can eat anything."

"Let's eat something light, the child still has wounds." Ruan Su thought for a while before making a decision, "Go to the Liangzi porridge shed."

After getting off the plane, a few of them went to the nearby Liangzi porridge shed together.

It was already more than nine o'clock in the evening, and there were still many customers in the porridge shed.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi found a seat by the window, An child settled in the baby chair and began to order food, basically what the child and Shang Yang liked.

Naturally, it is necessary to focus on two sick numbers.

As soon as the porridge was delivered, Mr. Ye's video call was called.

"Xiao Su, are you here yet?"

"Grandpa, we're here. We're having dinner now." Ruan Su smiled slightly and turned the camera to Su Jinghuai, "I'll show you the child."

The old man Ye smiled kindly, "Is this Jinghuai? It looks good. I just want to see if you are here, and I will be relieved when you arrive."

"Hello, Grandpa." Su Jinghuai greeted Mr. Ye smartly.

"It's so cute and cute! Hurry up and eat." Mr. Ye hung up the phone happily.

Ruan Su brought Su Jinghuai's tableware for the baby and served him carefully.

"I can learn to eat by myself." Su Jinghuai said clearly looking at Ruan Su. His eyes were as bright as black gems.

Ruan Su was about to feed his hand, she looked at the child calmly, "Jinghuai, you are only two years old, it is normal that you can't eat by yourself. You don't have to think that you must be well-behaved and sensible when you are here with godmother and godfather. , you just have to be yourself. Do whatever you want."

Su Jinghuai grinned again, "I know."

"Okay, let's eat." Ruan Su began to feed him again. She has no experience in taking care of children, but... She has always been very smart. When she was on the plane, she downloaded some videos of taking care of children and watched it. practice.

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