Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 973: Those who have been devoured! seen!

After a simple dinner, Shang Yang was picked up by the secret door's brother.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi took the children directly back to Ye's house.

Mrs. Ye was still living in the hospital, but Song Jiayan was discharged.

Ruan Su took Su Jinghuai upstairs to see Song Jiayan and the baby, who was sleeping soundly.

The newly born baby changes day by day, and it has only grown a little after not seeing it for a few days.

His eyebrows became more and more like Ye Yanli.

Song Jiayan said helplessly, "I may be a courier, this kid doesn't look like me at all."

Ruan Su couldn't help laughing, "No matter who you look like, just be healthy and safe."

Su Jinghuai lay on her tiptoes beside the bed to look at the little guy in the crib, "The baby is so cute. I really want to hug him."

Ruan Su hurried over to him and bent down to look at the baby together, "You are too young to hold the baby. You have to be a good brother! You are a brother now!"

Su Jinghuai grinned happily, "Really? I'll be a brother from now on."

Ruan Su patted his little head and hugged him directly into his arms, "Yes! Jinghuai will be my brother in the future, so I want to be a role model for the little baby. You know? Learned a lot of skills.”

Just then, the baby cried.

Yuesao immediately came over to check, "Ouch, the baby urinated."

Ruan Su couldn't help being infected as she watched Yuesao taking care of the baby.

Song Jiayan looked at her bright smile and couldn't help but blurted out, "Xiao Su, you are much gentler now."

Ruan Su looked at her with a smile on her lips, "Why are you so gentle?"

"When I first saw you, your body was cold and your aura was very strong. Now your aura is still very strong, but that coldness has been softened a lot." Song Jiayan tilted her head and looked at her with a smile, "Maybe because... It was only your own reasons before."

Ruan Su glanced down at Su Jinghuai in her arms, and then at Song Jiayan.

"I don't know either. Now I have a younger sister, my grandmother, my uncle and you. I have Bo Xingzhi and Jinghuai... It seems that my life has really changed a lot. My mood is not the same as before."

"No matter what, you are still Xiao Su, the Queen Su." Song Jiayan can now breastfeed her baby proficiently.

After peeing, the baby is hungry again, and the little mouth starts to arch back and forth.

She undressed and was about to feed the baby.

Ruan Su left with Su Jinghuai, unable to bear to disturb the mother and son again.

Su Jing has her own children's room, which she packed out some time ago.

It has all the furniture inside, as well as a children's bookshelf and children's toy box.

Living conditions are much better than in the Middle East.

"Jinghuai, can you sleep alone?" Ruan Su asked him sitting on his cot.

Su Jinghuai nodded heavily, her cute and cute little face was serious, "Of course I can, I'm a man."

"Then I'll leave when you fall asleep." Ruan Su said and lay beside him, stretched out his arms and hugged his soft little body in his arms.

"Godmother, can you tell me a story?" The child's little soft voice sounded in Ruan Su's ear.

She couldn't help laughing, "Okay! Let me tell you the story of the Sky Department! In the past, there was a legendary boy in the Sky Department. He was very powerful! Very good..."

About ten minutes passed, and there was an even sound of breathing around him.

The child fell asleep.

Ruan Su quietly got out of bed, then quietly turned off the light and closed the door.

She let out a long sigh of relief, it was really hard to take care of the child!

What she didn't know was that after she left, the child who was sleeping peacefully on the bed suddenly sat up and walked around the room, walking around.

Early the next morning, it was already eight o'clock in the morning when Su Jinghuai opened her eyes.

I'm so tired... Even though my godmother coaxed me to sleep early last night, why am I still so tired?

He had some doubts in his mind, but the child has always been energetic, and he got out of bed quickly after hearing the knock on the door, "Godmother, I'm up."

Ruan Su's voice outside the door revealed a smile, "Can I go in?"

"Of course!" Su Jinghuai opened the door of the room and ran to the bathroom to wash up.

In the bathroom, a complete set of children's toiletries was prepared by the servant yesterday, and everything was placed there.

Ruan Su walked to the closet and opened the door, turning to ask him, "What kind of clothes do you want to wear today?"

Su Jinghuai spit out the water in her mouth, washed her face again, turned on the children's cream and started to apply on her little face.

After painting, he jumped off the washing stool and ran to the closet, raised his head and looked at Ruan Su, "Godmother, are we going to see Grandma Tai today?"

He heard from his godmother yesterday that his grandmother was hospitalized in the hospital.

"Yeah, so what kind of clothes do you want to wear in Jinghuai?" Ruan Su squatted down and looked at him, "The clothes here are all ready to match, you can choose."

"I want this set." Su Jinghuai took a look and chose a little gentleman's outfit, "Of course you have to dress a little more formally if you want to see the elders."

Ruan Su was fascinated by his cute attitude, and couldn't help raising his hand and rubbing his little head.

"No matter what kind of clothes you wear, you are the most handsome."

After helping Su Jinghuai get dressed, Ruan Su took his little hand downstairs to have breakfast.

Suddenly there was a child in the house, and the servants in the kitchen specially made breakfast that children liked.

Japanese-style tamagoyaki is paired with miso soup, not only for Japanese breakfast, but also for Chinese breakfast.

Cute and cute little animal-shaped small steamed buns, cooked sweet and delicious millet porridge.

In order to cater to the tastes of children, the kitchen is also exhausted.

After eating breakfast, Ruan Su personally drove Su Jinghuai to the hospital. After getting out of the car, she held the child's hand and entered the elevator directly.

Just as the elevator door slowly closed, a large hand reached out, and the elevator door slowly opened again.

A pale-faced man walked into the elevator, and beside him was a middle-aged woman, who was chattering there, "How could you be so ill when you were healthy? Let you young people pay attention to your work and rest early. You don't listen when you wake up early..."

Ruan Su raised her eyes when she heard the somewhat familiar voice, and when she saw the faces of the mother and son, she was a little surprised.

It's the mother and son of the Jing family.

Jing Ren and Mrs. Jing.

"Mrs. Jing, Young Master Jing, why did you come to the hospital?" Ruan Su said lightly.

Mrs. Jing didn't expect to meet Ruan Su here, and suddenly looked a little embarrassed.

She greeted Ruan Su with a stiff face and hypocritically, "Miss Ruan, oh, I heard that you recently recognized a godson, this is the kid? He looks so cute. Congratulations!"

Ruan Su glanced at her lightly, "Thank you, my godson is very cute. How is Cancan doing recently?"

After she finished speaking, she cast her gaze on Jing Ren without a trace, it was obvious that Jing Ren was seriously ill.

His face was pale with a hint of blood.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Jing Ren's face, haggard and low.

It seems he's been having a bad time lately.

"Cancan has been living a very casual life since she lost her memory. She doesn't care if her brother is so ill. I'm really **** off." Mrs. Jing couldn't hold back the chatter and complained, "Last month, she Went out to play with Xiaoyue, but Jingren and Jinghuai also followed. When I came back, I fell ill, took the medicine, lost the liquid, and stayed in the hospital, but it didn't seem to get better."

"How can you be so sick? Did the doctor say what happened?"

Ruan Su looked at Mrs. Jing curiously, last month...

Last month, she vaguely remembered that the formation on Jing Cancan fluctuated and was in a state of being attacked.

That person suffered backlash... so... she glanced at Jing Ren again.

Because there were so many things, she didn't go to ask Jing Cancan how she was doing recently.

After all, if there is something wrong with Jing Cancan, Zhuang Xiaoyue will definitely come to her immediately.

Everything is calm.

Only Jing Ren was ill.

This is too coincidental.

She quietly put one hand behind her to form an exploration formation, to find out whether Jing Ren's condition was backfired by the formation or if she was ill.

The elevator dinged, Jing Ren and Mrs. Jing greeted Ruan Su and walked out.

But that formation has always followed Jing Ren's side.

After a while, Ruan Su also got out of the elevator with Su Jinghuai and went to Mrs. Ye's ward.

She then retracted the formation.

The result of the formation was indeed as she expected. The person who attacked Jing Cancan's formation that day was Jing Ren!

Unexpectedly, there is another person in the Jing family who understands the formation technique, but it seems that Jing Ren only understands fur.

It seems that the small confinement formation on Jing Cancan was also created by him.

How ridiculous!

This kind of three-legged cat kung fu is also matched to mix?

Now that he knew that Jingren did it, Ruan Su secretly had a plan in his heart.

While thinking about it, she arrived at the door of Mrs. Ye's ward.

The door of the ward was open, and she went in directly with the child.

The old lady Ye was drinking water when she heard footsteps and came over, her eyes were directly attracted by the little boy dressed like a little gentleman.

"What a nice kid."

Su Jinghuai wore a grey plaid suit with a pair of shorts of the same color underneath, a pair of small leather shoes, and a British-style knitted sweater, which was cute like the little model who came out of the picture book. of.

"Hello, Grandma." Su Jinghuai walked over very obediently, with a cute smile on her face.

Mrs. Ye looked at him kindly, "Baby, we will be a family from now on. Don't be polite to us as elders. Take this."

As she said that, she gave Su Jinghuai the meeting gift she had prepared before, and Ruan Su noticed that it was a leaf seal.

Everyone in the Ye family will have a seal with leaves carved on the back, but the leaves are different. She has it, and so does Li Zhuoyan. Mother even more.

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