Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 973: Conflict with the anchor!

Ruan Su looked at Mrs. Ye in surprise, "Grandma, is it too early? He's still too young."

The old lady Ye smiled very lovingly, "Although there is no blood relationship, but..."

She always looked at Ruan Su with such a smile, "But since he is your child now, he is the child of our Ye family. He will have everything that the children of the Ye family should have. I won't leave him out because of this. Leave it alone."

"Grandma, I thank you for the child." Ruan Su patted Su Jinghuai's head, "Thank you grandma too soon."

"Thank you grandma, I will keep it well." Although Su Jinghuai didn't understand the meaning of the seal, he felt that it was important to see Ruan Su's attitude.

"It's so nice." Old lady Ye smiled and praised Su Jinghuai again.

Ruan Su saw that she was a little tired and left with Su Jinghuai.

When Mr. Ye sent them out, he whispered, "Your grandmother will be discharged from the hospital in a week. Then... will we hold the family recognition banquet again?"

"I think so too. I'll introduce Jinghuai to everyone, and then celebrate grandma's discharge from the hospital. It kills two birds with one stone." Ruan Su nodded and said to Mr. Ye, "Grandpa, you don't have to worry about these little things, I'll be with my uncle. Just discuss it. Don't be too tired."

"I know." Mr. Ye couldn't help pinching Su Jinghuai's smooth face, "When will you and Ah Zhi have a baby."

Ruan Su pursed her red lips, "Sooner or later."

The elevator door opened, and she walked in with the child and waved at Old Man Ye, signaling him to hurry back.

Standing beside Ruan Su, Su Jinghuai did not ask her for a hug, but looked down at the seal on her hand.

"Godmother, does this seal have any special meaning?"

Ruan Su simply squatted down and looked at him, looked at his big round eyes and told him seriously, "This represents your identity as a Ye family member. Although you and I are not named Ye, we are also Ye. Family. You must keep this seal in the future, it represents your identity. Don't lose it, you know?"

Su Jinghuai nodded heavily, her tender face was tensed, and her pink lips were tightly pressed, "I see. I will definitely protect it."

Ruan Su rubbed his little head and said nothing.

After getting out of the elevator, she got into the car directly, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Zhuang Xiaoyue, "Let's have dinner together at noon, and show you and Cancan my godson."

Zhuang Xiaoyue was doing the report together with Jing Cancan. She complained while picking up the phone, "This quarter's report is so difficult to do, why are there so many details."

The complaining expression on her face suddenly turned into a smile, "Hey? Xiao Su asked us to have lunch at noon."

"Miss Ruan?" Jing Cancan looked at Zhuang Xiaoyue with a pair of phoenix eyes, "It seems that I haven't seen her for a long time!"

Zhuang Xiaoyue held her phone in her hands and laughed, her tone full of envy and admiration, "Oh, she is a busy person. You didn't see the marriage of the big family of the H Empire some time ago, what was it called? The Gu family and the Dai family got married, she I still went! There is also the Fire Jumping Festival in the Middle East, Xiao Su is really hot."

"Xiaoyue, aren't you jealous of her? She is so good." Jing Cancan blinked, her slender phoenix eyes revealing a seductive aura.

The charm of the invisible discharge made Zhuang Xiaoyue unable to resist and push her, "What's the electricity for me? Let me tell you, it's my honor to be friends with Xiao Su. How can I be jealous of her?"

Jing Cancan was pushed to the seat by her, "That's right. She's just a wonderful wife."

"She asked you what you want to eat at noon." Zhuang Xiaoyue lowered her head and continued to reply to the message, "Hot pot, barbecue? Or Japanese or Korean?"

Jing Cancan thought for a while and said, "How about we go to eat yakiniku? Isn't there a baby? Can the baby eat?"

"Xiao Su said that the yakiniku restaurant has Japanese ingredients, tempura, etc. The children seem to like eating shrimp. Then let's eat yakiniku." Zhuang Xiaoyue replied Ruan Su happily, and then smiled. Looking at Jing Cancan, "It's such a happy decision!"

"This yakiniku restaurant is not far from our company. We don't have to drive there." Zhuang Xiaoyue looked at the address and put away her mobile phone, "Should we prepare some gifts for the children?"

Jing Cancan was stunned for a while. She had no experience in this area and rarely got along with children.

"Xiaoyue, what are we giving? Toys? Books? Or clothes?"

Zhuang Xiaoyue directly denied her idea, "Otherwise, send something meaningful. Let's go, let's go to the mall now."

Ten minutes later, Zhuang Xiaoyue's car parked in the underground parking lot of a shopping mall near the company.

She dragged Jing Cancan straight to the gold jewelry counter. Jing Cancan twitched the corner of her mouth while looking at a pair of gold bracelets in front of her, "That's it? What do you mean by meaning?"

A pair of gold bracelets?

Too... corny, right?

"Then what are you giving?" Zhuang Xiaoyue felt that the bracelet was very happy, and she liked it very much.

"Jade keeps you safe, otherwise, let's send jade." Jing Cancan pointed to a safety button and said, "Or, we will send one of the safety buttons and one to Yu Ruyi."

Zhuang Xiaoyue compared gold with jade, and agreed with Jing Cancan, "That's fine, let's choose jade! Jade looks great."

After the selection, the two girls went directly to the yakiniku restaurant, which is a well-known Internet celebrity check-in place.

There are many shop-exploring internet celebrities who love to come and check in to explore the shop.

When they went in, they saw two or three Internet celebrities sitting there while taking videos and trying food.

Zhuang Xiaoyue took Jing Cancan and said as she walked, "By the way, my brother plans to invest in an Internet celebrity company and set up a short video group buying interface, which is specialized in exploring stores. Are you interested in buying shares? I'm quite optimistic. This one, why don't we invest in shares together, and we don't need to manage management. My brother will hire a professional manager. At that time, we only need to pay dividends at the end of the year. "

"Now that the Internet celebrity economy is very developed, I had planned to set up an Internet celebrity incubation company before." Jing Cancan took another look at the Internet celebrity who was punched in not far away. "I didn't expect Zhuang Shao to think of it too."

The two of them came to the reserved seats, and as soon as they sat down, Ruan Su arrived with Su Jinghuai.

The little boy's fleshy, pink and tender appearance immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"My mom! This is so cute!" An internet celebrity who was checking in to explore the store suddenly came out, blocking the way of the mother and son. "Look, everyone, there is a little boy here who is super beautiful and super cute. I really want to take him home."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand with a long manicure and pinched Su Jinghuai's little face.

The little boy frowned and avoided reluctantly, and the live broadcast camera was aimed straight at his little face.

This Internet celebrity was originally an Internet celebrity with more than 300,000 fans, not many, but only a middle and low level.

There were only three or four hundred people watching in the live broadcast room, but unexpectedly, a beautiful baby boy suddenly appeared.

Instantly attracted a large number of people to watch, "So cute!"

"I want to take a bite."

"So cute!"

"Is this a customer of this store?"

The barrage was constantly swiping, and when the swiping was vigorous, a hand as white as jade suddenly blocked the camera.

The cold voice carried an icy chill, "It would be rude to point the camera at my child without my permission, right?"

Netizens only saw the hand and heard the cool and jade-like voice.

Suddenly the pot exploded.

"The child's mommy must be super pretty!"

"My mother! This voice is absolutely amazing!"

"I don't know how many times better than the anchor's voice!"

"I really want to hear Mommy's voice!"

"Anchor, hurry, hurry, let's see what Mommy looks like."

As soon as the anchor looked up, he saw an exquisitely exquisite face, but without makeup, her face was like a hibiscus, bright and moving.

On the other hand, I was wearing heavy makeup, and the filter was so thick that I almost didn't recognize it.

The woman in front of her was so beautiful that she was soul-stirring.

This is the first time in her life that she has met a beauty so close, so beautiful that she has never seen anyone before or since in her short life.

She widened her eyes in shock, "You... who are you?"

Why does it look familiar?

She seemed to have seen it somewhere, but she was sure she didn't know such a good-looking woman.

"Oh my God! Ruan Su?"

"This looks like Ruan Su!"

"Quick, quick, flip through your phone. Right, right, search for her photos on social platforms and grab a bunch of them."

Some customers in the store have begun to look for photos for comparison, "Wow! It's really her!"

"Is the child around her her godson?"

"What a lovely baby."

The anchor felt like she was about to overturn, and the character she maintained must not fall.

She immediately apologized to Su Jinghuai with a stiff face, "I'm sorry, baby, it's my aunt who took a selfie of you without your parents' consent. It's my fault."

"You look so cute, so forgive Auntie?"

Su Jinghuai looked at her quietly, opened her mouth slowly, and pronounced her words clearly. "I can choose to forgive you, but not because I'm cute or not. It's because I have a big heart. So don't talk about how I look. Okay?"

"I'm so stupid! The logic of this kid's thinking is absolutely incredible!"


"I admire you!"

"It is recommended that the baby start a live broadcast!"

The netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked again and couldn't help but exclaim.

Zhuang Xiaoyue and Jing Cancan, who were sitting upstairs, immediately rushed over when they heard the movement downstairs. They saw Ruan Su who was in friction with the anchor, and after listening to the surrounding discussions, they immediately understood what was going on. .

Zhuang Xiaoyue suddenly came over to the anchor and said unhappily, "Please respect our personal privacy."

Saying that, she took Su Jing's arms into her arms, "Baby, auntie will take you to dinner."

She teased Su Jinghuai, "The barbecue here is super delicious."

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