Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 974: living in a wolf's den

Jing Cancan glanced at those anchors and several other online celebrities who visited the store with an unhappy expression, and snorted coldly, "If you don't grow eyes again, harass Miss Ruan, be careful to block you!"

It's just a few small net red anchors, and banning them is as easy as stepping on an ant.

Internet celebrities like them who will do anything for money and have no lower limit, even passers-by have to take pictures, can't stand any scrutiny.

It doesn't take a lot of effort to breathe a sigh of relief for Ruan Su and Su Jing.

After giving them a cold glance, Jing Cancan also went upstairs.

After the three women went upstairs, they took their seats. Su Jinghuai was still in Zhuang Xiaoyue's arms. Zhuang Xiaoyue gently helped him with the children's tableware, "Baby, what do you want to eat? Auntie bakes it for you. It's pork belly. Or beef?"

"I want to eat pork belly." Su Jinghuai glanced at the dazzling plate in front of her, which contained all kinds of prepared pork belly, beef, and seafood.

See his appetite.

He has always been a picky eater, so he is open to anything.

After a while, the baby chair was brought over, and he sat on the baby chair, staring at the deliciously grilled barbecue with big eyes.

"The baby is cute and cute, it's really cute and explosive." Zhuang Xiaoyue was overwhelmed by Su Jinghuai's cute appearance.

Almost without Ruan Su's control, she vigorously gave Su Jinghuai barbecue, grilled shrimp... all kinds of food for the baby.

"You just hurry up and talk to a boyfriend, then get married and have children. That way, you don't have to covet other people's babies." Jing Cancan also thought Su Jinghuai was cute.

But it is far from the exaggerated level of Zhuang Xiaoyue.

Su Jinghuai lowered her head and gnawed at the flesh, occasionally making a low, mournful growl. He couldn't stop biting the flesh, so he could only scream at the flesh.

Seeing this cute scene, Ruan Su couldn't help but slightly curled his lips. He took his children's small bowl, used a fork and chopsticks to make the meat short, and then returned the bowl to him.

The few of them were talking and laughing and eating barbecue, not knowing that Ruan Su had been bombed on the hot search at this time.

#The goddess also eats barbecue#

#The goddess's son's face value explodes the table#

#Begging to meet the goddess Ruan Su at the barbecue restaurant#

#Speaking of Ruan Su, when will you play Princess Li#

Although these media accounts have mosaic Su Jinghuai's face, the unscrupulous anchor broadcast Su Jinghuai's face during the live broadcast, so... there are still some netizens who are spreading Su Jinghuai's photos crazily.

#Godson looks exposed#

Ruan Su frowned and turned on the phone, listening to the beeping sounds coming from the social platform on the phone.

Just saw these strange hot searches.

She was suddenly a little unhappy, "Netizens are really busy these days."

While she was talking, she was about to ask An Lin to remove Su Jinghuai's hot search, but when she refreshed it again, she found that Su Jinghuai's hot search was gone.

Only her hot search was left hanging there alone. Her hot searches don't need to be cleaned up at all. Anyway, a little bit of popularity is good for Princess Li's film and television project. After all... the people involved in the investment are all her relatives and friends.

She thought so in her heart, just blinking her eyes, the phone rang, and the caller ID was Bo Xingzhi.

She raised her eyebrows and answered the phone, "Hello."

"I've dealt with the hot search issue and warned the platform. I won't mention anything about children in the future." The man's cool hoarse voice came with a full sense of security.

Ruan Su's clear brows flashed a hint of warmth, "I see, I'm taking the child to eat barbecue, do you want to come over with me?"

Bo Xingzhi laughed softly, "No need, we can go out to eat hot pot as a family in the evening. Make an appointment and ask her to bring Jingyao with her, so that the two children can get to know each other."

"Okay." Ruan Su agreed softly and hung up the phone.

"Is that a godfather?" Su Jinghuai raised her head to look at Ruan Su. In the small bowl in front of him lay a few red and plump grilled shrimps that Zhuang Xiaoyue had just peeled for him.

He held a small spoon in his little hand, and his white and tender little fingers looked very cute.

"He didn't trust us, so he called and asked." Ruan Su caressed his little face lovingly, "Okay, let's eat shrimp."

"Dog food! Chiguoguo's dog food!" Zhuang Xiaoyue stuffed a piece of beef into her mouth, "Bo Shaomi honey pet, I'll help you deal with the hot search."

"It's really enviable! Immortal companions." Jing Cancan also laughed, with a hint of style in his slender eyes.

Ruan Su raised her eyebrows slightly, "You two girls dare to make fun of me now?"

"Don't dare." Zhuang Xiaoyue quickly took a sip of water, "How dare I!"

Jing Cancan immediately started peeling the lobster for Su Jinghuai, "Come on, auntie will peel you an Australian small green dragon."

The two changed the subject at the right time.

Ruan Su said nothing, and began to simplify the dinner on Qiqi night.

Jian Qiqi was making handicrafts for Song Jingyao in the kindergarten, "Okay, no problem."

By the way, she couldn't help but spit Cao, "I really don't know whether the handwork in this kindergarten is for parents or children. This is clearly torturing me."

Song Yan took over her handmade materials and started making them seriously, "I'll do it."

Jian Qiqi now has time to chat with Ruan Su, "Boss, do you really recognize this child?"

"Jinghuai and Jingyao are both poor children. The living environment around me is better." Ruan Sudan replied, "Let's talk about it in the evening, I'm still having lunch now."

"Okay. See you tonight." Jian Qiqi hung up the phone wisely.

Taking advantage of the gap between meals, Ruan Su probed Jing Cancan's formation under the dining table without a trace with one hand, and the protective formation under her was still unbreakable.

The last time Jing Ren wanted to give Jing Cancan the imprisoned formation again, he was attacked. He was seriously injured and did not break through the protection formation.

Even so, Ruan Su was still not at ease, and reinforced the protective formation.

On the surface, Jing Cancan is the young lady of the Jing family, and the parents of the Jing family dote on her very much, but unfortunately... living in a wolf's den, she has two older brothers who are like wolves like tigers.

"Cancan, has your memory recovered recently? Have you remembered anything?" Zhuang Xiaoyue put down her chopsticks after eating well, and looked at Jing Cancan curiously, "You really can't remember anything?"

Jing Cancan shook his head, "I can't remember. It feels good to be like this. I don't know why, but I always feel that I am living a very relaxed and happy life now."

Her phoenix eyes were puzzled, "I heard from my parents that I used to be different from now."

"It's not the same. You used to be very quiet, but now you are so unrestrained and unrestrained. I like you so much now, it doesn't matter if I can't remember it. Just be happy!" Zhuang Xiaoyue picked up the teapot again and told everyone to separate Added tea.

"Thank you, Auntie." Su Jinghuai thanked her very politely, which caused Zhuang Xiaoyue's coquettish smile, "Oh, so polite at such a young age. So good."

With that said, the two girls gave Su Jinghuai the gifts they had prepared, "Come on, get the gifts for the meeting."

Su Jinghuai put down the small spoon and went to open the gift box, only to see that there were two jade Ruyi and Ping An buttons made of fine jade ice seeds lying quietly inside.

Under the light, it exudes an attractive moisturizing luster.

"It's too expensive!" Ruan Su knew jade, and at a glance, he could see that these two pieces of jade were not ordinary jade, and they must be of great value.

"Jinghuai is our treasure, and I almost couldn't get a gift." Zhuang Xiaoyue said embarrassedly, "So Cancan and I chose jade."

Jing Cancan nodded, "We think jade is worthy of Jinghuai's temperament."

"Thank you two aunties for their love." Su Jinghuai stood up from the baby chair, then directly put her kiss on Zhuang Xiaoyue's face, kissed Zhuang Xiaoyue and then kissed Jing Cancan again.

"My mother! When you grow up, you won't be able to kill young and old?" Zhuang Xiaoyue was so happy when the pink and soft baby kissed her like this.

Hold the child without letting go.

"You guys..." Ruan Su smiled helplessly.

After lunch, the two girls returned directly to the company of the Zhuang Group.

Ruan Su took Su Jinghuai to the park. Now is a good time for spring, and the spring flowers are blooming.

In the park, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the peach blossoms are in full bloom.

A large forest of peach blossoms is endless, scorching its splendor.

When it was almost evening, Su Jinghuai was so tired that she lay down on the safety seat in the car and fell asleep.

Ruan Su did not drive, but sat quietly with him in the car.

The sound of his even breathing came from his ears, as well as the chubby little face that was tender and tender.

Is this what it's like to have a child with you?

It was a tranquility she had never experienced before.

Although the child is not her own.

She let out a long sigh and looked down at her flat belly.

I don't know when I will be able to conceive a life.

I heard that if you raise a child at home, you can recruit a new child. Many infertile families will give birth to a baby of their own after adopting a child.

Don't know if it's true or false.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled in the park, and the sky was covered with rays of light.

The car parked quietly in the parking lot until Jian Qiqi called her, "Xiao Su, have you come to the hot pot restaurant? I'm ready to go."

"I'll go right now. I'm in the park, about ten kilometers away from the hot pot restaurant, and I can drive very fast." Ruan Su said as he started the car, and directly opened the navigation to locate the hot pot restaurant.

"Okay, we'll see you later." Jian Qiqi hung up the phone after she finished speaking.

The car was driving smoothly on the highway, Ruan Su stared straight ahead.

It was the rush hour after get off work and school, there was a lot of traffic, there were a lot of traffic lights, and the cars stopped and went.

When approaching the hot pot restaurant, Su Jinghuai slowly opened her eyes, "Godmother..."

"you're awake?"

Ruan Su glanced at him in the rearview mirror, suddenly! But at this moment, she slammed on the brakes!

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