Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 975: Deliberately framed, cyber violence!

Su Jinghuai was taken aback, but luckily he was sitting in the child safety seat, otherwise he would have been bumped into the back seat at a young age.

"Godmother... what's wrong?"

Ruan Su Xing's eyes narrowed slightly at the black car that suddenly came out of the alley. The car blocked directly in front of her car. The road was not very wide, and there were some small vendors selling things on the left and right sides.

If she hadn't stepped on the emergency brake, she would have been killed or injured if the two cars collided.

The door of the black car was opened, and a tall man got out of the car with a thick steel pipe, and walked towards Ruan Su's car.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he looked arrogant.

After he got out of the car, three more men got off the car, all carrying thick and long steel pipes.

The car facing Ruan Su was smashed for a while.

Bang bang bang!

"get off!"

"Get off!"

He kicked Ruan Su's car door arrogantly, while yelling, "Bitch, get down!"

Ruan Su turned to Su Jinghuai and said, "Sit in the car obediently and don't get out of the car. Godmother, go and deal with the garbage."

"You... be careful." Su Jinghuai bit her pink lips, the men outside looked like bad guys.

At first glance, he is not a good person.

Especially with weapons in their hands.

Just as the men outside were clamoring, the door of the white BMW car was suddenly opened.

A pair of white daddy shoes caught everyone's eyes.

Followed by a slender and slender figure, the woman is tall and slender, wearing a pair of wide-leg trousers with a waist-length white knitted sweater, with a slender waist and long legs, making her waist ratio extremely attractive.

A cold face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

"Bitch, it's you! How dare you bully my girlfriend! Brothers, **** me!"

The first man to get out of the car pointed at Ruan Suzhi with a steel pipe and called, "I told you to bully my girlfriend, but you dare to instruct your fans to abuse my girlfriend online, let's see how I deal with you today!"

As he said that, he picked up the steel pipe and smashed it towards Ruan Su.

"Ridiculous! I don't even know who your girlfriend is." Ruan Su said and avoided the past dexterously.

Then the long legs swept to the man's unstable bottom plate, slap! With a bang, the man slammed his mouth and gnawed at the mud.

The other men rushed towards Ruan Su upon seeing this.

Ruan Su divided two by three, and knocked them down one by one.

The action is handsome without any sloppy action.

To deal with so few scumbags who only scare people without martial arts, for Ruan Su, it is basically a big boss who has completely abused the novice village.

She didn't have the slightest sense of relief, only disgust in her heart.

She has to rush to eat hot pot!

After knocking these little scumbags to the ground, she sneered and stepped on the man's head, "Don't put the unwarranted accounts on me. It's very likely that you will find that you have the wrong person."

The man shouted and took out his mobile phone, "Look at it for yourself! Take a good look at yourself! Your fans attacked my girlfriend online. My girlfriend tried to commit suicide and is now being rescued in the hospital! You murderer!"

He glared at Ruan Su angrily and unwillingly, "You killed my girlfriend."

Ruan Su took his phone suspiciously, and saw several photos of girls lying in the bathtub covered in blood, as well as new hot searches on social platforms.

#Ruan Su fan net violent female net red#

#Female internet celebrity suicide attempt#

#On the importance of guiding fans#

Ruan Su played with the children in the park for a long time in the afternoon, and did not pay attention to any news and trends on the Internet at all.

She never imagined that such a thing would happen.

She has always known that she has big fans who have established super talk, and also established topics, as well as some fan groups and so on.

It's just... She never imagined that these fans would come up with such a life-threatening thing.

"I will investigate this matter." Ruan Su let go of the man and said coldly, "As for who raped your girlfriend online, we can't make a conclusion yet."

Her fans have always been very peaceful, they don't like to cause trouble, and they don't even like to do that kind of shit.

This time, this kind of online violence happened to others, which made her feel very incredible.

"It's a fact that my girlfriend almost died! What else are you investigating?" the man shouted angrily, "I can't get you right now, I'll get you one day!"

Ruan Su ignored him, but turned around and got into the car. The front of the car was smashed so hard that it didn't fall off, and there were paint spots.

She called Ye's housekeeper directly and asked him to contact the insurance company and tow the car away.

However, only then did he go to the back seat of the car to release the child safety seat and hug Su Jinghuai down.

"Are you scared?"

Su Jinghuai shook her head, "I think godmother is so handsome!"

"Slick!" Ruan Su pinched his little face and drove the car to the side of the road to stop.

This led him to stop a taxi and left directly.

Those men didn't have the ability to stop people at all, they could only watch her leave.

"Come on, let's go to the hospital."

In a ward in the hospital.

The girl was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, and in front of her stood a woman wearing a mask. The woman's eyes exuded a vicious light, staring at her for a moment.

"I did everything as I said, didn't I?"

The girl nodded weakly, "Yes... can you call me the money now?"

"One million, I will do what I say." The woman wearing a mask sneered and told the two men in black standing at the door, "Transfer the money immediately."

"Yes, miss." After the man in black picked up the mobile phone and operated it, the girl lying on the hospital bed went to check her mobile banking.

Sure enough, I saw a million more above.

She smiled very happily, "Thank you Miss Ling, thank you Miss Ling."

After she went on the hot search with Ruan Su in the morning, Ling Weixue found her.

Directly asked her to do the next thing.

She didn't dare to offend the Ling family, not to mention there was still money to be made.

But it's just a little blood, you can earn one million, and Ruan Su can be scolded.

Such a result is of no benefit to all.

I heard that the Ling family and the Ye family are not dealing with each other.

So... is Ling Weixue coming to fight Ruan Su? The girl is the Internet celebrity who visited the store in the morning. She has not many fans and usually doesn't make much money.

Suddenly there is a million, this feeling is like a dream.

Ling Weixue glanced at her open eyes when she saw the money, and contempt flashed in her eyes.

"Don't tell anyone about this. Otherwise, you know the consequences."

"Don't worry, Miss Ling. I'm not that kind of person, let alone if someone finds out that my suicide was a fake, wouldn't I lose a lot of money?" the girl said with a smile.

She had cut a little wrist at that time and bled a little.

The blood in the bathtub was the ketchup she bought in advance.

After the photo was taken, the bathtub was promptly cleaned without leaving any evidence.

Ling Weixue said nothing and turned to leave the ward.

The moment she stepped into the elevator, another elevator door opened.

A man with a blue nose and a swollen face walked out of the elevator. He glanced curiously into the elevator and saw Ling Weixue wearing a mask and two men in black.

These three people look like some kind of chaebol gangster...

The man pouted and went to the female internet celebrity's ward without thinking much.

The female internet celebrity was startled when she saw his blue nose and swollen face, "You got into a fight with someone? How did you get beaten up like this?"

The man said angrily, "I found a few good brothers to find Ruan Su to settle the account, but she was beaten by her!"

The female internet celebrity felt her lungs explode when she heard the words, "This woman is going too far!"

As she said that, she took out her mobile phone and took a swipe at her boyfriend. After taking several pictures in a row, she posted them directly on the social platform.

And also @ the official accounts of several media.

"Too deceiving! Ruan Su actually beat my boyfriend! Beating my boyfriend like this! God, how can there be justice in this world? When I was photographing the child, I didn't expect him to be Ruan Su's godson. I realized that I will apologize to the child immediately in the future, and all the fans in the live broadcast room can testify. Why is she still aggressive, not enough to direct fans to be violent, and to beat my boyfriend!"

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

Originally, everyone's focus was on Ruan Su's fans, but now it has become Ruan Suda.

"Oh my god! I knew she was good at martial arts, but I didn't expect that she didn't use it to do useful things, but instead used it to beat people?"

"I think it's too scary."

"This woman is really scary."

"Please take care of your fans, okay?"

And Ruan Su's fans started a fierce quarrel with these netizens in the afternoon.

"We didn't bully anyone online, and we didn't pay attention to this female internet celebrity at all! We didn't harass her, let alone bully her online and scold her."

"All our fans are doing their own thing very well. We don't know what this female internet celebrity is called."

"Don't be too bloody, you actually buckled the big hat that Internet violence caused people to commit suicide, and put it on our heads!"

There are all kinds of voices on the Internet.

"Isn't it? Before, there were star fans who abused amateurs online and made people unable to live."

"Ruan Su is just an internet celebrity, right? There are so many crazy fans in the internet celebrity?"

"I used to think she was quite positive, but now...hehe..."

Say anything.

At this time, Ruan Su had already brought Su Jinghuai to the hot pot restaurant, and Jian Qiqi had already arrived ahead of schedule with Song Jingyao.

"Boss, have you seen those hot searches?" Jian Qiqi held her phone up in front of her with a worried expression, "It's so noisy right now. I think these people seem to be navy soldiers! Shouldn't they be? Someone planned the whole thing on purpose?"

"I don't know either. I've already gone to investigate." Ruan Su placed Su Jinghuai on the baby chair and sat down by herself.

"Many people say that your house has collapsed. Hey, it's really annoying. There is no time for people to stop every day." Jian Qiqi's tone was a little irritable.

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