Mrs. Huo is a Crybaby

Chapter 1173: Song Jingwan who had plastic surgery is back?

Song Jingwan, who had plastic surgery in Chapter 1173, is back?


Wang Jiayu and Ye Meichen didn't know the ‘love-hate entanglement’ between Song Yaoyao and them. At this moment, seeing Huo Ningxi doting on his girlfriend so much, tears of envy flowed.

"Is this someone else's boyfriend? It's so warm!"

Facing the two nympholy gazes, Huo Ningxi smiled, her facial lines soft, and she became more handsome and handsome.

The two nymphs want to scream again.

Zhong Lixue shook his head and let him eat without worrying about himself. But after Huo Ningxi wiped his hands, he didn't touch anything on the table again.

It was Zhong Liwan who was very happy to eat. She kept taking breaths, her mouth seemed to be swollen. Obviously I was in the air-conditioned room, but I was so hot and sweaty, I couldn't help but exchanged excitedly with Wang Jiayu and the others, "It's delicious! If I had known that there are so many delicious foods in China, I must return home early! "

"Wow, do you think it's delicious too? It's really a perfect match with crayfish in summer!"


Song Yao raised his forehead and watched the friendly scene silently.

As Zhong Liwan ate, she suddenly screamed and was so scared that the shrimp in Wang Jiayu's hand fell out. Looking at Zhong Liwan's frightened look again, she thought something was happening, and asked quickly: "What's wrong?"

"Me, my face!"

Song Yao's eyes moved slightly.

"You are not allergic to crayfish?"

Zhong Lixue was still wearing gloves, she wanted to touch her face but didn't dare to touch her face. She cried and said, "The hyaluronic acid I just took!!"


Ye Meichen almost spit out a sip of beer, she looked at Zhong Liwan dumbfounded, "This...cough cough cough...this..." This question is super-especial!

"Are you drunk too much? It's time to go back." Zhong Lixue tugged at Zhong Liwan's clothes calmly and motioned her to stop talking.

It turned out that she was so excited just now after eating crayfish, and had two or three bottles of beer with Wang Jiayu and the others.

At this time, his cheeks were red and his eyes were bright.

"I didn't drink much!"

Zhong Liwan looked around cautiously, suddenly leaned over, and said proudly, "I didn't expect it? I had a plastic surgery!"


"This this……"

Wang Jiayu and Ye Meichen are already confused, and Hua Guo is not very tolerant of cosmetic surgery for artists. Which celebrity has undergone plastic surgery will definitely be caught and mocked for years. They didn't expect Zhong Liwan to be so upright, and they only knew them, so they dare to shake their plastic surgery.

Zhong Lixue's expression was a bit ugly, "What's the matter with you?"

"Huh?" Zhong Liwan was a little dazed, "Can't you say it?"

Everyone knows that she has always been abroad before, and she is more tolerant of plastic surgery, so she can understand that she doesn't care about things.


This is China!

Wang Jiayu chuckled dryly, "Heh, really love to make jokes, I see you look very natural!"

"Yeah, yes, I was really scared by you at first, are you kidding me?"

Although he looks a bit mixed, he can still see the facial features naturally.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, the two of them were looking for Zhong Liwan's steps.

"I'm not kidding! If you don't believe me, I will show you my previous photos!"

Zhong Li hummed angrily and took out his mobile phone and started rummaging.

Huo Ningxi sat next to Zhong Lixue, playing with her mobile phone carelessly, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Zhong Lixue was irritated, "What are you doing? My brother has exhausted money and material resources to train you, don't shame him!!" She couldn't help it, and reached out to stop.

Song Yaoya raised his eyebrows, wondering why Zhong Lixue was so kind, it turned out to be because of Zhong Li. This girl with indifferent personality, once her brother is involved, she becomes a fan with no brains to maintain.

The more she stopped, the more Zhong Liwan wanted to show her.

During the dodging, the phone ‘pop’ dropped to the ground, attracting the attention of several people.

Song Yaoyao bowed her head inadvertently, her pupils suddenly tightened.

The girl above is looking at the camera. The background is blue. It should be a photo taken before the operation. The black hair is shoulder-length, apricot eyes and nose are not particularly stunning, but it is a charming type that many boys will like.

But this was not what surprised Song Yaoyao the most. What surprised her most was that the face in the photo was surprisingly--

"Jing Wan?"

Huo Ningxi was shocked and inexplicably surprised. He seemed to have suffered a great psychological shock. He was still expressionless just now, but now he looked at Zhong Liwan in surprise, trying to see some clues from her face.

The more I look, the more surprised.

The face, height and body are very similar, except that the eyes have turned into large European-style pairs and the nose is a little bit curled up, the rest of the parts, in comparison with the photos, are exactly the same as the photos.


Wang Jiayu and Ye Meichen have already silenced automatically, and they can see some similarities no matter how blind they are.

Zhong Liwan was still at a loss. She blinked, pointed her finger back, and asked, "Are you calling me?"

"Sorry, let's go to the bathroom first," Zhong Lixue uncharacteristically, strongly dragged Zhong Liwan away.

Song Yaoya blinked and bent over to pick up the phone.

It seemed that the other hand was going to be picked up. The hands of the two of them accidentally touched, and Song Yaoyao didn't react yet, Huo Ningxi quickly took away his hand.

Song Yaoya picked up the phone and enlarged the picture.

Looking at it, she suddenly laughed, "It's really surprising."

Wang Jiayu, who dared not speak, and Ye Meichen stared at Song Yaoya blankly.

She seemed to have suddenly become fierce, her face was still the same, but she had a sense of aggression that made people dare not look directly at her, and her smile was not enough.

Song Yaoyao was a little surprised by the sudden loss of horses.

She put the phone on the table, got up, "I have something else, you eat slowly."

After all, he lifted his foot out of the shop.

"Song Yaoyao, you—"

Behind him, Huo Ningxi chased for two steps, the glass door ajar.

"Go back to eat." Song Yaoya waved her hand without turning her head, bent over and got into the car, and left soon.

When Zhong Lixue pulled Zhong Liwan with a wet face back, Song Yaoyao was no longer in position.

Zhong Lixue's eyes flashed, she turned her head and looked at Zhong Liwan coldly, "Don't think I will hide it for you, I will tell the truth about this to my brother!" See if he will like you!

Huo Ningxi stared at Zhong Liwan, not knowing what to say. After pondering for a moment, he asked, "You have been abroad for more than a year?"

"What's more than a year?" Zhong Liwan was sober, "I am of Chinese descent, and I have grown up abroad since I was born."


Huo Ningxi frowned, "Don't you remember?"

Zhong Liwan felt even more strange, she knocked her head, "Ah... so dizzy..."

She staggered towards the door, Zhong Lixue glanced at her and said to Wang Jiayu and Ye Meichen: "Can you trouble you, don't tell me about this?"

It should be about Zhong Lixue's plastic surgery, Wang Jiayu and Ye Meichen nodded immediately.

"Don't worry, we won't talk nonsense!"

(End of this chapter)

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