Mrs. Huo is a Crybaby

Chapter 1174: Did you touch her?

Chapter 1174 Did you touch her?

"Tuk tuk-"

Huo Jiu's voice sounded outside the study, "Miss Song, Dr. Liu wants you to come."

Song Yaoyao stood up immediately after turning over the book.

As soon as she took a step, her wrist was grabbed, and the man looked at her with a faint concern, "Sick?"


Song Yaoyao coughed, and under his deep gaze, he was a little embarrassed, and explained sly, "I... got someone back?"

The atmosphere stagnated for a moment.

Huo Yunque slowly raised his eyebrows, rubbing his fingers on his wrists with interest, "...people?"

He looked interested, and saw Song Yaoyao with a guilty conscience.

Fortunately, Huo Yunque didn't mean to delve into it, and quickly let her go, "Go."

Song Yaoya breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately ran away.

Liu Yu's treatment in Huo's house is excellent, and there is a separate building for him. On the first floor were all kinds of medical equipment and the basement, but he built a laboratory. Song Yaoyao came here for the first time.

Hearing the footsteps, Liu Yu stood outside the metal door and grinned at her, "Miss Song, you came quite fast."

The young man wore a white coat and short hair was slightly curly and fluffy, which made him look like he was in his early twenties, too young. The white coat covers him, unlike the white angels who heal and save people, but like the star artist in the lens.

"Where are people?" Song Yaoya nodded, and walked over to ask.

"Not awake yet," Liu Yu entered his fingerprints, and the door slowly opened on both sides. "Isn't this woman the violent loli from Star Wars? Why did she come to China? Tsk, I watched the movie before I liked her at the time, but she didn't expect her face to be original."

He croaked, his mouth couldn't stop.

Song Yaoyao's eyes sank, and his eyes fell on Zhong Liwan who was lying on the operating table, "Are you sure?"


Listening to Song Yaoyao’s words, Liu Yu immediately possessed her body, holding her heart in her hands, and said sadly: "Miss Song, you don’t believe me? You can distrust me! But you can’t question my professional standards! Oh, I don’t follow me. !!!"

Huo Jiu looked at him coldly, and gave him a warning when he saw it.

"Miss Song has business, you better be quiet."


Liu Yu opened his eyes and saw Song Yaoyao really look cold and in a bad mood. He gave a dry cough, stepped forward and picked up the report, and began to talk to Song Yaoyao, "I checked. She has had signs of movement all over her body. She has undergone eye surgery and rhinoplasty surgery. Lips and cheeks passed by. It is filled with hyaluronic acid, so it will look a little fat for a baby. I have also undergone breast augmentation surgery on my breast, with a prosthesis inside."

When talking about this, Liu Yu spoke very quickly. While talking, he walked up to the drowsy Zhong Liwan and signaled to Song Yaoyao, “The doctor who performed the plastic surgery on her was very skillful and could hardly see any traces of the plastic surgery. But, plastic surgery,” Liu Yu smiled, "Anyone who uses a knife can catch clues even if it is natural."

Especially when the person is unconscious and thrown on the operating table for careful examination.

Song Yaoyao's gaze traversed the scars under Zhong Liwan's nose that were so subtle that he couldn't find them, and suddenly said, "Did you touch her?"


Huo Jiu's expressions synchronized with Huo Qi's expressions, and he turned his head shamelessly, and his gaze fell on Liu Yu.

Liu Yu froze in place, facing the two condemning gazes, his eyes widened, and it took him a long time to find his own voice.

"How is it possible!! I am not interested in her!!"

Huo Qi reminded, "You just said you like her a lot."

Liu Yu was speechless and broke down and shouted, "That is for the character! Do you understand the character? I like that character! Not her!"

Huo Qi, "Oh?"

Huo Jiu: "Oh."

Song Yaoya looked at the document, not hearing about things around him.

Liu Yu felt that he fell into the Yellow River and couldn't clean it. He gritted his teeth and said, "You don't spit people here. If I want to find a woman, I still need to use this method?"

Huo Qi: "Ha ha."

Liu Yu: "Damn it."

He turned his head bitterly and looked at Song Yaoya, "Miss Song, is this the result you want?"

He is more wronged than Dou E!

Song Yaoyao's eyelids drooped, and said lightly: "Oh, I was kidding."

"Puff..." Huo Qi, who was originally watching the excitement, couldn't help but laughed, clutching his stomach.

Liu Yu continued to breathe, exhale, and breathe deeply.

Then comforted myself in my heart: This is the lady boss, Shinobu! Hold back!

Song Yaoya believed in Liu Yu's professionalism. Since he said that Zhong Liwan had indeed undergone plastic surgery, it was absolutely true.

Her eyes were deep, "How is the DNA pairing done?"

As soon as she finished her voice, the instrument over there made a beep. Liu Yu immediately condensed her exaggerated expression, walked quickly, bent over to check the instrument, and transferred the data to the computer, calling Song Yaoyao to look at it.

"Huh? Miss Song, what is the relationship between the person you are looking for and this woman?"

"What's the matter?" Song Yaoya leaned over, resting her hands on the table, and looked at the computer.

Song Yaoyao may not understand each item of data, but the values ​​above are clearly caught in her eyes.

"This is clearly a person!"

Liu Yu asked in a low voice, "Miss Song, didn't you give me a DNA sample from the same person?"

As the words fell, the atmosphere in the entire laboratory seemed to sink, and there were only the occasional icy beep from the instrument.

He thought he had said something wrong, and shrank his neck. After spending a long time with his boss, Song Yao's aura became stronger and stronger. When he calmed down and didn't speak, it was really scary.

For a time, no one spoke.

Suddenly, Liu Yu remembered something, and said, "By the way, Miss Song. When I checked her, I also found out that she should have been severely injured. I inferred that it was a car accident. Her leg bones had broken and her brain had been injured. Trauma. And her right arm, also fractured."

Human bones have been injured, even after healing, they will leave marks.

Just like some people, even if the injury heals, when it rains on a cloudy day, the bones will hurt.

Fractured right arm? The silent Song Yaoya suddenly laughed low.

Is she familiar with this? Wasn't it thanks to her?

She had previously suspected that Zhong Lixue was Song Jingwan after plastic surgery, but she did not expect that she was mistaken for her cleverness.

This person has always been under her nose.

"Miss Song?"

Hearing her laughter, Liu Yu felt all over his body. He rubbed his arms and looked carefully at Song Yaoyao.

Song Yaoyao didn't have any deep thoughts.

"Thanks for your hard work, this is the end of this inspection." She turned and walked out of the laboratory, "Huo Jiu, send her back."

Huo Jiuchui should be, after Song Yaoyao left, he quickly glanced at Zhong Liwan who was still drowsy on the bed.

Oh no, it should be Song Jingwan.

(End of this chapter)

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