Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 109 Suddenly Becomes Popular

"I already have a lot of difficult and tough old guys here, and I don't want one more!"

Cauvus muttered, but he still returned to the counter honestly and took out a bottle of Morning Dew - this was one of his biggest financial backers, second only to Tony Stark, the richest man in the world.

"It seems you are recovering well!"

General Ross forced a smile and sat down on the high chair in front of the counter.

"Your potion saved me, I have to express my gratitude."

Kaus poured the wine into the glass and pushed it to Ross, "You're welcome, you know, Bruce is here with me, even if it's just for his sake."

"Try this. Although it is fruit wine, I promise it tastes very good - and your current body is not suitable for drinking strong liquor!" Seeing Ross holding the cup, his eyes were glancing at the half bottle of Saffron that he had not yet put away. Spirits, Cauvus quickly explained, and put the Saffron spirits back on the counter.

Ross smiled and did not resist Kausi's kindness. He lit a cigar and took a nice puff. Cauius noticed that his hands were shaking badly.

"The super soldier plan failed!" Just as Kausu took out the Yellow Crane Tower and the two of them were puffing away at each other, General Ross suddenly spoke, "This made all my years of hard work go to waste."

"Didn't I give you the giant potion?"

"That thing works great, but the reverse disassembly work has been slow to progress."

General Ross's frankness surprised Cowus, but it had nothing to do with him. He paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other hand. He owed nothing to anyone. Moreover, Ross also got what he wanted. If he didn't have the ability to crack it, he would have to buy it from himself.

"Didn't James Lord get the Mark II?" Kausu tried to change the subject.

But Ross quickly interrupted him: "I will make Rhodes a star in the army, but to return to the center, I still need a crucial help!" He took a deep breath of cigarette, "Young man Man, Hammer Industries has always been a partner of the military, are you interested in further deepening your ties with the military?"

finally come!

Kausi knew very well that the change of ownership of Hammer Industries would definitely come under the control of the military, and he could not hide his position as the actual controller of Hammer Industries from anyone who was interested.

He put his two hands on the counter: "General, I might as well tell you frankly that I have no good impression of the federal government. I do my business and make my own money, but I do not participate or get involved in any political aspects or related matters." This is not just for you, it will be the same when the World Security Council comes."

"In other words, as long as the military provides enough money, the entire Hammer Industry can be transferred to the military's name."

The unusually straightforward words of the bachelor made Ross couldn't help laughing, and the sarcasm in his tone could not be concealed, "Justin Hammer made Hammer Industries the largest weapons wholesaler in the United States, and after you took over, I could see this wholesaler becoming a boutique designer and manufacturer like Tony Stark."

Even in the West, "wholesaler" is often equated with large quantity and poor quality. This is an outright derogatory term; after Stark Industries withdrew from the weapons manufacturing industry, only Lockheed Only super military-industrial groups like Martin and Raytheon Technologies are qualified to call themselves “fine designers and manufacturers.”

"Oh?" Kausi asked with interest, "Why is there such a comment?"

"The first thing your newly appointed CEO did when he took office was to fire 90% of the designers and replace them with a group of backbones from Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics. In addition, I heard that Anton Someone from Fu Design Bureau has also accepted a new invitation and is about to go to New York."

Well, it was signed into effect in the morning, and General Ross had already received the news in the evening. In other words, within this day, Hammer Industries must have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Kaus was immediately impressed by the beautiful CEO Claire Vaillant whom he met for the first time. This is a person who really does practical things, and his methods and ideas are very powerful!

"What happens next? I'm very interested to see!"

Ross looked at his watch and pressed a note under the finished glass, "Give me a promise! Mr. Cousin Bradford, even if you are now the actual controller of Hammer Industries, But the supply of giant potions cannot be stopped, and the quantity must be increased!”

"Twenty sets a week is a lot, General!"

"At least 100 sets!"

"It's difficult for me..." Kausu tried to bargain, but Ross interrupted him again, "Young man, I have 320,000 soldiers!"

Kausu understood it completely.

This ambitious old guy needs a lot of giant potions to consolidate his position, and even wants to do some big things to climb up. For example, he once reached the position of Minister of Defense - so the various gestures just now were just a combination of soft and hard tactics.

If he was still a small hotel owner before, General Ross would definitely think that he could easily do everything with money, but now he has become a rich man worth more than 50 billion US dollars. In the eyes of ordinary people, the "merely" 200,000-set giant potion project is likely to be abandoned by Cowus.

At this moment, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

Even the well-informed Ross would probably think that the "refining" of the giant potion is extremely difficult, but who would know that he has a legacy given by the great lord of the entire world?

Even if 100 sets are supplied every week, the giant potions that have been produced so far are enough for Cauus to cope with for a long time, not to mention a large number of substitutes or better things such as extreme strength potions, bloodberry potions, and brute force potions. In a few years... Thanos' snap of his fingers will end everything!

Besides, it’s not for nothing, this income alone makes a net profit of 20 million US dollars per week!

Refuse to welcome, tit for tat, you give in and I give in... After "difficult" negotiations and General Ross's tough attitude, Kaous finally gave in and tearfully made a commitment to the supply of 100 sets per week.

"Get your things ready!" Ross, who was looking relaxed, smiled happily, "I'll send someone to pick it up at the end of the month!"

Kaus stared at Rose's still trembling arms and thought for a moment, "Although you embarrassed me this time, I still plan to give you a gift - extra!"

He came to the basement, rummaged through it, and found a bottle of powerful troll blood potion. The only function of this thing is to restore 6 points of health every 5 seconds. It is the most useless garbage among the guardian potions, but it also has a huge stock like the Pacific Ocean.

"Drink it and you'll feel new!"

Obviously, General Ross's health was not as good as before after he was assassinated. Such a good sheep could not just let him die like this.

Ross was very confident about Kausu's products. Although he was a high-ranking general, he still took the bottle and drank it naturally, and then...

"I seem..." He frowned, feeling the warmth in his belly spread throughout his body.

"Live a few more years!" Kausi didn't explain much, "At least I can see Betty give you a grandson."

General Ross's face suddenly stiffened, and the corner of his mouth twitched a few times. Finally, he sighed, reached out and patted Kausi's shoulder, and at the same time looked at his watch again, "The time is just right!"

"What's just right?"

Ross didn't say anything and just gestured towards the door.

Huh? Why is there a black thing crawling at the door? It seems like a shadow...

ghost? night Stalker? Baili keeps his promise? Senna?

Kausi thought his eyes were dazzled, so he rubbed them hard, only to hear Ross laughing happily next to him, "Nick Fury, you're late!"

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