Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 110 Where is the cat?

Damn Fake Man!

After receiving Coulson's report, Nick Fury couldn't sit still.

He admitted that he underestimated Cauvus. After carefully studying the damage caused by the Destroyer Mecha to the town, he decided that this big guy he had never seen before was a very powerful weapon. At least Iron Man might not be able to compare with it. The firepower of the Destroyer.

But this thing was smashed by Kausi's hammer.

In other words, if Iron Man Tony Stark gets a chance, it will be a one-shot deal!

As a measure of combat power, in Fury's eyes, Kaus has changed from a guy with some ability to "play tricks" to a supernatural power user with "good strength".

Not to mention the Hulk is still working here.

Just when he was still hesitating whether to win over Kausi, news came that Hammer Industries had changed hands.

Hammer Industries has been secretly sniped before, and he knew this information.

Especially when he noticed that the person behind all this was actually his old friend Frank Custer, he chose to remain silent.

He knows what the Punisher is capable of. Once Frank decides to do something, even Nick Fury will have a hard time stopping him.

But after the final controller of Hammer Industries became Cous Bradford, Black Braised Egg finally felt uneasy-this meant that the Punisher was also helping Cous.

In the original plan to form the Avengers, without Captain America Steve Rogers, Nick Fury also thought about talking to the Punisher to see if he would be willing to lead the team.

In fact, as one of the tenth-level agents, the Punisher's leadership has also reached the level of Captain America.

Take a look at the guys who can be recognized as level 10 agents of SHIELD: Alexander Pierce and Nick Fury, the two directors, Natasha Romanoff, the "Black Widow" who has endured the death of countless old guys through qualifications, parallel Tony Stark, who served as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the world, and Norman Osborn, the "Green Goblin" in "Secret Invasion". Who is not a famous generational figure or hero?

Oh, there is a small exception here. In the later period of the Marvel timeline, the old guy retired from retirement, retired from the second line, became the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and obtained the tenth level authority and became "Shock Girl" "Daisy Johnson. ("The Origin of Fear")

In other words, the small Mulgore Hotel, with the Punisher, Hulk, Cauvus and Elektra gathered together, can be considered a complete special operations team, and the apparent power of SHIELD... seems to be Not the opponent of this team?

So Black Braised Egg decided to come and talk to Kaus face to face.

He came out this time without thinking about hiding anyone, so when a military intelligence officer accidentally discovered Nick Fury's movements, he immediately reported it to General Ross - and by this time Ross had already arrived at the door of the Mulgore Hotel .

So Ross decided to show off his cards quickly and get what the military wanted first.

"Ross?" Hei Lu Dan saw Ross who was pouring the last bit of wine into his mouth. He instinctively felt something bad, but he didn't say anything and just stood at the door. "It seems that the military has got what it wants." s things?"

"Yes!" Ross raised the empty cup and gestured to Fury, "It's time for me to go!" He turned around and smiled at Kausi, "Don't forget your promise."

After Ross left, Fury walked in and sat down on the high chair.

"How about we talk about the deal too?"

"Anything related to goods trading can be discussed, except for other things!"

Kausi's first sentence blocked any recruitment by SHIELD, "You can use Howard Stark's relationship with SHIELD to recruit Tony, but it won't work here."

As if he felt that his attitude was too strong, he thought for a moment, "I have given enough to SHIELD, at least in a certain field."

"Really?" Fury looked at the price list on the wall, "A glass of morning dew wine, thank you!"

After just one sip, Black Braised Egg's frown immediately relaxed, "No wonder Ross likes it here, this wine is really good!"

"Thanks for your patronage, one cup is twenty!"

Sensing the other party's caution and vigilance, Fury smiled and said, "Actually, you don't have to worry about what I will do. I am easy to talk to."

He is really easy to talk to, and he is very good at talking. He can always find the opponent's flaws and then take advantage of them, and forcefully trick an Avengers out. In various timelines, the Avengers have almost wiped out most of the active superheroes.

It's not that Reunion is bad, but that Kausu doesn't want to be kidnapped to do things.

Faced with this arrogant and talkative Maja Fake Man, Kausi thought for a while and decided to get straight to the point, "The military purchased a batch of strength potions from me, and the money and goods are paid. This is the right way to negotiate a deal." Way."

"Are there any potions suitable for agents?"

"Yes!" Kaus took out a small red bottle from his pocket, "The powerful troll blood potion is only for seriously injured people. As long as they are not dead, they can at least use this thing to hang themselves."

"Is this what Tony used when he was poisoned with palladium?" Fury took the bottle and looked at it a few times, "Can I inspect the product?"

Kausu made a gesture, indicating that Fury could inspect the goods at will: "Tony deserves better."

When you know that the other party is a nigger who is the king of talkers and has MAX deception skills, it is best to block all the other party's rhetoric in advance, so that the other party can bite the turtle and have nothing to say!

So Fury lingered in the hotel for two hours and negotiated a deal for 50,000 bottles of powerful troll blood potion, totaling 2,000 bottles, but he never found a chance to get down to business.

But who is the black braised egg? He was a lucky man who could have the will of the universe protect him. Just when he was at his wits' end and about to leave, he suddenly said something mysteriously: "My friend Carol once had a cat. She was very cute." Beautiful, very cute, a big orange cat.”

I understand, isn’t that the Yuan Devouring Beast? He even blinded one of your eyes.

Kausu replied calmly: "Hmm, many people have the habit of raising cats."

"But when Carol was fostering her with me, she suddenly disappeared one day. I looked for her for a long time..." Fury thought about his words, "Although it is very abrupt, I once heard Phil say something about your ability. , can you help me look for it?"

Looking for a Yuan Devouring Beast? Kausu was stunned for a moment.

He suddenly remembered that since "Captain Marvel", the element-eating beast disappeared, and before leaving, the kitten did two things-spit out the Cosmic Cube and blinded one of Fury's eyes.

Some people say that Nick Fury had been replaced by a Skrull at that time...


Kausi was horrified, and hurriedly opened his soul vision, squinted his eyes and looked at the black braised egg, and then saw a soul with black hands, a black heart, a black face, and a black body...

Well, the braised eggs are real braised eggs, and the Skrulls don't have the ability to imitate them even with their souls.

"Do you have the cat's DNA? Hair, blood...anything will do!"

"Only photos..."

It was obvious that Fury truly loved the element-devouring beast. Even though he was blinded in one eye, he still kept a photo of the orange cat in his wallet.

"Let me state in advance that if the cat is still on the earth, there is a high probability that it can still be found." Kausu took the photo and emphasized, "If it is not on the earth, there is nothing we can do!"

Fury nodded and watched Kausi throw the photo into the brazier...

The fire suddenly became brighter, and countless sparks flew out in all directions. The next moment, Fury clearly saw Caus's expression suddenly change and asked hurriedly: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Kausu couldn't help laughing, "Guess what I saw? A building!"

"Delta-winged building!"

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