Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 121 Cous’s Family Property

Bruce Banner is back, and he is in a good mood. Although he is extremely tired and his eyes are bloodshot, he still looks very excited.

Tony Stark came back with him.

"We have reversed a technology from the Destroyer mecha. Yes, there is only one kind! The technology level of the Destroyer is beyond our imagination. Its atomic structure, material composition, and space structure are far beyond ours. The acceptance range may involve some kind of 'rules', and the huge energy contained in the mecha is completely beyond our ability to analyze."

"Fortunately, there is one tiny technology that we can still reach on tiptoe...and that's nanotechnology."

"Yes!" Dr. Banner took over the topic, "In fact, the Destroyer Mecha can be of any shape. It can shrink to the size of a glass ball, or it can expand to the height of dozens of stories... right? It seems to violate the law of conservation? No, it just disassembles into billions of ultrafine particles and then combines them according to its own needs. When a part of the ultrafine particles are combined into a cannon, it has the characteristics of a cannon; when a part of the ultrafine particles Combined into a shield, it becomes the most stable defensive weapon. And what about the extra particles? I think they may be hidden in space."

"The following is a grand introduction to the Mark 10, the first mecha to use nanotechnology!"

Stark, who was wearing a suit, pressed the anti-matter energy module on his chest, and countless small fragments quickly began to combine and shape, gradually turning into the classic and familiar MK85 that appeared in "Endgame".

"The more we study in-depth, the more we marvel at how Kaus cut off its head. Its material is indestructible, and its atomic structure is as dense as a neutron star. We can only use the third main group such as gallium and indium. , polymeric materials such as thallium to replace a small part of its role."

Stark raised his left hand, and the arm armor kept changing modes, sometimes turning into a ray weapon, sometimes turning into a translucent antimatter shield, sometimes extending six black kinetic energy muzzles, and sometimes turning into a black ion heavy cannon. It even shot out a small module, which clicked into a super small drone, quickly flew around the hotel, and then retracted to the mecha. It changes like flowing clouds and flowing water, and has an indescribable technological beauty.

"All credit for this must first be attributed to you, Mr. Coius Bradford!"

It can be seen that the once proud, complacent and unruly Iron Man was completely impressed by the Destroyer. Asgard's tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of scientific and technological accumulation is definitely not the result of one or two scientific geniuses in just a few months. As time can tell, before completely breaking through the technological barriers of the Destroyer, Stark had to put away his arrogance and adopt a cautious and humble scientific attitude towards these unknown things.

"Well done, Tony!" Looking at the Mark Armor, which has reached the peak of the movie timeline ahead of schedule, Kausi sighed sincerely, "You guys, geniuses, really confirmed the saying - 'Technology changes the world'. "

"I also made one for myself!" Banner said with a smile. "Hulk sometimes bothers me. He always leaves me a mess after venting his anger, so I used Tony's leftovers. The material was used to modify a piece of clothing... yes, it's just a piece of clothing, so at least I won't go around shirtless and stealing things every time I wake up, which feels really bad."

In fact, you already own the artifact "Hulk's Underpants"...

"Originally, I planned to make one for you, but Bruce said that even the Destroyer is just a hammer blow in front of you. So I went to Hammer Industries and bought the batch of mechas left by Ivan Vanko. After making some minor modifications, you can use them as company security, drones, surveillance equipment... or whatever. By the way, the CEO you hired is really a sexy hottie."

"The mecha left by Ivan Vanke?" Kausu repeated in surprise.

He quickly realized that in "Iron Man 2", Ivan Vanke produced a batch of different types of drone armors for the army, navy, air force and marines, eight of each type, 32 in total. At that time, he told Justin Hammer that these were honor guards who could only salute, but they were actually well-equipped war mechas. Except for the limited energy supply, their hard power was not much worse than the Mark II.

"Yes, those old men in your company are really good. They all seem to be very interested in these toys... Well, that is to say, you now own thirty-two Mark mechas, Type 2!"

Stark, who was in high spirits, was slobbering as he spoke. Suddenly seeing Kausi's uneasy look, he stopped and asked tentatively: "Kausi?"

"Oh, it's nothing!" Kausu hesitated, "In fact, I was planning to go out tomorrow."

"And you just happened to be back today. Maybe this will make our work easier tomorrow..."

Stark and Banner turned their heads and looked at Phil Coulson who walked in from the door. Their expressions couldn't help but change, "What happened?"

"Guys, we're in big trouble and need your help!"

"Where to begin?"

Coulson scratched what little hair was left, "Where's Frank?"

Kaus replied: "He went to Hammer Industries. He said he wanted to arrange it and add some weapons."

Stark suggested: "Then let's go too and take a look at your new office - Claire told me that your boss has never been to your office!"

I have to admit that Pepper recommended a very outstanding CEO. In just a few months, Claire Vaillant has basically restored Hammer Industries to life.

The office building has been renovated, and Stark Industries' powerful security system has been fully developed in Hammer Industries. The production workshop is tense and orderly, with workers wearing dustproof jackets shuttled back and forth, and the roar of machines is constant and continuous. produced large quantities of weapons.

"My previous technical capabilities were not up to standard, so I used a loan in the name of the company to transform the entire production process, purchased some of the production lines that had been eliminated by Stark Industries, and hired a large number of scientific and technological talents and workers." Claire Vaillant walked in Kawu Next to Stark, she looked very capable with her rolled up blond hair and delicate makeup. She ignored Stark's gesticulations and chatter, and did not give the world's richest man any face.

"Now our products are basically all sold. Except for the U.S. military, which accounts for about 40% of the production, the rest are generally sold to the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, and South America."

"Our output value this year is expected to be around 58 billion, and our net profit can reach 6 billion US dollars." Claire Vaillant said calmly, "I said, I will be worthy of every penny of your salary."

"Why don't you come to work at Stark Industries?" Tony poached in front of his face with a smile, "I'll give you double what Cauvus will give you, triple it won't be a problem... Natasha? Why would you? it's here?"

He saw his former assistant and S.H.I.E.L.D. agent "Black Widow" Natasha Romanoff walking over. She was as obedient as a little quail, standing quietly next to Claire Vaillant, and said with a warning His eyes reminded Stark not to talk nonsense.

"Okay, don't scare Mr. Stark!" Claire didn't even raise her head, just opened another document, "Go to him, I still need to continue reporting to the boss."

Kausi raised his eyebrows, feeling that this matter was getting more and more interesting. What kind of character did Pepper recommend to him?

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