Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 122 Final preparations

After listening to a detailed report on the situation of Hammer Industries, everyone came to a very large workshop. Thirty-two tall mechas with a metallic luster stood there quietly, with countless robots running up and down like ants next to them, performing final maintenance on the mechas.

The careless Uncle Punishment and "Dam Bullet" Dugan stood there with their arms akimbo, next to a group of bald or gray-haired old men in security uniforms, gesticulating and making noises.

"Originally, I planned to add some security manpower, but your security team exceeded my imagination." Claire Vaillant closed the folder and looked at the chaotic crowd not far away with admiration, "These guys, although I’m old, but my abilities are pretty good!”

"Little girl, you'd better know who you're talking to!" The nearest old man, holding a low-quality cigar in his mouth, said slowly, "Even if I am old, you alone can't beat us all!"

"Issie Cohen, you were no match for me when you were young!"

The old man was stunned and remained silent while several of his companions pointed at him and burst into laughter.

Kausi was a little surprised now. He had read the information on the security team. They were either retired special forces or elderly super agents. The Issy Cohen who just spoke was the main member of the first generation of "Howling Commandos". He was a tough guy. A veteran at heart.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet!" Dugan shouted, and everyone stopped.

"What to do next? We listen to Frank's arrangements!"

Realizing that the atmosphere was getting more and more weird, Stark raised his hand, "Guys, can anyone tell me what happened? Are we going to fight a world war?"

"That's pretty much it!"

Kausi shrugged, "Besides Tony, is there anyone else who wants to quit?"

"Oh, you can't just exclude me! At least let me know who I need to fight?" Stark, who has a new mecha, is eager to give it a try. "At least I can provide enough backup and..."

"Cous's company can provide enough backup. Although its technological strength is not as good as Stark Industries, it is enough to attack a building!" Frank came over and looked at Banner. "Bruce, I suggest you quit as well." , you are a good scientist with enough reputation and reputation. I don’t want you to get involved in this kind of muddy water.”

"Erica and Carrie also suggested quitting!" Kausi looked around and pulled Carrie over, who was standing under the mecha looking around curiously. "Erica has retired, and Carrie is still young."

"I don't care!" Erica thought for a moment, "In fact, I can be responsible for external support."

"Let the air combat mechas take charge of the coordination!" Frank said, "Eight mechas are enough to block the entire perimeter and the sky above. Damn bombs will be the main force with us - this is what he should do."

Dugan shrugged, but his expression became a little heavier.

"Strictly speaking, I founded SHIELD, but I never thought that one day I would uproot SHIELD with my own hands!" As the deputy captain of the first-generation Howling Commandos, Dugan had enough confidence to say In this way, "Nick Fury is doing a terrible job."

"This has nothing to do with Nick. When he took over the position of director from Pierce, SHIELD was already riddled with holes..." Coulson defended weakly.

"Huh!" Dugan didn't argue, just snorted coldly.

Tony Stark, who finally came to his senses, widened his eyes in surprise and asked in disbelief: "You want to attack SHIELD? Why?"

"It's no longer SHIELD. Maybe you can call them...'Snake Shield'!" Kausu patted Stark on the shoulder. "This is the big trouble Phil just mentioned. Inside SHIELD There are only a few normal agents left, and more than 70% of them are from Hydra."

"Brother... Fury spent two full months investigating the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. staff. All clues pointed to his old comrade Alexander Pierce, a 'head' of Hydra. When the evidence It was confirmed that Nick Fury drank a whole case of liquor in the hotel and almost drank himself to death."

No one spoke in the audience, only a few old guys were playing with guns idly.

"Fortunately, he still has Frank as a friend..." Before Kausu could finish his words, Frank interrupted him coldly, "I am not Nick Fury's friend. He just paid five I was offered tens of millions of dollars to kill someone, so I took the job.”

I feel so resentful...

"In fact, Hydra has already taken action against us!" Kausi smiled and gestured to Erica. Erica nodded, walked out of the workshop, and soon came back with a woman.

"Agent No. 33, who has the special ability to change faces, planned to impersonate Maria Hill and approach the Mulgore Hotel. But luckily, I happened to have some soul-recognition skills, so I was able to see through her identity and remove the Nine Brainwashing by a snakehead.”

Agent No. 33 Kara Lynn Palamas can be regarded as a bankrupt version of Mystique Raven. She is not a mutant. Her face-changing ability comes from a prehistoric monument.

"She bought us some time. At least with her dealings, Pierce was not in a hurry to attack us. In order to delay time, I gave her some information about alchemy reagents - but this does not affect the overall situation."

"So..." Kaus looked around the audience, "Now is the time to close the net! Frank!"

A projection of the holographic three-dimensional structural diagram of the delta-wing building rose on the ground, and everyone gathered around it, including Stark. In fact, he provided this technology for Kausu's sake.

"First step, I need to interfere with communications in the entire building, wireless, wired and others. Sochaux, you and Pope are responsible for destroying all power supplies and optical cables, including the underground ones!"

"I can provide signal interference without blind spots, including satellites!" Stark suddenly became energetic.

Frank turned his head and stared at Stark seriously.

"Two hours!" He finally relented. Although he had a complete communication blockade plan, Stark Industries' technology was still the best.

"The second step is that I will lead the team from the front entrance and Damn will lead the team from the back entrance to clear out the Hydra layer by layer. Ten minutes before we launch the attack, Nick Fury will withdraw all non-Hydra units. Hydra members—in other words, when we started, there were only Hydras in the whole building.”

"Why not just blow up the building?" Stark added.

"That's a good question!" Dugan took over the topic, "In fact, the first idea I discussed with Frank was to blow up the delta wing directly, but there is a little problem - how many S.H.I.E.L.D. Ten years of data, information, science and technology, and some special items are all in the building, and we cannot afford this loss."

Stark nodded. As a technological genius, this explanation was very attractive to him.

"Eight special warfare mechas will sweep the basement and garage - be careful not to damage the load-bearing structure. If the delta wing building does not collapse, your work will be considered a success!"

The old men all smiled strangely, and it looked like they were the operators of the special warfare mecha.

"We have a total of two hours, enough for us to carefully clean each floor. In two hours, Nick Fury's people will take over the building."

"Aren't we going to set up a blockade on the outside?" Someone raised his hand and asked.

"Yes!" Phil Colson stood up. He waved to the door, and a tall, thin and muscular middle-aged man with short hair walked in, carrying a long bow on his back.

"Hawkeye" Clint Barton!

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