Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 125 After the War



"La la la..."

The old guys have had enough of killing people today. In just one hour and forty-five minutes, they plowed through the entire delta-wing building like a bulldozer. No grass grew where they passed. Even the clerk hiding in the toilet was plowed. Pull it out and shoot him in the head.

Now they were walking down the street and gathered in the square outside the Delta Wing Building. They opened their masks and howled like ghosts. Several mechas whose gun barrels had been beaten red were still carelessly soaking their gun barrels in the landscape fountain outside. A lot of white mist came out.

It is not that there are no hidden Hydra personnel in the military and police stations. There are even some high-level personnel at the core of the discussion. Although they did not receive information asking for help, they still learned about the Delta Wing Building through certain channels. What happened was that reinforcements were sent overtly and covertly. However, both helicopters and armored vehicles were repelled by Iron Man and eight flying mechas, unable to cross the blockade.

Seeing the powerful combat power of flying mechas with their own eyes, the military is even more coveted for Stark's technology. Although they don't know that these mechas actually come from Hammer Industries, this does not prevent some people from starting to confront Tony. ·Stark drooled.

Because Nick Fury had done enough in advance, even though the SHIELD building was filled with gunshots and smoke, the unsuspecting police and fire brigade nearby just watched from a distance, and the residents even hid far away for fear of He was involved in the gunfight.

"Did you see the majesty of me tearing apart a helicopter with my hands?" Stark approached Cauvus with a proud look on his face, "I think we can level up the enemy in the next step. Ordinary military targets are too hard to resist. I think it would be best to have some powerful aliens - ahem, Iron Man who defends the earth! Just hearing this name makes me excited..."

"Soon you will face such an enemy!" Kausi thought silently.

He took a look at Stark. The nano-armor, which came out more than ten years in advance, replaced the Ark-3 with an anti-matter energy module. Its real combat power was even greater than that of the MK85. In the original plot, the MK85 and the Purple Potato Spirit were at full strength. There was back and forth, and he even actually hurt Thanos for the first time, creating a scar on the indestructible Titan's body.

If we look at this level of combat strength, the Chitauri are probably not strong enough for Stark.

"Get more weapons for group attacks!" Kausu kindly reminded, "You may face a huge number of enemies in the future - have you seen Amazon's man-eating ants? There are millions of them. , a thing that can gnaw people into bones when swarmed up? Imagine if you add wings to man-eating ants, how can you quickly eliminate them in large numbers? "

"Pesticide?" Stark rubbed his chin and thought for a moment.

"This is also a good method!" Kausu encouraged Stark, "You have to consider more severe scenarios, such ants covering a city and ignoring pesticides?"

"Okay, you gave me a good new topic!" Stark thought for a moment, then looked back at the dusty battlefield, "It's almost time, should I unblock the signal interference here?"

"Unlock it, Frank only wants you to be blocked for two hours!"

Dozens of drones flew down from all directions and landed on Stark's arm armor. They transformed into tiny particles and fell into the arm's holding chamber. At the same time, a strange-looking disc on the back of the mecha was also put away.

Well, since using the anti-matter energy module, Stark has begun to return to his true nature as a wealthy man - using what consumes power, and actually stuffed a high-power radar jammer into the mecha? This is an out-and-out electric tiger!

Under the command of Phil Colson, a team of engineers has entered the scene and begun repairing power supply and cable equipment. Firefighters also entered the building one after another and began to extinguish the still burning fire.

"SHIELD will probably be in chaos for a while, so I won't be able to entertain you all." Coulson came over, high-fiving and fist-bumping everyone with an apologetic look, "After these few days of busy work, I'll treat you to a drink. wine!"

Dugan seemed to be in a bad mood. The old man ignored Coulson and just gestured for several modified container trucks to drive into the square. The mechas lined up and walked into the cargo hold. Then this A group of elderly pilots jumped out of the mecha and gathered together triumphantly, bragging and showing off to each other loudly.

"Go and do your thing, we just need to get the money we deserve!" Frank walked over with a cold face, "Tell Nick Fury to pay the balance early, otherwise I don't mind doing it again with the mecha! "

Seeing Coulson standing there in embarrassment, Cowles took over the topic: "Clearing the SHIELD headquarters in New York is just the first step. You have at least several thousand people scattered around the world. How to deal with these people? "

"We will include every S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel as an inspection object and rotate them back to New York in batches for assessment. Everyone will have to accept the test of truth serum!" Coulson did not intend to hide anything, "Maria and Na Tasha has rushed back to Washington, and they will clean the Washington headquarters."

“First make sure that SHIELD is clean from the root, and then rotate from branch to branch. Anyone who behaves abnormally or refuses to return to New York to participate in the assessment will become a key surveillance target, and those with solid evidence will be classified as defectors. SHIELD has a whole system to deal with defectors."

Since Coulson was confident, Kaousi didn't need to ask any more questions. He just sighed: "This will take a long... a long time!"

"No matter how long it takes, it's worth it!" Fury walked over with his hands behind his back, his dark face showing no expression, "Compared with SHIELD's decades of history, this is just a small setback. But. This setback must be overcome, which is good for everyone!"

"Frank, the check is coming to Hell's Kitchen tomorrow!"

Frank snorted and said nothing. He just activated the jet device of the crimson mecha and left with blood all over his body.

Fury didn't mind Frank's indifference. After all, his wife was killed and he prevented him from taking revenge. If this knot is not untied for a day, Frank will not look good on himself. He turned to Dugan and asked: "Dumtan, are you interested in having a drink with me?"

Facing his old captain, Dugan hesitated, shook his head and said, "Boss, I only drink wine from Mulgore Hotel now..."

"No problem, my treat! Can I bring Clint?"

Dam Dugan glanced at "Eagle Eye" who was sitting by the flower bed, sorting his bow and arrows, and nodded, "This is a good little guy..."

Stark was not interested in sitting and drinking with Fury. He said hello to Caus and flew away alone - no need to ask, he was in high spirits today and would definitely hold a party in his club. A grand reception. Of course, wine ponds and meat forests are indispensable...

The enviable life of a big dog owner!

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