Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 126 Sharing worries for father

Whether it was a mistake or Fury's careful mind, in short, it was just an unintentional remark made by Cauvus that ruined Alexander Pierce's decades of business in one fell swoop. One of the most famous heads was also chopped off at the root.

Even if there are still a lot of Hydra remnants hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D., but even the heads of the snakes have been chopped off, these miscellaneous soldiers will not cause any trouble, but will give Nick Fury enough space to move around. . Under his iron-blooded methods, S.H.I.E.L.D. actually restored calm in a short period of time.

But this caused huge waves within Hydra.

Among them, the one who feels the crisis most deeply is Gideon Malik, one of the five permanent members of the World Security Council, the former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security of the United States, and one of the leaders of Hydra.

As the oldest branch of Hydra, the Malik family has served Hydra even longer than the Red Skull. The Malik family has believed in a legend for generations. There was once a powerful alien who ruled the entire human race. The country established by this alien was the prototype of Hydra. But later this alien was exiled to another world, causing this powerful empire to collapse.

The Malik family is the descendant of this alien's servants, and has been trying every means to bring this powerful alien back and rule the world again. For this reason, Malik has always been an active promoter of the "Far Star" project, hoping that one day he can cross the vast universe and welcome back the leader named "The Hive".

But in just a few hours, everything changed, and Alexander Pierce, an important figure in Hydra, suddenly fell - even a day ago the two of them had communicated through a video call about their recent career developments.

Now, he is sitting in the manor in Pennsylvania, listening to the report of the loyal old butler.

"There is enough evidence to show that it was Nick Fury who initiated and planned such a major incident. Starting at 13:00 and ending at 15:00 yesterday, during a two-hour period, Frank Castle and Damn Dugan led the mecha team to attack the Delta Wing Building, causing the deaths of more than 1,200 agents and internal staff. Due to the lack of key evidence, we are temporarily unable to speculate on the reasons and main reasons for Nick Fury's initiation of the incident. node……"

Gideon Malik was sitting quietly on the sofa drinking coffee, but the slightly trembling facial muscles confirmed that his mood was definitely not that calm at this time.

"...Stark Industries and Hammer Industries both provided necessary and effective help to Nick Fury. Tony Stark even personally stepped down and interfered with communications in the Delta Wing Building for two hours."

"Afterwards, Nick Fury emphasized in the report that a small fire ultimately caused huge losses due to the aging of the fire protection system and the accidental blockage of the escape door due to disrepair, and urged the World Security Council to provide nearly $2 billion maintenance funds..."

With a "pop" sound, Gideon Malik slammed the coffee cup to the ground. The thick carpet did not break the cup, but more than half the cup of coffee spilled on the ground, adding an ugly patch to the beautiful carpet. Stains.

"How dare he? How dare he ask for money so confidently?"

"Twelve hundred people died, and he's still looking for excuses to ask for money?"

Old Malick finally couldn't hold it back and roared angrily, "How did he accurately find every Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D.? And how did he successfully initiate this massacre? What role did Stark Industries play in it? What kind of role does Alexander do? Even if 1,200 pigs are tied there and slaughtered, a comprehensive plan is needed. So who can tell me how Nick Fury hid it from everyone and successfully achieved his goal? What’s the purpose?”

Gideon Malik, who is most closely associated with Pierce, has reason to be so furious. Over the years, he has used his status as a director of the World Security Council to provide enough help to S.H.I.E.L.D. It can be said without mercy that the rapid development of Alexander Pierce's branch of Hydra and Malik's vigorous Support goes hand in hand.

In just one noon, the huge force that had been developed through hard work was lost along with Pierce. This huge loss is simply unbearable, especially in the "Far Star Project" where Malik welcomes the leader. SHIELD has been continuously providing necessary technology and service candidates for a long time - even the piece of equipment that can provide services to distant planets. The "Black Stone" that transports astronauts is still undergoing secret research in SHIELD's laboratory.

The old butler who had been with the master for decades did not say a word. He just silently packed up the coffee cup and put it on the small table next to him before leaving. Every time the master got angry, all he needed was quiet silence. environment.


"You just said that Stark Industries and Hammer Industries provided help to Nick Fury?"

"Yes, sir!"

"But I remember that Hammer Industries and Stark Industries have always been sworn enemies. Their grudges can even be traced back to the old Stark and..." during World War II.

"You are absolutely right!" The old butler quickly flipped through a few pages of information and held it in his hand, "But things began to change in the first half of this year. Justin Hammer, the heir to Hammer Industries, was Accused of multiple crimes endangering social security and other aspects, he was sentenced to up to forty-seven years in a New York State prison. The actual power of Hammer Industries fell into the hands of the major shareholder Coius Braddorf, according to tax According to the department’s determination, this person owns about 94% of Hammer Industries’ shares, and the other 5.7% is owned by the military!”

Cousin Bradford? A very unfamiliar name.

Old Malik frowned slightly, and the butler immediately opened another document, "Before this man became the major shareholder of Hammer Industries, he was among the top 100 richest people in New York with a net worth of US$2.2 billion. And the reason why he is on the list It's because he owns 20% of Stark Life Pharmaceuticals..."

"So that's it!" Old Malik thought he understood and nodded, "In other words, this guy is most likely a puppet. In fact, it is Stark behind the scenes who controls Hammer Industries. Unfortunately, Old Hammer is actually a very A shrewd guy, but his son failed to live up to his expectations and ultimately lost to that bastard Tony Stark!"

"You're right, maybe that's it!"

Malik Sr. waved his hand, leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes. The housekeeper gently put the documents on the table and exited the study.

While he was thinking quietly, there was a rustling sound in front of him.

Malik hated being disturbed when he was deep in thought. He opened his eyes angrily, but a doting smile immediately appeared on his face, "Stephanie, what are you doing?"

"Dad!" A sexy tall beauty with blond hair was sitting elegantly next to her, flipping through the documents on the small table page by page, "I think this Cousin Bradford may be a breakthrough!"

"Hmm, tell me?"

"Nick Fury is a cunning fox, and it is difficult to find any flaws in him; while Tony Stark, the arrogant man, only has breasts and thighs in his eyes; the other names that appear are murderers and soldiers. This The only one in the report is Cous Bradford...maybe he's a smart guy! As long as he's a smart guy, I think there's a chance of communication and win over!"

"Why do you think he may be very smart? Dad, you may not have noticed that he climbed from a hotel owner to his current position..."

Although this reason was far-fetched, the old Malik still applauded and praised vigorously.

"That's very well said, my dear!"

"Thank you, Dad!" The blonde beauty stood up with a look of joy on her face. Due to her excitement, her proud waist was rippled, which made people dizzy.

"Okay, it's time to play the piano!" Old Malik looked at his watch, stood up and took the file.

"Playing the piano?" The fierce beauty's blue eyes rolled, "I have a better plan. Dad, I have grown up too, so I should share your worries!"

"Huh?" Old Malik frowned, and suddenly an ominous premonition came to his heart.

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