Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 139 Frank and Honest

Just as she reached a dark, uninhabited balcony, the girl in the green dress suddenly lost her footing and fell into Kausi's arms. She was immediately hugged by Wenxiang and filled with soft jade.

"Mr. Cowus Bradford, has anyone ever told you that you are the type that fascinates women the most?" Cowus stretched out his hand to support Ophelia, but she didn't do anything. He wrapped him around politely, his delicate body trembling slightly, and a pair of pink arms that bullied Shuang Saixue wrapped around Kausu's neck, whispering in his ear. A wisp of imperceptible pink smoke came out of his mouth, exuding a sweet smell.

As if he didn't notice anything, Kausi inhaled the smoke, his eyes gradually became blurred, and murmured: "Then you are probably looking for the wrong person. I don't think I am very attractive..."

Ophelia's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, she hugged Cauius tightly with both hands, and said in a seductive voice: "It's still too bright here, shall we go to the next room?"

She stretched out her mouth and kissed Kausi's face randomly. Maybe because it was too dark, she tried to find Kausi's lips several times, but in the end she kissed him on the cheek. This made her a little upset, and she reached out and twisted on the door locks of each room until one of the door locks clicked open, and she immediately rushed in dragging Kausi.

The room was empty, with only a few simple pieces of furniture, but it had a bed - and that was enough!

Ophelia pushed Kausi down on the bed, then hooked her legs and rode up on him, quickly pulling off her long skirt, and trying to unbutton Kausi's top.

"Malik, that useless old guy, says it's hard to make the other party submit easily. He even used his own daughter, but it's not as good as me opening my legs and shouting a few times..."

Although she was a bit disdainful of Malik's caution and prudence, the other person's appearance was actually in line with her own aesthetics. Ophelia Sarkisian had already made a decision to use it after she had a good time. The poison hidden in the mouth controls the opponent...

She licked her lips with her tongue reflexively, and suddenly her body froze.

One of Ophelia's teeth is hollow and filled with venom. She is the world's top poison-making expert. She has a unique immunity to poisons and is well aware of the toxicity of most toxins and poisons. And his poisoning ability is also top-notch.

But what about that tooth? Where did the venom hidden inside go?

"What's wrong? Beautiful lady!" Kausi put his hands behind his head with a smile and looked at Ophelia calmly, "You won't be satisfied like this, will you?"

"" Ophelia looked at Cauvus in horror, as if she had seen a little white rabbit with no ability to resist, suddenly turned into a mournful wild wolf.

"My dear, if you don't have anything to say, then -" Kausu's smile slowly faded, "please go to hell!"

A ball of electric light quietly gathered in his hand, forming a white ball with electric snakes. Countless small electric currents sizzled with terrifying force.

"Wait a minute!" Although she didn't know the specific strength of Cauvus, Ophelia even had a hunch that the current contained in this white ball was enough to turn herself into a ball of coke, "Who are you? No, you can't know me..."

"I am Gideon Malik's companion! He invited me here this time because he has something very important he wants to talk to you about!"

Faced with the woman's panic, Kaous just shook his head.

"Gideon Malik and I just met each other on a casual basis. Your condition does not apply!"

The white ball suddenly exploded, forming a huge arc of lightning. With just one blow, Ophelia didn't even have time to scream, and she turned into a charred object that was not human-shaped and looked horrible.

By the time old Malik arrived in a hurry and crashed into the door, it was already too late.

"She's dead?"

Standing at the door and looking at Kausi, who had been sitting on the bed for a long time, Malik felt as if he was in a trance.

"Stop pretending, Mr. Malik!"

Looking at old Malik's dull expression, Kaous just smiled sarcastically.

"If she dies so easily, she will bear such a big name in vain. This is just a substitute, maybe a more favored substitute."

"Substitute?" Gideon Malik was a little confused. He looked at the unrecognizable corpse on the ground and clearly saw green flames rising on the corpse - the product of highly toxic combustion.

"So you don't know?" Kausi tilted his head, "Forget it! In short, next time Mr. Malik sees Ms. Ophelia Sarkisian here, don't be too surprised. !”

No matter how hungry he is, Kausi is definitely not the kind of person who has sperm in his head. When he heard the name Ophelia, he immediately identified the woman in front of him with a famous Marvel character.

——Mrs. Viper!

As one of the high-level core members of Hydra, Madam Viper once signed a contract with the ancient evil god Sissos, which gave her the ability to slow down aging and maintain youth almost forever. Not only does she have a unique immunity to poison, but she is also an expert in firearms and combat.

In "Captain America V5", Mrs. Viper's powerful allure is fully demonstrated. She even knows how to use her perfect appearance and figure to achieve her goals better than the Black Widow, so much so that even the most determined heroes, including Captain America, He fell under her pomegranate skirt.

In the parallel world plot, Mrs. Viper also used superheroes such as Sabretooth Tiger to defeat Hydra and the Hand and seize control of Madripoor Island. She is a complete conspirator and strategic master.

How could such a heroic figure who had lived for more than half a century die so easily? If you don't even have this vigilance and no response measures for sudden events, how can you be called one of Hydra's most dangerous BOSSs?

From an orphan to a big figure influencing the world's political situation, she and Malik, who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, have completely different paths.

"Okay! We can put aside the issue of whether he is a substitute for the time being. Kaous, I invite you here this time because I intend to have a good talk with you."

"What to talk about?"

"Talk about a big project!" Malik ordered the servants to collect the body and serve drinks, and the two sat down facing each other in this room.

"I checked your information and I also know that you have magical alchemical potions and some special abilities!" Malik picked up a large stack of documents, but did not open them. He just threw away the thick stack of copies. On the table. Kaus turned his head and took a look. The top one was a contract from the military.

Gideon Malik can become another giant of Hydra, with resources beyond imagination. In fact, due to the almost childish negotiations between General Ross and Kaus, Kaus did not have a formal supply contract with the military - this contract was a procurement document produced by General Ross's assistant to follow the process. This was also acquiesced by Kausi.

He can even get a sample of the military's internal procurement contract, which shows how knowledgeable the old Malik is.

"I don't want to play tricks on smart people!" Old Malik's attitude was very sincere. "First of all, I want to hear your opinion on the 'Apollo Project'!"

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