Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 140 The real Yuanxing plan

The Apollo program was a series of manned lunar landing missions organized and implemented by the United States from 1961 to 1972. The purpose is to realize manned lunar landing flights and field inspections of the moon, and to make technical preparations for manned planetary flights and exploration. It is an epoch-making achievement in the world's aerospace history.

The plan lasted about 11 years and cost $25.5 billion. It accounted for approximately 20% of all scientific research and development funding in the United States that year. More than 20,000 companies, more than 200 universities, and more than 80 scientific research institutions participated in it. It was a major event in human history.

"Well... this is a feat." Kausi thought for a while, "Humanity's plan to explore the origin of alien planets, no matter how much manpower and material resources it spends, is the only way to open your eyes and see the universe!"

Gideon Malik smiled noncommittally.

"But what is very strange is that since the end of the Apollo program, the United States has never attempted to land on the moon again, until today, decades later, even though technology has developed to an unimaginable level. But in terms of aerospace technology alone , but it seems to be...regressing?"

"Do you think it's a step back?" Malik laughed.

"of course not!"

To Malik's surprise, Kaous shook his head.

"The moment any technology appears, it will only continue to improve and progress. In fact, I have always had a guess that it is not that American aerospace technology is regressing, but that they are implementing new plans!"

"But for some special reason, this new plan was deliberately covered up. In other words, the supporting technologies of the Apollo program were not sealed or lost, but became the core of the new plan in an unimaginable way. power!"

"This is the new plan you called - the Far Star Project!" Malik raised his head slightly and gently placed a document on the table. "Since 1972, this plan has been implemented for more than thirty years. It has been uninterrupted for years. It lasted three times longer than the Apollo program, and the manpower and material resources invested exceeded five times!"

Kausi picked up the document and flipped through it, frowning slightly.

"Small manned spacecraft can already leave the solar system?"

This data reminded Kausi of his motherland in the world he once lived in. Before he left, "Fat Five" flew at a speed of 11.2km/S, which had reached and exceeded the speed of the second universe.

But to leave the solar system, the manned spacecraft must exceed the third cosmic speed of 16.7km/S, which has greatly exceeded the technological level of the original world.

In the recent implementation of the "Far Star" project, the speed of "Far Star" 5 reached an astonishing one-ten thousandth of the speed of light. This spacecraft took off six years ago and has now crossed the Kuiper Belt and is about to fly out of the solar system for the first time!

"I think you should send these to Tony Stark for a look!" Kausi flipped through the documents, "The controllable nuclear fusion energy he invented some time ago is very good, at least it is much better than your nuclear fission! "

"Yes!" Malik nodded, "Tony is a real genius, but geniuses are always unruly and arrogant! Just like tonight - he didn't come at all!"

"Okay..." Kausi put the document away, "I will forward it to Tony for you, Mr. Malik, is there anything else?"

"Actually..." Old Malik licked his dry lips, "This document was given to Tony. And Kaus, I have something I want you to help me take a look at!"

finally come--

Kaus suddenly became energetic and pretended to be casual, "What is it? Can Mr. Malik be so cautious? Let me state in advance that I know very little about high technology, Tony is the expert in this field!"

Old Malik hesitated and took out a small box as big as a fist from his body.

"What's this?"

Kausi curiously opened the lid, revealing a piece of... ooze the size of a fingernail inside?

Kausi immediately smiled when he saw this thing.

"Where did you pick it off? Mr. Malik!"

From the moment Cauvus opened the lid, Malik stared at him without blinking, clasping his hands tightly, and his fingers even turned a little white due to extreme nervousness.

But on the surface, he was still so calm and calm, "Ah, this is a meteorite I got by accident. It looked like this when I got it... Well, I don't know what its use is. I just instinctively feel that it should be valuable!”

"Value? Oh, if you look at it from your point of view, it is indeed very useful!" Cauvus dug in his pocket for a while, pulled out a tattered goblin teleporter, and threw it on the table with a clang.

"This is..." Old Malik frowned and fiddled with the hand-sized thing that looked like scrap iron, thin wire, and magnets bundled together with his fingers, and finally completed what he wanted to say, " What is this?"

"Space beacon!" Kausi looked around, turned over a tool and started banging on the transmitter. However, this thing looked crudely made, but it was actually very strong.

"Okay-" He shrugged, reaching for his hammer.

Old Malik's face was twitching. He knew about this hammer from the information, but when this large hammer with a medieval style full of violent aesthetics appeared in front of him, it really had a special visual impact.

There was a loud "bang", and the table immediately turned into debris on the ground, and the teleporter was successfully smashed open, and a plume of green smoke came out - and then Cauvus avoided it from a distance. Who knows whether the goblin craftsmanship will Turn an ordinary teleporter into a high-explosive bomb?

After the smoke cleared, he skillfully opened the lid, revealing a large ball of... ooze inside.

"This is something with very stable properties. You can think of it as something like an inert gas. It can store a certain amount of energy, but its most important feature is that it does not react with any known matter in the universe. There will be no changes due to high temperature and high pressure.”

"So, in space technology, it is often used as the pointing medium for transmitting beacons!"

"Then, Mr. Gideon Malik, you can now explain the origin of this thing! If a meteorite brought it to the earth, then there is only one possibility - someone built a planet between the earth and the other side. The complete spatial coordinate system, and two-way transmission has been completed!”

Old Malik stood up suddenly and looked at Kaus with excitement in his eyes.

As early as when the hive was exiled, countless generations of ancestors of the Malik family had already found the teleportation stele and sealed it away.

In the industrial age, Hydra initially developed a method to open the portal, and successfully transported materials and personnel into the portal many times. As the Malik family's research on the teleportation stele continues to deepen, the opening time of the maintenance door is also increasing. In "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3", it can already allow 4 people and enough equipment to pass through, such as Will Aerospace Group .

Hidden in the Far Star spacecraft launch plans one after another, and welcoming back the hive through the teleportation stone tablet, is the true face of the "Far Star Plan"!

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