Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 142 Losing control for the first time

Kaous is able to carry out a life of fishing and being an uncle in this crisis-ridden Marvel world. In addition to his powerful golden fingers and advanced control of the plot, the warlocks, druids, mages and other colleagues next door have already prepared for him. He was fully prepared.

Not only does it check for omissions and fill in the gaps in the plot, but it also provides a general character inference for each character, so this makes Kaus, who was a netizen in his previous life, feel like a fish in water and can handle most situations with ease.

So before coming to the appointment, Kaous had already basically judged several reactions of the old Malik.

Relying on the power to dominate others, dispatch elite troops or reformers to fight against yourself and crush them forcefully.

In exchange for interests, he used his family's savings over the years to make a deal with himself in exchange for the hostage of Hive.

Frank cooperation, Malik's desire for dominance of the earth is not inconsistent with his vision of the universe.

No matter which one it is, Caus has made sufficient plans. If the other party wants to turn against him, a meteorite falling from the sky is enough to turn the entire manor into ruins, let alone Malik, even if the Red Skull is standing here. , and also taught him that his soul was scattered and he died an unexpected death!

So in the final analysis, the most likely and realistic option for old Malik is to make a deal with himself, use space teleportation as bait, and not take out all the Malik family's underpants, even if Kausu is merciful.

No matter how much Cauus thought about it, learned from his predecessors, and prepared plans, he could never have imagined that Old Malik would actually choose the most unlikely option - selling his daughter for glory!

This is Gideon Malik, one of the leaders of Hydra!

In the original plot of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", the Hive finally returned to Earth through the Blackstone Portal through Grant Ward's body. However, Hive, who successfully returned to Earth, was not grateful to Hydra. He was more inclined to transform humans into the Inhumans, and was not too concerned about the development of Hydra.

During a rebel uprising, the Hive mistakenly killed Stephanie Malik, and Gideon Malik, the leader of Hydra, was furious. He defected directly to SHIELD and gave away all the information he knew about Hydra. Snake told Nick Fury all of his secrets, and also informed him of the hive's weaknesses.

It can be said that in the list of characters in the Marvel world, Gideon Malick is truly a character who is desperate for his daughter. As for the secret that the family has guarded for hundreds of years, the leader of Hydra - screw them all!

After just being stunned for a few minutes, Kaus finally came to his senses and said, "Mr. Malik, you are really good at joking. You almost scared me."

"This isn't a joke, kid!"

"I am sixty-nine years old this year. Even if the five major council members now declare me to be the leader of the earth, I will not live long. But Stephanie is different, she is still young..."

"I have protected her so well over the years. She is just a sapling, watered by sunshine and rain. Like her mother, she has enough intelligence and courage, and maybe she doesn't even lack ambition - But they lack the experience and ability to fight against the wind and waves!”

Ambition? This girl is definitely enough!

Queen of Earth, the princess of Emperor Bloodhoof. Old man, do you know that your daughter had already confirmed her identity long before you?

But as Malik Sr. said, Stephanie is still too young.

After getting over the initial shock, Kaous picked up the wine bottle and refilled his glass. He would not easily believe an old Hydra. He did not believe a word of Malik's statement just now.

Don't call yourself old, how many old men in history have abandoned everything for their own ambitions? Even if Malik Sr. was indeed willing to give up everything for his daughter, in the original timeline, Hive killed Stephanie by mistake, causing Malik Sr. to despair, at least not yet.

"Okay, let's talk about the deal next!"

Kaus took a sip of red wine and relaxed. "Now let's go back to the previous topic. You need to open the portal...or maintain an existing portal for a long time. And I can just do it. , As for what you want to open the door for, it has nothing to do with me. "

"No, kid, what's the use of that portal? Maybe you won't believe what I say, then I will show you my sincerity first -" Old Malik took out a copy from his body and folded it "This is the hive's ability and weakness, it cannot survive in a vacuum, and..."

"Wait!" Kausu didn't go to pick up the documents. He knew how to deal with the hive even without looking at him. He was just surprised by old Malik's current behavior. Did he really not want the hive? Even if he figured out the problem of the animal trainer and the clown, it was an alien planet with no people!

When the earth's resources are being plundered, a planet without life exists but has a lot of minerals!

"What other proof do you need from me?"

Old Malik looked unusually kind, and his tone was unprecedentedly kind.

"I don't have much property. It's about two to three billion US dollars. Half of it can be used as a betrothal gift, and the remaining half can be used by me to provide for myself and live a good life!"

"Privately, I also control an army and six laboratories, as well as some secret things. I can't tell you until you accept Stephanie."

"Really?" Kausi, who had completely calmed down, stared at the old Malik playfully, "What if I told you to destroy that portal now?"

"No problem!" Old Malik said in an unusually resolute manner, "My people will be ready in an hour, and the online video can also be played in real time!"

This series of actions made Kausi completely confused. Is this old man serious? But why did he do this? Could destroying the portal bring him more benefits?

"I had a great time tonight, Mr. Malik!" Kaus decided to leave immediately. Everything was in chaos. Both the original plot and the intelligence of his colleagues were completely useless. He considers himself to have a good IQ, but he absolutely cannot compete with such an old fox in politics - he can be said to have completely failed in this regard.

"Okay!" Old Malik also stood up. He had been sending Kausi to the door and watched him get a three-wheeled tractor motorcycle from nowhere and leave all the way. Then he slowly calmed down. smile.

"Stoke!" he told his old butler, "I will go back to my room to rest first. After the cocktail party is over, you can come to my room."

"Okay!" The loyal old butler bowed slightly, "Do I need to bring you anything else?"


Old Malik quickly returned to his room. Instead of resting directly, he unveiled a mural and opened the miniature safe inside, revealing a small...

Black plastic bag!

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