Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 143 Captain America wakes up

After all, Kausu overlooked one detail.

That night he went to the basement next door, filled a bag of dust stained with the keel bones, added egg whites and honey, and rolled them into small balls, preparing to use them to catch the big fish Malik.

But later, when everyone was busy discussing how to conquer the universe, Kausu threw the rolled balls on the counter. As time went by, he actually forgot about it completely.

There are no normal people in the Mulgore Hotel, especially after Betty Ross went back to school to work, and the only normal person left in the entire hotel was Stephanie Malick. She once witnessed Kavus doing "anti-fear training" for Iron Man, and when she returned to the hotel later, she sensed the terrifying aura at the counter again.

It took Stephanie several days to get used to her fear, and when she finally dared to reach out to the counter, she took a few pills from the bag and hurried back to her dad's house in New York.

No one dares to get close to these small pills. Even if they are packed in a black plastic bag, they can clearly feel the inherent power.

Combined with the information obtained by his daughter, this made old Malik feel extremely uneasy.

If what Stephanie said is true, then the astronauts of the "Far Star Project" who passed through the portal were probably frightened to death by extreme fear the moment they crossed space. In this case, did the hive receive the message? As for the supplies sent by Hydra, that's an unknown...

"Hey, what else do I want to do with a hive?" Leaning on the sofa in the room, old Malik shook his head mockingly, "There is an undeveloped planet right there, and the hive is a thing of the past!"

There were four pills in the plastic bag. There were supposed to be five pills. Old Malik asked someone to try one. Sure enough, after taking the pill, the man no longer felt fear.

This is enough to prove that Cous has mastered some key technologies.

In this case, the old Malick decisively abandoned the hive, and instead chose to take a share of the development of alien planets - and the opponents included Tony Stark, Dr. Banner, Frank Castle, and even With Wilson Fisk and others involved, it would be difficult for him to get involved in any aspect.

—Except Stephanie.

No matter how powerful Iron Man is, how about changing his personality?

No matter how powerful Dr. Bruce Banner's skills are... can his unshaven appearance compare to the beauty of my daughter?

Erica Nakis? How can a retired assassin's family background be comparable to that of the Malik family?

Therefore, Gideon Malik's biggest bargaining chip is actually Stephanie.

As for his daughter's happiness... Old Malik personally contacted and talked with Kaous, and he was very impressed by the other party's calmness and wisdom. Coupled with the other party's naturally high affability and appearance, he believed that it was at least a hundred times better than those little brats who used clumsy methods to attract their daughters in school!

As for marriage?

After years of careful inspection, Malik Sr. basically has no expectations for America's rich second generation.

So when Stephanie came back three days later and pulled out a letter, Malik Sr. just took one look at it and immediately smiled.

The content of this handwritten letter is extremely simple, with only one sentence in the text.

"We'll talk again in a year!"

Old Malik remembers clearly that one year later, it was when the Blackstone portal opened again.

"Stephanie, you don't have to go back to Mulgore Hotel for the time being!"

"Why?" Stephanie, who was still preparing to continue the offensive against Kaus, was confused. "I still want to look for clues to Mavis."

"No need!" Old Malik said gently, "We need to start making money now, recruit a large number of manpower, design new unmanned mechanical equipment, and...train more troops!"

Things come and go quickly.

When Kausu finally decided to deal with the matter coldly and pushed the time to one year later, he was actually very flustered and a little bit happy inside.

"It is better to believe in books than to have no books at all!" This sentence made Kausi alert.

"My development was too smooth before. I always thought that everything would stay true to its origins. I had the advantages of knowing the plot well and word of mouth from the senior time travellers, but there would still be unpredictable changes - just like this time, who would To think that a Hydra leader would suddenly give up everything and marry his daughter to himself?" With the timeline changed, the development of the plot will definitely not be smooth sailing!

This also really cheered up Kausu.

What made him secretly happy was that after two years of development, a once penniless second-hand house salesman was now favored by an old fox in politics. Even if it is for the sake of exchange of benefits, allowing this famous slave girl to put her own daughter on the bargaining table is enough to prove how much the other party values ​​her.

So he was in a very good mood these days. Even if a familiar figure stood in a daze at the door of his hotel, he did not chase the person away, but showed a bright smile, "Hey, Steve?"

The man had beautiful blond hair, a handsome face and blue eyes that could fascinate most women with normal aesthetics. He had broad shoulders, a thin waist and long legs. He was like a perfect statue, even the best sculpture. No one can modify it in any detail.

This is Steve Rogers, the symbol of the American spirit. He is tall, strong and the most perfect specimen of mankind. With a strong physique, super close combat ability, and a strong will, he has no magical superpowers, but he has always been the only commander and spiritual leader of the superhero team.

It was this man who never gave in no matter what enemy he faced all the way from World War II until the introduction of the Superhero Act, when he finally stopped resisting. As Captain America, he never surrendered on the battlefield; but as Steve Rogers, he was unwilling to bring more pain to people.

So, this veteran who had defeated countless terrorists and super criminals gave up the fight for the first time. He was immediately arrested and charged with treason by the country he loved so much.

He didn't have time to hear the accusations.

On his way to a federal courthouse in New York, co-worker and girlfriend Sharon Carter shot him three times. Captain America collapsed, slumped on the steps leading to the trial. ("civil war")

Fortunately, at least so far, none of this has happened.

So Kaus looked directly at Rogers, making the veteran who had just woken up feel uncomfortable all over.

“Phil told me I can find inner peace here!”

"What you need is not peace, but familiarity with a new life!" Cowus called to Captain America, "Come on, man, I have good wine here, even Dugan said it's a good liquor!"

"Dugan? Dugan?" Rogers felt happy when he finally heard a familiar name. He walked into the hotel unsuspectingly and saw Frank Custer sitting in the corner.

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