Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 144 Lion and Lion

Just like in the plot of "Avengers 1", despite being wiped out of most of its personnel, SHIELD mobilized a team as much as possible to go under the iceberg and rescue Steve Rogers.

In order to prevent him from having a mental breakdown, Nick Fury still thoughtfully simulated the scene in 1945, but he was quickly discovered by the alert Captain America.

After understanding everything, Rogers shut himself into the training ground, hoping to calm himself down with crazy physical training. Fortunately, due to the extreme shortage of manpower, this time novice mentor Phil Coulson appeared in advance. He successfully calmed Captain America and suggested that he come to Hell's Kitchen.

At the same time that the US team saw Frank Custer, Uncle Punishment also saw Rogers, and they both felt the familiar smell of gunpowder smoke from the other party. Two equally tough and strong veterans stared at each other silently until Frank patted the chair next to him and said, "Would you like to have a drink?"

"Steve, what do you want to drink?" Kaus walked into the counter, intending to find a bottle of good wine.

"Bring him my wine!" Frank raised his hand and greeted, "This old guy deserves the best wine!"

A bottle of Saffron spirits was placed on the table. Cowus pointed at Captain America who had just sat down. "A veteran who has been sleeping for seventy years may not know what to do in today's society, so Phil Coulson Introduced him here.”

"This is the right place!" Frank threw a cigar at Captain America. "Try the wine here. I can guarantee that you will never drink such good wine anywhere in the world!"

Rogers tried to pick up the cup and took a sip, his brows immediately widened.

"Ah, what a delicious wine!"

He picked up the cigar cutter and began to cut the tail. Not far away, a rocket launcher screamed and exploded. Immediately afterwards, intensive gunshots rang out, rattling together.

"Hell's Kitchen special carnival, I wonder if it was like this in your time!"

Seeing that the other person's fingers holding the small scissors didn't tremble at all, Frank's slightly drunk eyes deepened his affection, "Maybe this will give you a more familiar feeling?"

"It is indeed very familiar!" Rogers lit the cigar with Frank's lighter, took a puff, and slowly spit it out, "But this is just childish. The wars I have experienced are a hundred times more tragic than this!"

"Yes!" Frank Custer, who survived the jungles of Vietnam, nodded. "I was unlucky and didn't catch up with the world war. But it's not my fault. The old guys at the recruiting office thought I was too good. Small, not as tall as a rifle..."

This joke that only circulated in the military soon made Captain America laugh, "I am Steve Rogers. I am surprised why you all seem to know me and not some imitator or drag show! I was at When I was buying something at a convenience store, the boss insisted that I was the one who most closely resembled Captain America and gave me a 20% discount!”

"Frank Custer, a former Marine." Uncle Punishment said calmly, "No matter how good the imitator is, he can't imitate the breath of crawling out of the dead, even if he has been a soldier for several years - these days The little babies are only suitable to go to the honor guard."

"I agree!"

The two raised their glasses, touched them gently, and then drank them all.

Erica walked down the stairs, hugged Kausu's waist intimately from behind, stuck her head out and looked at Rogers curiously, "This is... Captain America? Steve Rogers?"

"No!" Rogers, who had completely relaxed, raised his glass politely, "A poor drag show... imitator."

"It's impossible for an imitator to still have such strength!" Erica's big eyes smiled crookedly, "You can't hide it from me, I'm a professional killer!"

"Retired!" Kausi added.

"You guy!" Erica rolled her eyes at Kausi, as if she was still a little bit dissatisfied with her hatred, and stretched out her foot to lightly kick his calf.

"Ah, by the way!" Cowus saw Dr. Banner walking from the next aisle. "Steve, I would like to introduce you to Dr. Bruce Banner. He is now an employee of the Mulgore Hotel. By the way , this guy accidentally cracked the Arctic ice while escaping, and later an oil exploration team discovered a crashed plane..."

PhD? Hotel staff? What kind of person would "escape" to the North Pole and then be able to crack the thick ice? Rogers was a little confused, but he quickly realized the meaning of the second half of the sentence and hurriedly stood up to thank him, "Dr. Banner, I am Steve Rogers. Thank you for breaking the ice..."

Banner was not good at words, and he didn't know how to answer when this happened. He could only smile awkwardly, "I'm glad to see you. You are the spiritual symbol of our generation!"

After exchanging a few words, everyone returned to their seats. Some took a nap, some watched TV, and some wiped the table. The peaceful atmosphere returned to the atmosphere.

But in Hell's Kitchen, "tranquility" is definitely a luxurious adjective. An earth-shattering explosion sounded in the distance, and Steve Rogers frowned.

"At least two hundred kilograms of TNT!" He tilted his head and asked Frank, "Has Hell's Kitchen started playing those little territorial games again?"

He's from Brooklyn and is close to Hell's Kitchen, so he knows almost everything about its virtues.

"No." Frank tilted his head, "Kingpin rented the dock here and planned to transform it into a large warehouse... Well, they seem to have used a little more explosives."

But as if hitting him in the face, an explosion was followed by countless gunshots.

Rogers listened carefully and said, "At least two companies are exchanging fire. Frank, are you sure this is a warehouse renovation? Also, who is Kingpin?"

"A gang leader in New York."

"Oh..." Rogers shrugged. Since he is a gang leader, it is none of his business.

Before he finished the glass of wine, Kausu's phone suddenly rang. He listened for a while and stood up from the counter.

"Guys, there's something going on at the dock. Who's interested in taking a trip?"

"What's up?"

"Someone is coming to look for trouble! It is said to be the Ten Rings Gang..."

Frank put on the mecha with a few clicks, stood up with Dragon's Fury, and said to the new friend he had just met: "Steve, sit down for a while, and I'll go solve a little trouble!"

"Can I go visit?"

Of course, Rogers had no interest in the dog-eat-dog fight between gangs, but when he heard the sound of gunfire in the distance, a passion for war inexplicably arose in his heart, and he suddenly became interested in watching the battle.

"I won't participate, I'll just take a look... Even if it smells like gun smoke, it's good."

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