Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 146 Captain America and Iron Man meet for the first time

When Captain America and the Punisher returned to the hotel while chatting, the smile on Rogers' face never dimmed for a moment.

What cannot adapt to the new era? What old man is out of place? It's actually very simple. Captain America, who has been sleeping for seventy years, is too lonely. Steve Rogers isn't an unapproachable man, as long as he finds a topic he's familiar with - and the Hell's Kitchen turf game is all too familiar to him.

"Jinpin is currently cooperating with us and is responsible for the construction of the dock warehouse area..."

"We are preparing to do a big thing, which will require countless manpower and money. Of course, we are not going to fight a world war - in fact, you are right to understand this!"

"Dum Bomb works as a security guard in our company. You can visit our mecha when you have time..."

The tough, old-fashioned, old-school retired special forces "Punisher" Frank Custer simply meets all Captain America's needs and tastes for a good companion. He understands every word he speaks, and some outdated old jokes also make Rogers Feel more cordial. So he listened carefully and expressed his opinions from time to time. Especially regarding the military perspective, the two people chatted extremely speculatively.

"I now understand why Phil Coulson asked me to come to Hell's Kitchen." Rogers took a deep breath. "The air here reminds me of the era I experienced. Although it doesn't smell that good, it is very familiar. , very kind, and…”

Frank parked the car in front of the hotel, "You can stay here for a while and then decide."

Walking into this hotel for the second time, Steve Rogers looked at the place carefully again. It was what it was like when he left, and it is still what it is now, as if time had slowed down here.

There is an old-fashioned brazier burning in the hall, a dart board is hung on the wall, and there are aged wine barrels on the counter. In the corner against the wall, there is a beautiful girl curled up on the sofa watching TV, and an old cat is taking a nap in a den in the corner. , making gurgling sounds from time to time... This kind of ancient, rough, slow-paced life is simply unbelievable in a fast-paced place like New York.

Rogers walked to the counter and tapped his fingers on the countertop, "Okay, I need to check in."

——Then Mogolei Hotel welcomed its second long-term private room guest.

In order to welcome the new guests, Kausi thoughtfully held a grand dinner, which was attended by Kausi, Carrie, Erica, Dr. Banner, Uncle Punishment and Captain America - all six rooms were occupied.

Dinner is also extremely sumptuous, including corn sausage, barbecue mystery beast meat, Dalaran almond chocolate cake, shovel-tooth venison steak, spicy insect burger... plus unlimited supply of Food Festival beer and Saffron spirits, six A man and a cat sat around the fire, eating with their mouths full of oil and talking loudly.

Rogers liked this atmosphere very much. Not only was it a family dinner, but more importantly, he basically understood what they were talking about and could even participate in a few words from time to time. This is completely different from the high-tech S.H.I.E.L.D.

"We can go to the basement next door for a snack later!" Frank invited.

"Basement? Do you need to move anything?" The simple Captain America hadn't realized that the basement of the Mulgore Hotel was different. He thought the basement was filled with cabbage, potatoes, firewood or toolboxes. He rolled up his sleeves, "...I'm willing to make some effort."

"Well, you misunderstood." Frank smiled, "That's a gym!"

All the atmosphere came to a halt after Tony Stark arrived. Iron Man landed with a clang at the door of the hotel and strode in.

"Guys, things have changed... Oh, look who is this?" Stark looked at Cap sitting in the crowd in surprise, "Man, you look familiar."

"Say it again! Either you land on a harder ground, or you pay for the damn door yourself!" Kausi complained smoothly, "The person who comes to see you...should be called uncle?" He asked. He tilted his head and gestured towards Captain America, "Tony Stark, son of Howard Stark."

"Hello!" Rogers wiped his hands on the tablecloth, stood up politely and extended his hand, "I am Steve Rogers. I know your father. He is a very talented scientist."

"Captain America?" Stark's eyes widened and he hesitated before reaching out to hold his hand. "Damn it, no one told me you were still alive. Did you take some anti-aging potion?"

"I just dug it out of the ice..." Captain America shrugged, "I think I missed a lot of things, but this sleep was really long enough!"

In the original plot, Captain America and Iron Man, two of the Big Three Avengers, met for the first time on a space aircraft carrier. Stark, who was unusually high-profile from the beginning, used his venomous tongue to hit everyone present. Map cannon, which the old-fashioned and traditional Captain Rogers dislikes very much. The second time on the plane to Hamburg, Iron Man insisted on flying out alone to confront Thor. Rogers completely recognized the opponent's pushy character, which also further worsened the impression of Captain America, who has always focused on teamwork.

Perhaps they were born with each other, but when the two met for the first time, they felt a little unhappy... The other person didn't seem to suit their tastes.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't talk too much. Tony Stark's mind was full of conquering the universe. He was just in a daze for a moment and then changed the topic in another direction, "Cous, you have to help this time. I know, an inexplicable force is looking for trouble for me..."

Seemingly thinking of something, Frank turned his head and stared at Stark, "Ten Rings Gang?"

"Not sure!" Stark frowned and sat down by the fire. "My friend James Rhodes...Cauth has seen him. He was almost kidnapped yesterday. Their target was Stark Industries. The sealed weapons and the Mark mecha!”

Kidnapping a war machine? After hearing this plot, Kausi immediately identified it - Mandarin, the leader of the Ten Rings Gang.

From a long time ago, the Ten Rings Gang has been eyeing Iron Man. From Jellico missiles to Mark mechas, the ambitious Mandarin hopes to obtain Stark's advanced weapons, so while they attack Iron Man, they also do not forget to launch an operation against "War Machine" Rhodes, who uses The improved Mark II mecha continued to attack the Ten Rings Gang terrorists, and two branches were uprooted by him.

"What a coincidence!" Frank threw a ring towards Kausi. "I found this on the dock today. I killed a guy from the Ten Rings Gang and left this thing behind."

"Is this the white light thing?" Rogers frowned.

After getting the ring, Kausu's expression, which was still casual, immediately turned serious.

He thought for a moment, motioned for everyone to wait for him, then walked into the basement, walked out with a bag, and poured out a lot of small bottles.

"The resistance mixture will increase the resistance of various spells within an hour." Kausu ordered, "Everyone take a little, and when you meet the leader of the Ten Rings Gang, drink it immediately!"

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