"The Ten Rings Gang, also known as the Ten Rings Gang, is a terrorist organization that spreads all over the world. Its leader is a guy named Mandarin. It is said that he has the Ten Rings, which has magical powers. This is also the origin of the Ten Rings Gang. "

"The origins of these ten rings are unknown. They are said to be mysterious weapons from aliens. Their specific functions..."

Kausi recalled as much as possible and introduced them one by one, "The impact ring can shoot various shock waves to attack; the vortex ring can produce tornadoes in the air and allow the user to fly; the disintegration ring can destroy atoms with way to instantly decompose inanimate matter; the black lightning ring, which can create an area of ​​complete darkness and swallowing light; the psychic strengthening ring, which allows the user to control other people's thoughts and also affect the target's senses; the electromagnetic ring, the flame ring , lightning ring, freezing ring... well, that’s the literal meaning!”

He recalled as much as he could, narrated it, and suddenly asked: "How many are there?"

"Nine!" Stark and Dr. Banner answered in unison.

"Okay, let me think about the last one... As far as I know, Mandarin made a batch of imitations using ten rings, which can also exert some similar effects after being charged. This one should be one of them. One of them, that is to say, the guy you killed should be a leader of the Ten Rings Gang! I remembered it!"

"What?" Frank turned his head and looked at Cauius.

"The last ring, which is the strongest one, is called the Material Reorganization Ring. Mandarin often uses it to change clothes or adjust his appearance, but this is not its main function. In fact, it does not change atoms. With the structure, it can turn the air into poisonous gas, and it can also turn..."

Almost everyone's eyes lit up.

"Wait!" Tony Stark asked impatiently, "Turning the air into poison gas means that you can also turn the poison gas into air!"

"We can turn excess carbon dioxide, nitrogen or other toxic gases in the air into a liquid or even solid state, and then allow the oxygen to reach the appropriate concentration." Dr. Banner immediately thought of the use of this ring, "Even if it is thin It doesn’t matter at all, use other methods to fill it – such as electrolysis with a large amount of water, and hydrogen liquefaction is also an important industrial raw material!”

"That's an atmosphere of oxygen!" Stark retorted unceremoniously, "You have used water electrolysis, so why not just use carbon dioxide for carbon and oxygen separation?"

"That requires a huge amount of energy..." Dr. Banner was about to refute, but then rejected his point of view with a smile, "I forgot, if we have this material reorganization ring, we don't have to worry about energy consumption at all!"

Several people fell silent at the same time, looking at each other, with only one message in their eyes: Kill the Ten Rings Gang and grab ten rings!

"The most important thing for us at the moment is to determine the coordinate position as soon as possible, and then send a rover to conduct environmental exploration!" Dr. Banner made a smooth move. He turned his head and looked at Kaus, "When can the portal be opened?"

"In fact, I have found the coordinates on the opposite side!"

Kausu's answer suddenly made several people excited. Stark couldn't wait to ask: "Then what are you waiting for? Are we..."

"Don't get excited yet, there is a small problem now!"

Kausi hesitated for a moment, then asked his question, "There is a monster on the other side of the portal. It is a collection of parasites. It does not have a complete form. You can think of it as a group of flying parasites." The ants then form an octopus-like monster that is parasitic and conventional weapons don’t work—how to deal with it?”

"High temperature!" "Low temperature!" "Nuclear bomb..."

Stark, Banner, and Frank all gave their answers almost at the same time.

Well, it fits their knowledge and current mentality very well.

"The problem is, as long as one of them escapes, it will hide somewhere and stir up trouble, and then secretly devour the flesh and energy to revive it. Killing half of them is not a problem, the problem is how to annihilate them all!"

Several people suddenly became quiet and looked at each other, feeling very scratched for a moment.

"To deal with bugs, just use a bug net..." Erica had just eaten a piece of pie and rolled her eyes because of choking. She hurriedly drank a sip of juice to suppress it. She answered casually, "Find a way to get a bigger power grid. In other words, simply block an area!"

Stark's brows raised and he hesitated to speak. He can also block the power grid in an area, but the other party is not a fool. Is it possible that he will jump into the trap he has set up?

"Ah, I have a way!" Little Carrie raised her hand weakly.

Everyone looked at her, and Jia Li raised her fingers toward the corner, "Come here!"

The orange cat was hiding in her den and sleeping. Suddenly, she felt a terror of life and death coming towards her. The hairs all over her body were so frightened that she wanted to run away. As soon as she stood up, she saw a terrifying creature coming towards her. Point your finger at yourself.

Well, he has a big background and I can’t afford to offend him.

The poor old cat walked over slowly, but before he got close, Carrie, who was already impatient with waiting, reached out and picked it up, holding up its paws, "It can deal with the swarm of insects!"

"Meow meow - meow? (To deal with the swarm? Which one? Annihilation swarm or space locust? Tyranid and Zerg are not bad...the question is what good do I do?)"

"It's just a Kree bug!" Carrie grunted.

"Meow..." The element-devouring beast suddenly felt relieved.

With a "pop" sound, Kausi clapped his hands heavily. How could he forget this uncle? Never mind how many parasite clones there are in the hive, or how many bugs it has, the element-devouring beast has as many tentacles!

As for how many insect clones escaped? As long as Mavis is still there, the element-devouring beast can capture it!

Among everyone present, only Captain America, who had just arrived, looked confused. He understood every word, but when they were put together, he didn't know what it meant. He just instinctively felt that this group of people seemed to be discussing something very dangerous.

"What are you talking about?" He finally couldn't hold back anymore and asked Frank in a low voice.

"Oh, it's nothing. A group of guys who have been idle recently decided to conquer an alien planet..."

"An alien planet?" Captain America's eyes widened. He had just crawled out of the ice, and then he discovered that the monsters on the earth were already preparing to extend their black hands to the alien planet?

"Mars? Or Jupiter?"

Limited to the times, Captain America has tried his best to stretch his imagination to the limit.

But Frank shook his head, "I don't know. Only Kaus can open the portal over there and transport a batch of mechanical equipment and manpower in. As for the approximate location..."

"Very close!" Carrie answered the question, "Probably in the Andromeda Beta Belt constellation, which is a small uninhabited planet!"

"Oh..." Everyone including Captain America, Frank, and Erica nodded, "That's very close!"

Only Stark and Dr. Banner's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Where did you say it was?"

"——You call this close?"

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