Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 151 The show begins

The sky has darkened.

In a museum exhibition hall in Hamburg, Germany, Rocky arrogantly knocked over the elderly guard, causing a lot of commotion. Using this as a cover, Hawkeye and Dr. Helwig, controlled by the scepter, quickly took away a large amount of metal iridium.

Loki, who transformed into his true form, waved his scepter unscrupulously, blowing up the approaching police car into a ball of scrap metal, and then controlled the crowd, talking triumphantly.

As he began to try to kill a rebel, Steve Rogers, descending from the Quinjet, blocked the magical blast with his shield and reflected it back, knocking Loki back.

"Aha, look who this is? An American soldier! Someone who has been left behind by time!" Loki stood up from the ground awkwardly, and shot out a shock beam, almost hitting him in mid-air. A hovering Quinjet.

"Hmm -" Natasha, who was flying the plane, broke into a cold sweat, but Kausi stared at Loki below with interest, "It really looks like Bambi..."

The next plot was the same as in the movie. When Captain Rogers and Loki were fighting, Iron Man, who arrived quickly, knocked down Loki, pointed the pulse cannon in his hand at Loki who was lying on the ground, and then killed him. Brought on the plane.

"Is it you?" The cynical smile on Loki's face immediately stiffened when he saw Kavus. He once witnessed with his own eyes from the Rainbow Bridge that it was this guy who smashed the Destroyer's head away with a hammer. ——Even if it is the Destroyer that is activated abnormally, Loki thinks that his head is not that hard.

"Hey, meet the third princess!" Kausi gave a chest-holding salute in a very naughty manner.

"What third princess?" Loki was confused by his actions and yelled through gritted teeth, "You ignorant country bumpkins, I am noble..."

Suddenly something swept by in the dark, and the rest of Loki's words came to a halt. He looked around in a hurry, always feeling that there seemed to be a big green monster staring at him somewhere. As long as he said that word, he would be picked up and beaten.

"I feel something's wrong. This guy didn't resist seriously!" Captain America walked into the cabin and deliberately avoided Loki. "It seems like he was caught on purpose by us!"

"Captain, what you say hurts my heart so much!" Tony Stark teased Captain America, "Anyway, you still have good skills despite your age...I spent a lot of effort !”

Well, at least this is not the first time the two people have met. In front of Cowus, Stark's vicious tongue did not say insulting words like "Captain America Popsicle".

"Stop guessing!" Cauvus stepped in between the two of them, "Loki is known as the best mage in the nine realms, but he is so stupid that he uses a scepter as a stick, or two iron pieces as an assassin. , in terms of control of magic alone, the two of you combined can’t beat him!”

"Kavus!" Tony Stark was dissatisfied, "My mecha has been greatly enhanced against elemental spells. Even if he is a mage, I still..."

There was a soft "click" sound, and a small trapped totem exploded. Stark's whole body froze, and he found that he could not even lift his little finger. Fortunately, he returned to his original position after just a few seconds.

"Don't think that spells are so simple. This is just the easiest element to understand. If you encounter a soul-type attack, it will be impossible to defend against!" Kausu warned solemnly, "You will encounter chaos magic in the future. , necromancy, dark magic, let alone you, even I will have a headache for a long time."

"Okay!" Although Stark lost a little face, he would never admit defeat. "As long as you give me some time, I will definitely work out a way to deal with you, just because I know these things." It’s just not very familiar.”

"Actually, there is another kind of magic..." Kaus suddenly had a bit of bad taste. He motioned the two people to go to the front cabin, and then reached out and took out the Balrog Hammer.

"Three...Loki Odinson, these two friends of mine are very interested in your magic, so-"

"So what?" Loki stared at Cauvus, but his eyes couldn't help but glance at the hammer that once blasted the Destroyer, "What do you want to do?"

"Come on, let's see if we become a frost giant?"

"You are insulting a great god!" Loki was furious. He stared and yelled, "No one can...well, isn't it just the Frost Giant? But it's too narrow here! "

The cold orange hammer hung on his forehead, and Loki decisively compromised.

"The underage Frost Giants are not that big!" Kaus noticed a flash of lightning outside the window of the plane, illuminating the dark sky. He immediately pressed the hammer down a little more, "Change quickly!"

Loki cursed and his body swayed, turning into a blue-black monster. Kausi smiled and said to the two superheroes with ugly faces behind him, "Did you see it? This is the most troublesome spell. On the one hand, it is difficult to see through. On the other hand, if it really becomes your beloved relatives and friends, , and then assassinate you—what will happen?”

Suddenly there was lightning and thunder outside the plane, and strong winds rolled up dark clouds. Several people had a premonition of something and looked out the window almost at the same time. But nothing could be seen except the gloomy sky.

"Damn it, the person you least want to see is here!" Loki cursed and shrank back.

A sudden shock was heard in the cabin. Stark and Captain Rogers looked at each other. Iron Man put down his mask and Captain Rogers picked up his shield.

The tail of the plane suddenly opened, and accompanied by lightning, thunder and strong winds, a burly and strong figure landed in the cabin. Tony Stark took a step forward, the pulse cannon in his hand already lighting up.

But the guy swung a hammer first, and Stark was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground. He was about to get up, cursing, when he saw Captain America rounding his shield and throwing his arm away. With a "clang" sound, the vibranium shield was knocked back.

As soon as Rogers grabbed the shield, he saw the guy grab Loki, suddenly let out a strange scream, and hurriedly threw Loki out, falling to the ground, grinning in pain.

"A juvenile frost giant? Why not..."

"That's your brother...even though he's adopted!" Kausi shouted deliberately, "Oh, Thor Odinson, Loki was just thrown three meters away by you. He will cry and go home to you. Mom is complaining!"

"Who? Who are you?" Thor turned around with his eyes wide open, hesitated for a moment, and his eyes fell on Kaus's Balrog Hammer on the ground, and he immediately recognized it, "Are you Kaus?"

"Thank you, the great God of Thunder Hammer, for remembering this little guy like me?"

"I'm taking Loki away!"

"Okay!" Cowus turned around and saw that Stark, who had already gotten up, looked unhappy, and Captain America was also frowning. He chuckled, "Go down and have a fight?"

"That's what I meant!" Stark, who felt he had lost face, strongly agreed, but Captain America approached Cauius and whispered: "Calius, the mission is important!"

Kausi turned his head and lowered his voice, "Captain, we still need to find out what Loki is doing. I think this may be an opportunity to find out."

Captain America looked at Stark's eagerness to give it a try, and finally compromised, "Don't miss the point!"

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