Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 152 Ascension of Elements VS Thunder God’s Power

The dark clouds became darker and darker, countless lightnings lit up the deep night, and a series of explosions sounded. The battle between Thor, known as the most powerful Avenger of the generation, and Tony Stark, who was wearing the MK85 Nano Armor, began at the beginning. Intensified.

Endless lightning fell like a heavy rain, but not only did it not cause any harm to Iron Man, it instead further filled the mecha with energy.

"What the hell?" Summoned a bolt of lightning as thick as a child's arm and hit the opponent. However, he watched the blue light on the opponent's chest become more and more dazzling. Thor frowned and threw out a thunder hammer, but was struck by Stark. Escape with an understatement.

"Cous, this guy's lightning isn't as powerful as yours!" Stark took the opportunity to knock Thor over with a pulse cannon, and he even had time to turn around and joke in his busy schedule.

"Thor's lightning is not as good as..." Loki, who was tied and thrown to the ground, was a little confused. He tentatively asked Captain Rogers, who was guarding him next to him, "What does this mean?"

"Literally!" Steve Rogers also wanted to figure out what Loki was doing. He stood beside him with a shield. "Thor is not the only one who has the ability to summon thunder and lightning. Caucus Blood Dofu’s lightning spell is also used very well.”

"Then if two people summon lightning at the same time, whose call will the air element obey?"

"Who knows?"

"This is what I want to know!" Kausi shook the orange hammer, "Both are good at air spells, and both have artifacts. So I have always been curious. As typical representatives of enhancement shamans, Thor and I What is the gap between Odinson and me!"

"Cous, if you are a comrade, you don't actually need to compete!" Captain Rogers was still trying to persuade Cous, "I know Thor and we are on the same side, right?"

Kaus turned his head and whispered in Rogers' ear: "Asgardians only believe in the strong. If they cannot get his approval, even if they barely form a team, they will be ruined because of his arrogance and contempt." The estrangement in..."

Rogers' eyes flashed, he nodded slightly and lowered his shield.

Finding that his lightning was ineffective, Thor immediately changed his tactics. He swung his hammer and rushed forward. The nanomecha on Tony Stark's left arm quickly transformed into a transparent shield. There was only a "click" sound, and in Meow Under the thunderous bombardment of Meow Hammer, even the nano-modules driven by anti-matter energy were smashed to pieces by the hammer. Stark staggered back a few steps, and a small plasma cannon rose from his right shoulder. A flash of blue light knocked Thor away, and Stark took the opportunity to distance himself.

At this time, Thor, the God of Thunder, still did not have an enhanced divine body. Even so, Stark could not break through the defense. He successively replaced ion weapons, laser weapons and kinetic energy weapons with little success. Instead, Thor broke the shield again and again. If the nano-module hadn't absorbed the huge kinetic energy and quickly repaired it, Stark would have been injured. Under the Meow Hammer.

"This is not right..."

The more Kaus looked at it, the more strange it became. Logically speaking, MK85 has been tested by Thanos. Although it can't beat the Purple Potato Demon, it won't be beaten by the first-generation Thor-at least it should be a tie.

"It's too unfamiliar!" But Captain America, who has experienced many battles, saw the clues. "Tony's mecha is very good, but its movements are very stiff. This has nothing to do with the mecha, but a problem with the driver!"

"That's true!" Kaus suddenly realized that the mecha is important, but Tony Stark is the biggest flaw of the Mark mecha - Stark, who is just an ordinary person, has only basic fighting skills. The level is not as good as Happy who is a boxer, not to mention compared with Thor and Thanos who have experienced many battles.

Thor suddenly jumped up, and Mjolnir in his right hand slammed down with thunder all over his body. Stark had no way to avoid it, so he could only transform his left arm into a shield again and try to fight hard. But this move had already been seen by Thor. He hit the shield with his left fist first, causing the nano-shield to shake. With the force of the counter-shock, the Meow Hammer drew an arc in the air and changed its direction. , shot down towards Stark's right shoulder.

The red light suddenly burst out, and an extremely heavy two-handed war hammer hit the Meow Hammer heavily. Thunder suddenly roared, and flames spurted out several feet away. This fierce and impotent blow was unexpectedly received.

After being knocked seven or eight feet away by the force, Thor looked up in surprise and saw Cauvus standing next to Iron Man with a hammer on his shoulder. He asked calmly: "Do you understand?"

The mask of Mark's mecha opened, revealing Tony Stark's stubborn face. He pursed his lips tightly and nodded slowly.

"After you go back, whether you look for Frank Custer, look for your stupid Uncle Steve Rogers, or even ask for help from Wilson Fisk, start with the most basic training and learn fighting skills! "Cous's voice gradually became lower, "Tony Stark, don't let yourself become Iron Man's biggest shortcoming!"

Stark seemed to be unwilling, but after the battle just now, he was indeed suppressed by a sudden alien, which dealt a huge blow to Iron Man, who had a strong self-esteem.

After scolding Stark, Kaus turned around, tilted his head, and said with a smile: "Thor, it's our turn next!"

"I remember you! The strong man of Midgard!" Facing Kaus, Thor was no longer as relaxed as before. He stared at Kaus with a solemn expression, "I saw with my own eyes how you hit him. Destroy the Destroyer, so before the battle begins, I, Thor Odinson, first pay my respects to you!"

"You're welcome!" Cauvus took a deep breath and raised the warhammer with his right hand. "We have a common goal. This battle is just a discussion, not life or death!"

"As I said last time, you are strong enough to be Asgard's friend! I will fight with you to let you see Mjolnir's true power!"

Thor also rubbed his palms and clenched the Meow Hammer again, "Then-"

"let's start!"

The two figures turned into a stream of light at the same time, and the two artifacts collided hard at the same time. There was a loud "clang" sound that shocked several people watching the battle to cover their ears in unison.

After just one move, the two of them were knocked back a few steps. Although their arms were numb from the shock, they withdrew their hammers at the same time and carefully checked their weapons. They saw that both hammers were undamaged, and they couldn't help laughing. , shouted: "Good guy, come again!"

Loki next to him was stunned and shouted: "How is it possible?"

Stark, who retreated to the side, snorted and said disdainfully: "Bambi, what are you screaming about?"

"Stupid mortal!" Loki said disdainfully, "Thor's hammer was forged from Asgard's Uru metal in the Death Star. Odin once blessed it with the power of thunder and storm. It is not only extremely hard, but also …”

"But Kausu's hammer didn't lose, right?" Iron Man choked Loki half to death with one sentence. "Bambi, put away your inexplicable bragging. In the face of the facts, you have proven that you are nothing but What a bad clown!”

I saw Thor suddenly pointing his finger towards the sky, and a thunder storm as thick as a bucket fell from the sky, making his burly body look like a god descending to earth; while Cauvus' body turned into a brilliant white light, and endless air elements surged crazily. All gathered towards him.

[Air Ascender] form!

"This is……"

Loki's expression changed. He had witnessed the opponent using this move to smash the Destroyer's head with one hammer. A thought suddenly appeared in his mind that he couldn't believe: "Who is this guy? Why do I think Thor might lose to him?"

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