Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 165 Bold guess

After Captain America from Avengers 4 left, Kausi lifted the [Heroic] effect on Captain America in his own timeline. Seeing Rogers looking dazed, he sat on the ground in a daze for a while, then suddenly jumped up: "Where's Loki?"

"There's no such thing as Loki..." Kausi shrugged, with a smile on his face, "I saw you suddenly lying on the ground, and thought you were attacked."

Rogers frowned. He was very sure that he had met someone who looked exactly like him. Thinking of Loki's ever-changing magic, he was very confident that it was Loki.

If that's the case, why would Kaus insist that he fainted? And with Kavus's strength, he shouldn't be unable to defeat Loki... Or is it because Loki escaped and Kavus felt embarrassed? But this is not a reason!

Just when Rogers was puzzled, he suddenly remembered.

When he was in the Mulgore Hotel, Kausu once said something to him with an incomprehensible face, "When you see a guy who looks exactly like you, you will understand how important 'time' is. Awesome stuff!”

Well, now I see it!

But I still don’t understand what this has to do with “time”…

"No, that's not right!" Rogers suddenly remembered the content of the last sentence of his "other self" just now.

"...I'm not Loki, you've got the wrong person!"

Not Loki? Could it be that the person opposite is... myself?

This association made Captain America's hair stand on end. He immediately thought of Hydra's cloning technology. Could it be that his own cells were re-cloned to create a new Steve Rogers?

Full of doubts and worries, Rogers followed Cauius downstairs in a daze, where he saw Tony Stark leaning against the wall, leaning forward and talking to Thor.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw a few agents next to him carrying a long silver box. It was the box containing the scepter (the soul gem). It is exactly the same as the box in the second "self"'s hand just now.

When they saw Rogers, the agents were all shocked and looked at each other, but didn't know what to say.

"Steve!" Someone finally had the courage to come over, "Have we ever offended you? Why did you attack us just now?"

"No, it's not me!" Rogers suddenly thought of something and asked the agents for a box. When he opened it, he saw that the scepter was clearly lying in the box, untouched.

"That was what Loki changed!" No need to ask, the American team in Avengers 4 returned to this timeline and handed back the scepter. Kausu smiled and relieved the captain, "After he defeated you, he escaped without a trace..."

"Loki? Isn't Loki here?"

With a puzzled look on his face, Thor took out Loki, who was tightly tied up, from a nearby counter. "He really wanted to escape just now, but someone interrupted the half-opened portal. The failed portal blocked Loki." The base squeezed out."

This time it was Kausu's turn to frown.

In "Avengers 4", Captain America and Iron Man, who traveled back to the timeline of "Avengers 1", managed to obtain the Cosmic Cube. When Iron Man left with the box containing the Cosmic Cube, Hulk suddenly hit After dropping the box in Iron Man's hand, the Cosmic Cube fell out, and was picked up by Loki and immediately teleported. Entering a new parallel world, thus opening the second timeline "Loki".

So who interrupted the portal?

The Ancient One, Sorcerer Supreme?

Superheroes from other timelines?

Or is it the old American team who came back for the second time from "Avengers 4" to fix the timeline?

"Any other clues?"


"Okay, forget it." Kausu thought for a while and decisively gave up his guess.

There are too many people who can interrupt Loki's portal. In any case, this person at least maintains the stability of the sacred timeline and prevents the world from entering the chaotic branch of "Loki". In front of an organization like the Time Variation Administration, the entire Marvel world is a joke full of paradoxes.

"Guys, we won, didn't we? Let him put aside these trivial problems! We'd better give ourselves a day off tomorrow." Tony Stark's mood did not seem to be very high, but he Still enthusiastically inviting a few superheroes, "I know there is a Turkish barbecue restaurant two streets away from here. I want to try it..."

"Agree!" "No problem!" Everyone quickly reached a common opinion.

Although the blood-stained superheroes all looked disgraced, the joy of victory made them forget their fatigue and walked out of the building in twos and threes.

While Tony Stark was calling the vehicle, Rogers came over and said, "Tony, there's something I want to hear your opinion on."

"Say it!" Stark was a little tired, but still managed to stand up straight.

Captain America recounted what happened when he encountered the second "self" and Kausi became a godlike person. He frowned in distress, "Cauus once told me that when you see someone who looks like you, When you see the exact same guy, you understand how awesome 'time' is. But I still can't understand..."

"It's easy to understand!" Stark suddenly became more energetic. "No, you don't understand what Cauus represents. His words have profound meaning. He knew a long time ago that you would meet someone like you. Guy, and Kausi deliberately emphasized the role of 'time'. We can make a bold guess, if time changes..."

He picked up a broken rope from the ground, "If you think of this rope as time, one end is you now, and the other end is you ten or twenty years from now. Then..." He took the other end of the rope. Folding one end over, "What will happen?"

It was impossible for Captain Rogers not to understand such a straightforward metaphor. He widened his eyes and said in disbelief: "So... two 'I's' appeared at the same time like this?"

"Hmm!" Stark nodded, "Then the question is, why does the future Steve Rogers come back? He must have a very important purpose. When you see 'you', he what are you doing?"

"Take the box with the scepter..."

"Oh, but the scepter is with us now, he didn't take it away!" Stark looked back at the agents holding the scepter, and suddenly changed his mind, "No, maybe he has taken it away, And then he returned it! In other words, you in the future are not willing to destroy the stability of the timeline, so he made repairs!"


Stark suddenly emphasized his tone, "Sometime in the future, a very, very important event must have occurred, causing you in the future to go back to the past at the risk of traveling through time, and then 'borrow' the power. Rod.”

"We can even make a bold guess..."

"This will be a major crisis sweeping the world!"

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