Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 166 The arrival of the boss

At the dinner party after the war, Tony Stark made a request to Thor.

"We... need to borrow the Cosmic Cube for a while." He glanced at Dr. Banner who had returned to his original state, "This is very important to us."

"The Cosmic Cube is not suitable to stay in Midgard!" Thor emphasized. "This will give the major forces in the universe the illusion that you are ready to participate in advanced war!"

"One month!" Kausi raised a finger calmly, "Give Tony and Bruce a month, we need to collect some key data and information!"

"But I'm very busy and can't stay for another month! Without my protection, if..." Thor was just halfway through what he said when he suddenly saw Cauvus staring at him with a half-smile. He hesitated for a moment and pretended to The box of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was pushed over, "Okay, you have to ensure the safety of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!"

After eating and drinking, Natasha and "Hawkeye" Clint said goodbye. As current staff, they had to rush back to SHIELD to resume their duties. Thor also needed to negotiate with SHIELD and then take Loki back to Adgas, and he also chose to leave.

The academic duo happily ran away with the Cosmic Cube. They will stay at another alternate experimental base of Stark for a whole month.

"Steve, where have you decided to go next? Back to Hell's Kitchen? Or to S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"I want to go and spend some time with Dugan first." Rogers thought for a while, "Our portal still needs some time to prepare. So I plan to rest for a while, thinking about nothing and doing nothing. Maybe I'm bored. I will also work as a security guard for your factory, and try to learn to drive a mecha. Kaous, today's battle made me understand a truth - war is a mirror that can make people better understand the preciousness of peace."

"That's good if you think so!" Kausi patted Captain America on the shoulder, "We don't need war, but when war comes, we don't need to be afraid of it."

Seeing Captain America nodding solemnly, Kausi was very happy inside. This means that he has been recognized by this old-fashioned and upright superhero - you may not like Captain America, but you cannot deny his noble qualities. Even if you ignore the "50/50" joke, when Captain America picked up Thor's hammer, his demeanor at that moment was already engraved in Marvel's historical monument.

This good mood lasted until Cauvus drove the mechanical Roadmaster back to the Mulgore Inn, but when he saw the scene in the inn, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared.

An elderly blond gentleman sat in a high chair in front of the counter. He was wearing an old-fashioned tuxedo, cane and hat. He has a kind face, handsome appearance, and elegant manners. Apart from looking a bit older, he is definitely the mature type that many little girls like.

Erica stood at the counter and poured him wine, making her giggle from time to time at his humorous little jokes. Even Kaus had already walked to the door, and Erica didn't even notice that he was back.

Instead, the old gentleman noticed Kaus's arrival. He stood up and greeted Kaus enthusiastically: "Oh, dear Kaus, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Do I know him?

Looking at the completely unfamiliar face, Kausu was a little stunned. He reflexively hugged the old gentleman. Just as he was about to say something, he turned his eyes and suddenly saw the big orange cat out of the corner of his eye.

It was completely different from its usual state of always lazing around. The orange cat had an extremely vigilant posture. It huddled in the corner, its back was bent, and its two round eyes stared at the old man without blinking. The hair on its body was They all exploded.

what happened? This is an element-devouring beast! How could the element-devouring beast, which had been invincible for so many epochs across the universe, become like this? Could it be that this golden-haired old man...

"Let me introduce myself, I'm from Sanctuary..."

A flash of lightning flashed in Cauvus's mind, and he suddenly remembered a legendary abyss plane. He couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and interrupted the old gentleman's words, "I know who you are, but what's strange to me is that you are How did you avoid the surveillance of the Supreme Mage and come to Earth?"

"Ah, this is actually not difficult!" the old gentleman explained with a smile, "When Agamotto handed over the mantle to the successor, I had already been to the earth many times. So the new Supreme Mage built a global surveillance network At that time, I took a look at their key nodes."

"So you only need to pay attention to the scanning frequency of the nodes, and you can easily avoid Kama Taj's surveillance, right?"

"Uh-huh!" the old gentleman shrugged, "That's pretty much the principle - of course, the actual operation is a bit troublesome, but luckily I have a lot of time."

Kaus walked into the counter and took Erica's place. "Since you're here, let's have a drink first! By the way, have you brought any money?"

"No!" The old gentleman shook his head very bachelorly, "I just came out of the shelter, and I haven't had time to make money yet. But this beautiful, kind-hearted, kind lady promised to treat me to a glass of morning dew wine - it is said to be Mo The best cider in the Golay Inn.”

"The word kindness is not a compliment in the land of refuge!" Cauius poured another glass for the old gentleman. "By the way, morning dew wine should be one of the best fruit wines in the world - you drink it elsewhere. Have you ever had such a drink?”

"Oh, thank you very much for your generosity!" The old gentleman picked up the cup and took a sip. "As you said, at the level of fruit wine, only forest elves or goblins can compare with it."

Watching the old handsome guy drink the wine, Kaus suddenly relaxed and said with a smile: "Okay, this glass of wine is a discount of twenty dollars!"

For the first time, a look of astonishment appeared on the old gentleman's face.

He was silent for a while, then suddenly laughed so hard that he burst into tears. He nodded repeatedly and said: "Interesting little guy, I actually capsized here. Okay, now no matter what treasures I offer in exchange, you insist on collecting cash? Including any suggestions and suggestions I make next. For one reason or another, you have to give a discount to offset the price of this glass of wine?"


Cauus made no secret of his little calculation, "For a real god of dimensions, I have to be very alert to deal with it. As you can see, I am just a little ordinary human being. , when I am completely at a disadvantage in terms of rank, seizing an insignificant first move is my only stubbornness."

Erica next to her was listening to the conversation between the two and realized that something was wrong. She poked Kausu lightly and asked in a low voice: "This gentleman... who is he?"

"Oh, a stowaway tourist!" Kausu replied nonchalantly, "You can call him Feller, Philus, etc. He is called the 'person who hates light' and the destroyer. "Liar" and so on, some people also call him the "King of Hatred", and his real name is..."

Kausu emphasized his tone slightly and said word by word:


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