Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 173 The Guidance of Destiny

"Assassinate one person and save a thousand." This is the slogan of the Assassin's League.

The establishment of this alliance was caused by a loom that has been passed down for thousands of years. This loom will point out a list of the most heinous criminals in binary. A group of people with a sense of justice organized themselves to assassinate everyone on the list, and established an Assassin's League specifically for this purpose.

Until the dark old man in front of him - Morgan Freeman... Oh no, it was Morgan Sloan who took over the management of this loom of fate. He is deciphering the code of the loom of destiny every day, and at the same time, he is dedicated to cultivating new blood for the organization. His miraculous warrior training, unique "bending bullet time", and miraculous fly-shooting skills have allowed the organization to continue to grow and develop, and also contributed to the development of the organization. The League of Assassins gained more reputation.

But one day all this changed completely.

His name appeared on the loom of fate in the birthplace of the Assassin's League.

Morgan F. Sloan!

Immediately afterwards, the names of gunsmiths, butchers, repairmen, crosses... the core members of the Assassin's League also appeared one by one.

So Sloan chose to conceal the truth, gathered together those people who had to pay the price with their lives, and planned to fight against the destiny.

But now, seeing as Angelina Jolie is still so young, I wonder if Sloan has now received the loom's new arrangement for the fate of the League of Assassins.

Kausu didn't intend to wade into this muddy water, so he politely refused: "Thank you very much for the invitation. We still have a long journey, so we just plan to find a picnic place nearby, and then we will arrive soon." leave!"

"Actually, it won't waste much time!" Old Man Sloan smiled. "Although our town is not far from New York State, there is only one interstate highway passing through here. Usually, few people come here as guests."

He pointed towards the small village, spread his hands, and added: "Look, we don't have running water, and the Internet is very slow. We also hope that foreign guests can tell us about the latest happenings, so as not to make everyone think that we are a group of people." Isolated savages.”

This is obviously a lie. The Assassin's League receives many missions every week. In addition to their superb skills, the elite assassins on duty also have a style that keeps pace with the times. They can also hide among the crowd smoothly.

Kausi frowned, becoming suspicious of Old Man Sloane's purpose.

"Okay!" Seeing that the other party was unmoved, Old Man Sloan was not discouraged. He turned around and said, "Ms. Erica, do you have any impression of the name 'Messenger of Destiny'?"

Erica's expression changed slightly: "Messenger of destiny? The person in charge of the Assassin's League's external missions?"

"I have used this name before!" Old Sloan replied with a smile, "That was a long time ago. Now I am just a retired old man who adopted a group of children in the manor."

As one of the ace assassins in the underground world, Erica has certainly heard of the League of Assassins. She stared at Sloan warily, "If you are here, then the 'Cross', 'Butcher' and 'Gunsmith' should also be here. Is this the headquarters of the Assassin's League?"

"Yes!" Old Sloan said in an unexpected showdown, "Erica, you are a first-class assassin. We are very eager to hear your suggestions now."

"What advice can I give?" Erica shook her head. "I am retired now and work as a waiter in a hotel. I go to work, get off work, and sleep on time every day... and now I can travel with my friends. I don't think I Is there anywhere I can help the Assassin's League, and I don't think I want to change my current life."

"So, have you changed your destiny?"

Erica pondered for a while and nodded: "I think my destiny has changed!"

Kausi shrugged and said nothing. In fact, when he originally chose to kill "Bullseye" Lester Jangles, the ending of Erica Narcissus' death at the hands of Bullseye had already been rewritten. Now, even Kausu, who is familiar with Marvel plots, doesn't know what direction Erica's fate will turn.

"So... now it's our turn!"

Old Sloan smiled and made an invitation gesture again.

Erica and Kausi looked at each other. This time they planned to sit down and listen to what this retired old assassin wanted to say.

The main course for lunch was beef stew with potatoes and grilled lamb chops, which was very American.

So the old Sloan, who is also very American, talked a lot about God's faith, destiny, will and sovereignty, and even quoted a passage from the Book of Messiah: "I have declared the former things of old, and they have gone out of my mouth." , and as I commanded, I acted suddenly, and it came to pass.”

But this embarrassed the atheist Kausi and the Orthodox Christian Erica. Carrie only focused on eating. Fortunately, Matt Murdock, who is also a Christian, responded enthusiastically: "Yes! Just like that. Just as you said, the lots are placed in your lap, and the decisions are made by the Lord. (Old Testament Proverbs)"

Next, an old man and a blind man talked extremely speculatively. Talking about laws and regulations from the Bible scratched the itch of barrister Matt Murdoch, so Matt quoted a lot of information and talked eloquently, chatting for two hours without any sign of stopping.

"...Yes, so our mutual aid association, also known as the 'Assassin's League' as it is called by the outside world, also has its own laws and regulations. Our laws and regulations are 'Kill one person, save a thousand'!"

Erica finally understood. She held a cup of tea and asked curiously: "What does this mean? Is every assassination target guilty of a heinous crime? What if the wrong person is killed?"

"You never kill by mistake!" Old Sloan said gently. "Destiny guides our actions. Many years ago, we also had doubts. Because there was an assassination target on our list, and he was a very young man. , and a very dedicated painter, who had just been refused admission to the Vienna Academy of Arts.”

"So we hesitated, but when he left tens of millions dead and hundreds of millions of families homeless, it was already too late for us to make amends for our mistakes!"

"Tens of millions of people died?" Matt Murdock asked curiously, "Who is he?"

"Adolf Hitler!"

The name brought silence to the table.

"Dong-dong-dong-" Kausu's fingers tapped the table lightly, attracting everyone's attention. Knowing that the heat was almost over, he asked directly, "So, may I ask, who gave you the guidance of your destiny?"

Before Sloan could answer, Cauvus had already answered, "Is it a god? Some time ago we were fighting against one god and fighting side by side with another god; is it a demon? The Lord of Hell just left the earth two days ago. I had a great conversation with him; is it God? As far as I know, Jehovah fell into a long sleep because of the third war between the gods of light and darkness... So, I don’t know who the guide of destiny you are talking about is. Who, but unless it is eternity, death, infinity, annihilation and devouring, I don’t think its so-called guidance has any important meaning.”

Except for Little Carrie, who glanced at Kausu when she heard "devour" and then continued to sweep the food on the table, everyone else's breathing became heavier.

So cool! This is the style! Looking at the old Sloan who was completely in shock, Kaus couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. No wonder those senior time travelers like to show off. This feeling of crushing the dual business and knowledge system is really great...

The old black man's hands were shaking slightly, and he turned his head with difficulty to look at Erica.

"Yes, even though it sounds unbelievable!" Erica nodded, "But what Kausu said is true! So, where is your destiny guide?"

Although Old Sloan reminded himself again and again, what this guy said was simply nonsense. But he still stood up, "Dear guests, next I want to invite you to a place and take a look at the 'Guidance of Destiny'!"

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