Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 174 Collapse!

In the deepest part of the dim textile factory, there is a very old loom.

The old wooden frame, the beams are wrapped with sandpaper, the cables used to control the lifting and lowering of the warp are rough, the shuttle allows the weft to pass through the warp, and then uses a beater to wrap the weft and warp tightly together. It is brushed with oil and looks shiny, with a unique antique charm contained in it.

Old Sloan walked to the loom, took a deep breath, and flipped a switch. The loom started to run automatically, weaving quickly.

"This is binary coding. Spaces are regarded as 0, and intersections are regarded as 1. The series of numbers '01001101' corresponds to the letter m, and together they are 'Morgan', my name."

"The first name is Morgan Sloan, followed by 'Gunsmith' and 'Butcher'... Every major member of the League of Assassins is among them." Sloan's body slowly stooped and he smiled bitterly, " Destiny guides every move of the mutual aid association, but in the end fate played a big joke on us."

Looking at the old black man in front of him, Kausu wanted to laugh a little. He was about to say something when he suddenly saw that the loom only paused for a moment and then started to operate again.

"What else?" Old Sloan was also a little surprised. He turned his head, picked up the binary correspondence manual placed next to him, and then spelled out the words one by one.


"Huh?" Kausi tilted his head, and Erica and Matt looked at Kausi with puzzled faces.

"Erica Nazism?"

Erica raised her eyebrows: "Why does it still have to do with me?"

"Matt Murdock!"

"Okay..." Daredevil murmured to himself, "It seems that I am really a big devil with bloody hands! Mr. Sloane, is that what you mean?"

"g...a..." Old Sloan prepared to read letter by letter. Carrie said with a smile: "Ah, it's finally my turn!"

But the loom was running crazily, and the shuttle was flying back and forth, but it seemed to be stuck by something. Even though the warp and latitude threads were continuously weaved, the next letters could not be spun.

"n..." The third line of binary code was finally revealed. At this time, the loom had begun to vibrate continuously, and fine dust and fibers continued to rise and slowly fall down.

Old Sloan had never seen anything like this before. He stared at the loom in surprise and wanted to reach out to help but didn't dare. Only Kausu vaguely guessed something. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and glanced upward vaguely. Comforting: "Don't worry, maybe the machine is too old."

"Impossible, the loom has been passed down for thousands of years and has never malfunctioned..." The vibration of the Destiny Loom became more and more severe, even shaking down the raw material warehouse next to it, and the silk thread balls rolled to the ground.

"Maybe there just happened to be a malfunction today?" Causs had basically determined what was going on. He chuckled and patted Old Sloan on the shoulder, "Congratulations!"

"What are you congratulating me for?" Old Sloan's voice changed his tone. He stared at the end of the loom in disbelief, watching the shuttle produce row after row of meaningless strips, and finally read out the fourth letters: "a!"

With a "boom", the loom exploded, parts flying everywhere, and even a large piece of wood hit Old Sloan heavily on the forehead. He just shook it, but didn't realize it, and just stared blankly. Looking at the debris on the ground.

"Okay!" Kausu's voice was full of joy, "You can straighten your back now and no longer suffer from fate. As for any guidance... let it go to hell!"

"No, I still don't understand, why is this happening? The loom of destiny should not..."

"What shouldn't it be?" Kausi said with a smile, "It just offended the people it shouldn't offend!"

"Who?" Old Sloan's head finally returned to normal operation. He trembled his lips and looked at the four people's faces one by one, and finally his eyes fell on Jiali.

"Okay, this is not what you should ask!" Before Sloan asked, Kaous hugged Carrie, and Carrie also took the opportunity to kiss Kaous on the face affectionately, "Then Now, do you still have any doubts about your destiny?"

Old Sloan finally regained his composure. He looked down at the broken pieces on the ground again and sighed softly, "Thank you, I think I know what to do!"

"How you deal with it is your own business. But what I want to remind you is - destiny is in your own heart. Whatever you think it should be, then it should be. Nothing is a coincidence, Mr. Sloan! "

Seeing that old Sloan was lost in thought, Kausi did not bother him, just shook hands with him, and then led Erica and others out of the old textile factory.

In fact, Kaus had already straightened out the entire timeline when he entered the textile factory.

This should be ten years before the plot of "The Loom of Destiny" has begun. Foxx (that is, the girl who looks like Angelina Jolie at the beginning) was only a teenager and had already accepted some of the strict rules. train. "Cross" was still in the Assassin's League and was not pursued by Sloan.

The best thing is that Sloan Sr. has not made up his mind to fight fate at this time, nor has he made a new textile machine to issue false orders. Because of this, he was seriously confused immediately after receiving the order to kill him from the Destiny Loom - which is why when he recognized Erica, he was eager to seek recognition. . Because in his opinion, Erica is the kind of person who changes her destiny.

It was in this state of mind that Sloane unleashed the loom of fate on his visitors.

Of course, as the leader of an alliance, Sloan can be regarded as cunning and thoughtful. He had long been prepared to believe that he was infallible, and a large number of elite assassins were already ambushing around the textile factory. Just waiting for an order, dozens of top-notch killers were enough to kill the Cauvus quartet.

But he would never have imagined that the matter would be resolved in such a weird way - the loom of fate that had lasted for thousands of years and was conceptually "absolutely indestructible" fell apart, representing the fate of this game before it even started. The ending has already been staged.

So when Kaous walked out of the textile factory door and saw the figure hiding in the secret place, he just smiled, and then asked Carrie quietly: "Did you see anyone on that loom?"

As expected, Jia Li nodded and said with a smile, "I saw a shadow."

"do you know it?"

"Hmm... let me think about it, she seems to be called... what is her name?"

"Oh, right!"


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