Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 198 The Devil’s Contract

Like Mephisto, many demon gods who rely on pyramid schemes and deception will carry blank parchment scrolls and quills with them. In order to prove their innocence and not commit fraud, they will even offer to let the other party provide ink - blood. also!

The three of them were extremely cautious when signing a contract with the Demon God of Hell for the first time. First, Kaous took the blank scroll, carefully examined it with his soul vision, then looked at the light source to see if there were interlayers and pages, and then condensed a trace of water element to see if there was any magic reaction, and then handed it to Tony Stark.

Stark was even more meticulous. He took out the same meticulousness as he did with the Higgs boson, scanned it with X-rays, and then turned on the gamma ray instrument to carefully explore it from the inside out. He used the laser to erase the patterns around the scroll one by one, then nodded and handed it to Bruce Banner again.

Dr. Banner took the scroll, hesitated, put down the quill provided by Cain, ordered another ink pen, and politely invited Cain to examine it. After Cain checked the ink pen, he unfolded the scroll and began to write the contents of the contract. Every time I write a sentence, I will raise my head to discuss the wording with the other three people. After they are all approved, I will write it down on the scroll stroke by stroke seriously. Even when writing, I did not miss any word space, and carefully added a hyphen to eliminate the possibility of any modification.

Even though Cain has a very deep mind and has seen countless storms and waves, he is a little confused at this time: Why do they feel that these guys are so familiar with the devil's tricks? Even those methods that were only rumored were guarded against, as if they had suffered big losses before.

In fact, none of these three people had ever made a deal with a devil before. However, Cauvus had experienced the experiences of his colleagues before, especially the experience of the warlock next door, which gave him a good reminder - treat any devil's contract. You have to think twice about it. If you are more careful now, you will avoid countless troubles in the future.

A contract of several hundred words took two hours to write. Even Pepper Little has been taken back to Stark Tower and cried in the arms of Tony Stark. Dr. Banner is still biting the tip of his pen to think of more precise words.

After the contract was written, both parties read it one by one and nodded to confirm. Kausu then said seriously: "After the Kree gave up the Homo sapiens test subjects and left the solar system, the Terrigen crystals at that time were not used up, but were passed down from generation to generation. Through the Terrigen Mists, The Inhumans gained a variety of superpowers, but they also suffered genetic damage and deformities. This led to the implementation of a long-term selective breeding program to mitigate these mutations."

Cain nodded and asked, "You mean, there are more than six Terrigen crystals on Earth?"

"No!" Kausi said with a smile, "The Terrigen crystals on the earth have been used up, and the last six have been sealed and made into something like an obelisk. Currently, except for one in the military, One piece is outside SHIELD, and the rest is in the hands of a small alien organization!"

Cain picked up the scroll, hesitated for a moment, but without dropping the pen, signaled: "Continue!"

"But it's a pity that these aliens usually hide very well. They have no contact with the outside world and form their own small area, isolated from the world. It is difficult for anyone to find them at ordinary times - it is rumored that there is a jungle in a small country in South America A cave was once discovered there, which seemed to contain something that looked like an obelisk."

Cain's brows furrowed, "You want me to go on an endless search in South America? Cauvus, your joke is not funny!"

"Of course not!" Kaus smiled and took the scroll from Cain. He signed his name first and then handed it back to Cain. "If it was just these six, how could I tell you that there were many? Six Is... one too many?"

Cain's eyes seemed to have a flash of light. He picked up the brush and signed his name. With a flash of black light, a devil's contract was officially completed.

"On the moon! On the far side of the moon, there is a city called Attilan!"

Seeing that the contract came into effect, Causs no longer concealed it, "It was a world of aliens, and there were about 1,400 aliens living there. Under their city, there were at least 800 to 1,000 complete Terrigen crystals. !”

There was a "pop" sound, but it was Cain who slapped his thigh heavily, his annoyance palpable. With his identity, experience, and scheming, he would actually make such a rude move, which shows how frustrated he is.

"Moon! Yes, I did hear that -"

Cain just lost his composure and immediately returned to normal. He shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Yes, when the Kree transformed the Inhumans, the moon was already a satellite of the earth. Before they came to the earth, they would definitely establish a base on the moon. and labs. It’s no surprise that there are large amounts of Terrigen crystals stored there.”

"Do you need me to provide some information about Attilan?"

"Please tell me!" Cain's tone became polite. No matter how the other party knew the news about the lunar aliens, at least this person's information channels were extremely wide - not every superhero can easily go to the moon, let alone He said he was specifically trying to find out about the situation in the Inhuman city.

"Attilan's defense system is very powerful and can withstand the violent friction of the atmosphere, as well as artillery fire and bomb attacks. It has an extremely strong and huge protective cover on its periphery, which can evaporate bombs and absorb energy. The more attacks, the stronger the defense. .”

Kausi recalled the introduction about Attilan he had read, and did not forget to add, "If you want to attack by force, I don't think it is cost-effective. After all, there are still some guys among the aliens who are good at fighting. Especially It's some special abilities that can give people headaches. My suggestion is... avoid all aliens and drill directly into the ground. This shouldn't be a problem for a hell demon, right?"

"It's not difficult, but I need a little help from hell..."

Cain thought for a moment, put on his hat and stood up.

"The gold for compensation is already on the way. About..." He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. "The vehicle carrying the gold will be here in about forty minutes. Please sign for it then."

"Kauus, nice to meet you, but I hope we won't meet you next time!"

"Tony Stark?" Cain shook hands with Stark, "When you go to hell, I will personally come to greet you - let me state in advance that this is not an insult, but an insult to you. Such recognition! Although you have turned my descendants into a tool for making money, I have to admit that you have a genius brain."

"And finally you, Dr. Bruce Banner!"

Cain shook hands with the confused Banner warmly and looked at him again and again with a smile.

"I think you should go to the gym!"

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