Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 199 Gathering Again

Cain left gracefully.

Before leaving, he gave Tony Stark a coordinate. According to Jarvis's calculations, the address of this coordinate was in a manor on the outskirts of Los Angeles, California - obviously, this was a very secretive member of the Ten Rings Gang. stronghold.

Bruce Banner turned his head in confusion, "What did he say before he left?"

"Let you go to the gym!" Kausi did not tease Banner, but said seriously, "He thinks you are a little too weak. I saw your battle with him, and I have to say that we met a very powerful person this time. His opponent. His unpredictable curse technique is simply a nightmare for most of us!"

"But, I don't know how to strengthen myself...Hulk. I just found out today that Hulk also has weaknesses! At that moment, Hulk told me that he would really die..."

Kausu pursed his lips and said nothing more.

Hulk will not be killed by Cain. Even if the aging curse reaches its limit, Hulk will definitely burst out with more violent anger at the last moment to break this curse.

In Banner's state, Banner has died at the hands of Uncle Punishment, Hawkeye, and Deadpool; but Hulk has also died twice, once when Thanos, who had obtained the heart of the universe, killed Hulk instantly in "The-End" The other time was when Hulk died at the hands of Doctor Doom in "Secret Wars".

Hulk is not invincible, but Hulk deserves to play a greater role.

Seeing Kausi's silence, Banner asked curiously: "What are you thinking about?"

"This battle was anticlimactic, but it made me think a lot!"

Kausi sighed softly, "Maybe it's a cliche on my part, but I still want to say that every mountain is as high as the other. If we don't go out and see the outside world, we don't know how small we are."

"Banner, you are almost invincible in the Hulk state; Tony, you are very handsome when you put on the nano-mecha. But this is only in the normal state... And I, I feel like I am facing the devil. There is still a lot to be desired for a strong man of this level!”

"When we step into an alien planet, the Earth's defense barrier will no longer be effective against us. Although we chose an uninhabited asteroid, it is enough for us to develop steadily for a long time. But what happens after that? We Can you effectively protect your property, base and even fleet?"

Tony Stark, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, suddenly clenched his fists, "Yes, we must have sufficient defense capabilities - at least when such a strong person appears again, we will not be at a loss!"

"What do you think?" Banner asked curiously.

"I suddenly had an idea, we can..."

Just as Stark was mid-sentence, he was interrupted rudely by Caus, "No, you don't want to!"

He suddenly remembered that after the Battle of New York, Tony Stark suffered from a severe phobia because he flew into the portal with a nuclear bomb and almost died on the spot. He spent every day in the laboratory transforming his mechas, and even came up with the idea of ​​arming the entire world with mechas, which directly led to the birth of Ultron.

In "Avengers 2", Ultron swept across the entire earth's network. Until Thor, the God of Thunder, received a revelation and used the Mind Stone at the last moment to promote the birth of Vision, and played a decisive role in the fight against Ultron. Ultron was finally defeated in the final battle in Sokovia.

But Kausi is determined not to follow the original plot this time. With the current timeline being modified in a mess, Ultron is likely to become an unimaginable monster - after Tony Stark has learned With the use of nanomaterials, Ultron is likely to become an uncontrollable guy like Infinite Ultron. Imagine a world full of Mark 85s! Just one thought is enough to destroy the earth in an instant.

Of course, Stark didn't know what Kaus was thinking. He just thought that Kaus might have a new idea, so he stared at Kaus curiously, "Do you have any better ideas?"

"Destroyer!" Kaus asked, "How are you studying that thing?"

The two top students looked at each other quickly, with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

"Okay..." Kausi saw the expressions of the two people and knew what happened without asking. The technological gap was too serious, making it impossible for them to analyze the Destroyer's technology at the current technological level.

"I've got some new ideas, but they'll take a little time!"

"Before that, we have to deal with the Ten Rings Gang and get those ten rings!"

Stark nodded, "Yes, I am very interested in the material reorganization ring. If used properly, we can even directly transform the asteroid into a place suitable for human habitation."

"Leave Mandarin to you!" Kausi quickly made a decision, "When you capture Mandarin, come to me at the inn, and I will let you gain methods to fight against high-level wizards."

A few people were chatting, and a young clerk appeared outside the door and walked quickly towards Stark, "Mr. Stark, a truck is coming down below, saying it is building materials for you, and I ask you to sign for it. "

"Notify the front desk to sign for it..." Just after Stark gave the order, Kausi held down his arm, his eyes shining, "Let me see it first? I have never seen so many. …Well, building materials!”

Originally, Kausi thought he would see a car full of gold, but after opening the cargo box, he found that there were only about a hundred gold ingots the size of his fist.

"How much do you think two tons of gold will be?" Looking at Kausi's disappointed look, Stark said with a smile, "The specific gravity of gold is 19.32, and the mass of one cubic meter of gold is close to 20 tons. Just do a little conversion. You know, two tons of gold is only so much... I even tipped a little more."

"Well, poverty limits my imagination!" Kausu complained helplessly.

"Let's split up!" Banner, who has a loyal personality, changed the subject. "Tony and I are going to find trouble with the Ten Rings Gang. You go back to the hotel first. We will go find you after we are done."

"Wait..." Kausu, who was about to leave, suddenly remembered something, "Invite Steve to go with you. As I have told you before, don't always count on mechas and Hulks. Your use of skills is really important. It sucks. The Ten Rings Gang is a great training opportunity.”

While he was giving the secret instructions, Stark's phone suddenly rang. He chatted casually for a few words, then hung up the phone and winked at Kausi, "Guess who called?"

"I didn't know at first, but when you asked me, I guessed it!" Kausi sighed, "Is it Nick Fury?"

"That's right!" Stark nodded, "He wants the Avengers to assemble again!"

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