Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 200 Hill’s Growth

When the Avengers gathered at the Mulgore Inn, Cauvus realized something was different.

Steve Rogers returns to the battlefield as the captain of the Avengers team. The teammates are Iron Man Stark, Hulk, Black Widow Natasha and Hawkeye Barton. Compared with the team in history, there is one less Thor, but unexpectedly one more...

"Maria?" Causs came out of the basement and looked at Maria Hill in front of him, feeling very surprised, "Are you the Avengers liaison officer?"

"No, I'm a team member..." Sitting at the small table, Hill's face turned slightly red.

"Nick Fury is kidding?" Kausi was a little angry. Although they were ordinary people, when Natasha and Barton fought in Prague, Hill was just an internal affairs clerk who had just graduated. , although she later became a field agent, there was no way she could be compared with those veteran agents who had experienced hundreds of battles. Wasn't this asking her to die?

"Maria is very strong now!" Natasha explained from the side. "Nick plans to let Maria see the world. With us by her side, she will not encounter much danger."

Very strong? What strength can Maria Hill have?

Kausi looked at Hill with a scrutinizing look. Well, his face was still so delicate and beautiful, with short, capable and smooth golden hair, a thin waist and long, fierce legs... Well, this can be regarded as a kind of strength.

He finally remembered that Maria Hill had learned elemental spells from him a long time ago. But as Kausi's financial resources became stronger and stronger, he almost forgot that SHIELD once hired him as a spell instructor for a period of time at a price of 10,000 US dollars per lesson.

"Come on, let's try it?"

Kaus suddenly became a little interested. In any case, the friendship between Phil Coulson, the leader of the novice village, and him started not long after he crossed over, and the reason was because of that supernatural power. Not long after, Maria Hill also joined. He even recalled the scene when Maria used the water element to turn into an ice ball.

Maria Hill felt a little unnaturally stared at by him. Hearing this, she quickly took a deep breath. The temperature in the lobby of Mulgore Hotel suddenly cooled down, and there was even a trace of frost forming in the air.

Tony Stark, who initially regarded Maria Hill as a vase, whistled. Steve Rogers also nodded, feeling that this ability would be useful in special operations.

The hall was getting colder and colder, and even Hawkeye Barton, whose physical fitness was far beyond ordinary people, felt a little uncomfortable, but Kausu frowned, feeling that things seemed a bit beyond his imagination.

Hill raised his right hand, and a white ball of light exuding cold air quietly formed in his palm. As the small ball of light grew larger and larger, just looking at it made people feel a chill deep in their hearts.

Kausu seemed to have thought of something, and raised his finger towards Maria, "Come on!"

As Hill threw the light ball, countless ice spikes shot out in all directions. No matter where these ice spikes hit, the item immediately condensed into a solid layer of ice.

Kaus stretched out his hand and grabbed the ball of light. He felt a biting coldness flow from the palm of his hand throughout his body, spreading from his palms, arms, and shoulders. In a moment, his whole body was sealed by ice.

"Nice job!" He struggled slightly, and the ice instantly collapsed, and the broken ice fell to the ground, quickly turning into large and small water droplets. He looked at Maria Hill with appreciative eyes, "Your water element affinity has reached a very high level. Is the same true for Phil?"

"No, Phil is not good enough yet!" Natasha shook her head and explained, "Phil can already use flames to turn into cannonballs, but I feel that he is not yet up to Maria's level."

"Not bad, not bad!" Kausi looked down at the thin layer of ice on his palm and nodded with a smile. No wonder those big guys like to be their masters. Seeing that the people I taught could surpass my imagination, I felt a strange sense of satisfaction in my heart.

Little did he know that on the day Maria Hill was born, the temperature was below minus 40 degrees. Her mother froze to death in the hospital. Her father never forgave her for this, which resulted in her cold personality, but also brought about a jaw-dropping ice affinity-this is why Hill used [Frost Shock] when practicing water element spells. Hitting] playing became the main reason for freezing the ball.

Of course Kausu didn't know all this. He just felt that he was greatly comforted. After thinking about it, he took out a new book from the basement, "I once said that after you initially master the use of the water element ability, I It will teach you new abilities. Then just before you set off, I will teach you the following things."

What he took out was a fire spell [Fire Nova], and changed the method of calling the fire element into the water element. Because among the shaman's elemental spells, the water element is more focused on healing and dispersing, and not many are used for combat damage. The ability of [Fire Nova], a large-scale group attack, can also have the same effect when used with ice elements.

The lecture lasted for a full two hours. When Maria Hill finally succeeded in bursting out a blue halo, freezing the people present and the tables, chairs and benches, Kaus smiled extremely happily.

"Thank you, Kaus!" Leng Meiren expressed her sincere thanks to Kaus, "What should I call it?"

Kausu thought for a moment while removing the abnormal status of others, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Frost Nova!"

This little prank was harmless, and Maria had no idea that the classic spell [Frost Nova] really existed in a certain world. She bowed to Kausi again to thank him, but this time Kausi said nothing, just stood there and nodded slightly, accepting the gift.

In any case, Maria Hill's strength may not be enough to face super villains, but she can already handle most scenarios with the combination of Freezing Ball and Frost Nova's melee and long-range combat skills. Especially after personally feeling that the molecular activity of the nanomecha was reduced due to the low temperature, even the most unruly Tony Stark began to change his attitude and quietly changed the label of "vase" to Hill to " A capable teammate."

So in the following chat, Hill clearly felt a slight change in the tone of his teammates.

"I don't know how to express my gratitude. Maybe when I think of it, I will come to you again." When she was about to say goodbye, Maria took a deep look at Kaus, "I will try to come back alive. .”

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