Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 201 Deep into the Deep Rock Continent

The Avengers gathered to kill Mandarin, but Cauvus was completely idle.

He was very relieved about this mission. Stark, wearing Mark No. 42, could deal with the Ten Rings Gang and Jillian. This time, except for Thor, the God of Thunder, all the other Avengers are present, and it is not difficult to deal with the Ten Rings Gang and the disabled Vampires who had their teeth pulled out.

Kaus even thought in a funny way, if this group of people can't even deal with the Ten Rings Gang, then why are they talking about conquering aliens? It's better to disband early and go home and have children.

He had just spoken to Erica on the phone, and after learning that Pepper had been rescued safely, they also slowed down and drove back slowly. It's still a long time, so Kaous can have a very quiet few days.

The hotel was eerily quiet, but Kausu did not fall asleep with his head covered. Instead, he took off a torch and walked into the basement step by step.

It seems to be a light weight, but in fact it is dangerous. A battle with Cain, in the eyes of others, seems to be a matter of indifference and mutual fear. The Demon God of Hell even lowered his body and took the initiative to trade, but only Kaous himself knew how far he was from the real high-end combat power after using all his cards.

"Field...what exactly is it?"

His soul wanders endlessly in the universe, traveling through the elemental planes from time to time. I hugged the gentle and clinging water elf, touched the bad-tempered air element, and my palms were numbed by the electric shock. I wanted to get close to the fire element, but it frightened the new little flames and made them run around.

He thought for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and entered the Deep Rock Continent with his soul.

This is a desolate world with a very rough surface, covered with rift valleys and sinkholes, and rumbling earthquakes are heard from time to time. The land is filled with countless caves, tunnels, and entrances, teeming with worms, cave creatures, and other underground creatures. All kinds of emeralds and gems can be found here, even those unknown to the world of Azeroth, but these are considered someone's private property. In this world, any mining activity is prohibited.

Among the four elemental planes, the source of the deep earth is the place Kaous least wants to come to.

The reason is very simple. The fire demon Ragnaros and the wind-rider Al'Akir have all been killed in the battle. The tide-hunter Neptulon was kidnapped by the ancient behemoth Ozumat. Although he later escaped from control for unknown reasons, At least at this time, the Throat of the Abyss is still empty.

The above three planes are all ownerless things, and Kaous can practice without any restrictions.

But the earth elemental plane is the only one with a master.

Since ancient times, Therazane, the Stonemother, and her descendants have ruled the world. She is the ruler of earth, dust, stone, and mountains. She is respected by all earth elements and creatures living underground, and some wild druids even regard her as the embodiment of peace and tranquility in the world - at least during the previous elemental riots, Stonemother Therazane has never been hostile to anyone. , which also brought long-lasting peace to the Tuyuan world.

As soon as he appeared in the Shattered Wilderness, the thick aura crushed him without any scruples, making Cauvus' soul become very heavy. He sighed, figured out the direction a little, and flew towards the north.

He had been here before and could only find a quiet place to practice in the Broken Wilderness. Going further north is the Hall of Twilight, where Therazane's servants guard it. He couldn't afford to offend the elemental lord, and he didn't dare to attack even a servant. As long as he hit one, a large group would follow, until he finally alerted the plane controller.

"Alien creatures are prohibited from taking another step forward!" A rumble of thunder sounded in the distance. If you listened carefully, you could see that it was coming from a tall hill next to it.

"Unfortunately, I met a determined person!"

Kausu complained secretly in his heart, but he did not hesitate in his actions. He caressed his chest in greeting and said loudly: "Great Determinator, I am a confused shaman who urgently needs some guidance!"

The hill suddenly began to tremble, and with the sound of creaking rocks rubbing against each other, it slowly turned into a majestic rock giant. He looked down at Kausu, "The source of the depths of the earth prohibits all outsiders from intruding. If Not because you are a shaman, but now I will expel your soul without hesitation!"

As with all elemental planes, any guardian hates outsiders, even the earth elementals.

But - when Deathwing tore the earth apart, the prophets felt the pain of Stonemother Therazane, and the shamans led by the Earth Ring tried their best to stop and repair the damage caused by Deathwing and his followers. Severe damage, leaving traces of shamans everywhere from Vashj'ir to Deep Rock Continent.

Because of this, when all ground creatures were listed as hostile, only the Ring of Earth gained the trust of Stone Mother Therazane. Priests who were proficient in earth magic were allowed to stay in Deep Rock Continent, and some were even granted access. Permission from the throne of Therazane.

If you switch to any profession, the determined person will slap him down without mercy. Fortunately, Kaus is a shaman, and the stone giant has some patience to listen to what he wants to say.

"Great Steadfast, please listen to me. I am a little shaman from the Ring of Azeroth. For some reason, I reached the other side of the universe and encountered a powerful demon from the endless abyss. With my weak strength, how can I fight against the devil? So I can only come to Deep Rock Continent, hoping to get guidance from the earth elements!"

Kaus tried his best to keep his words as concise as possible, and at the same time, he took the opportunity to praise the greatness and power of the earth element, and briefly described the enemy's powerful spells, especially the "field", which he tried his best to praise.

The determined man hesitated for a moment, and then the rumble of thunder sounded again.

"In view of the good relationship between the Ring of the Earth and the Source of the Deep Earth, I am very interested in your experience. But unfortunately, due to my lack of rank, I cannot yet appreciate how powerful the 'realm' you mentioned is. . In this case, you can only go to Thrazane’s Throne to find the answer.”

Kausu didn't make any move, he knew that there was something more to come from the Stalwart.

Sure enough, the staunch one paused and continued: "But, you are not the Ring of the Earth that we are familiar with. You need to prove your order and attitude."

MMP! I have worked so hard to travel through countless planes, from Azeroth to the Marvel world, but in the end I still have to do a reputation mission in Deepholm?

Secretly complaining in his heart, Kausu quickly replied: "I am very willing to express my friendship to the source of the earth, so I hope you can give me a small task so that I can do something about it. prove!"

The Stalwart was very satisfied with Kausi's attitude. He looked at Kausi, thought for a while, and said: "A long time ago, an airship fell there in the southeast..."


[Gunboat Down] mission, search for clues in the wreckage of the Stormfury in Deep Rock Continent, find the captain's diary, corpse, and emblem, and then go to find Marut Stonebinder in the Earth Temple to receive the next mission.

Kaus nodded and was about to set off. Unexpectedly, the determined person continued: "The airship is no longer useful, but the wreckage piled up there is always a trouble. You should clean up the wreckage first! The garbage can be thrown into a volcano crater and burned..."

What? Cauvus gasped, almost bulging his eyes out of his sockets.

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