Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 202 Reputation Worship

How big are the Alliance gunships?

Perhaps friends who have no idea about this can review the CG of "Legion", the dream of a million lords... The demon Sylvanas and the leader of the alliance King Wa were fighting side by side in the sky. At that time, King Wa was riding That's the kind of gunboat.

This kind of gunboat is divided into three levels, with a total length of more than 200 meters, and an empty weight of no less than 1,500 tons!

But that's not all. The Alliance gunboat is powered by propellers and has four huge magic engines. It also has eighty gun positions on both sides of the ship. Its main gun can even destroy a Hellfire with one shot.

Even though it has weathered a bit due to its age, the entire ship will definitely not be less than 2,000 tons!

Even so, this is only the first piece of the puzzle.

The second problem is that the steadfast person said the sentence "Find a volcano to burn the rubbish..." in an understatement, but the location of the wreckage is a plain, and the nearest volcano is either near the Earth Temple, or it goes to... death Wings fall to the ground!

"Foreign shaman, I want to solemnly warn you that you are not allowed to go to the Earth Temple before you complete your mission! Otherwise, you will suffer the most severe blows from the Stone Mother's servants!"

Well... I can't go to the nearby Earth Temple either.

Isn't it because the mission has not been completed, the reputation level is not enough, and the guards refuse to admit it! Cauvus found the Fury of the Storm angrily, looked up at the huge wreckage, cursed for a long time, and finally chose to work!

He first searched in all directions until he was forty or fifty kilometers away, and then he found a small volcano that was still active not far from the place where Deathwing fell.

"What the hell..." After roughly judging the distance, Kausu's heart was already cold.

If you bring your body with you, with the physique and strength of hard training, it is not difficult to drag three to five tons of weight at a time. You can clean up all the debris in a few hundred trips back and forth.

But now I am in a state of soul...

More importantly, in this world filled with heavy earth elements, its gravity is three times the normal value, and in places blessed by earth elements, the soul is heavier than usual.

"What else can you say? Just do it..."

So in the peaceful broken wilderness, such a strange scene appeared.

A small soul body that is extremely weak compared to the spirit of the earth element is very busy. He dismantled the huge gunboat wreckage into small pieces, used local materials, and used wooden boards to make large and small wooden boxes. Then he put the small pieces of debris into wooden boxes, carried a long and thick cable on his back, and walked towards the crater bit by bit.

Not far away, a little sandworm that had just been born poked its head out of the ground to look curiously, and rock spinworms crawled around boldly next to him. There were also some Jade Horned Insects who wanted to cause trouble, but he took out the Fire Demon Hammer to scare them. They were so frightened that they squeaked aside and looked at this sudden guy curiously.

This situation lasted for a long, long time.

Long time coming...

"Xiaobai, can you help me find some grass... I want to smoke a cigarette." Kausi, who was resting next to a pile of wooden boards, sighed and looked at the spinning wheel next to him that was bigger than a locomotive. Rockworm.

This rockworm has been wandering around since it was born. At that time, it was only the size of a small snake, but now it is a full adult. The huge mouthparts are full of fangs, and most of the long body is underground. The only part exposed is more than ten meters long, which looks shocking.

Because there were some messy white stripes on its head, Kausi, who was very uneducated, gave it the name "Xiaobai".

"Hiss-hoo-" Xiaobai twisted his body and made a loud roaring sound. Suddenly it sank into the ground. After a while, Bang came out from the side again, opened his mouth, and dropped a pile of rotten grass at Kaus' feet.

"So good!" Kausi smiled so hard that he narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to touch its big head. Xiaobai immediately closed its daunting and huge mouthparts, lowered his head as much as possible, and let Kausi He rubbed his rough skin vigorously, like a puppy wagging its tail.

He tore out a page from a manual he took out from the cabin, rolled it up in withered grass, then lit it and took a nice breath - he missed the half-box of Yellow Crane Tower in the hotel a little bit, even though there were all kinds of problems, but in some aspects, he is a more reliable person than 90% of politicians.

"Do you want to go outside and take a look?" Kausi said to Xiaobai while smoking.

"Well, I can't take you out..."

"If you can get out, you will be a good helper. Mavis really needs a few rockworms to help dig tunnels in Mavis. There will definitely be clay rocks and magma rocks that you like to eat."

"If I had known I should have learned to be a hunter so that I could take you to another world as a pet."

After finishing smoking the half-foot-long cigarette, Kausi put the remaining withered grass in his pocket, then lightly kicked Xiaobai, continued to carry the cable, and dragged the heavy cannon step by step. Walk towards the crater.

These are the last few trips.

From the beginning, I was exhausted and exhausted while dragging a few rotten wooden boards, but now I can still run a few steps while dragging a cannon worth tens of thousands of kilograms. Over the long years, Kausu's soul has solidified to an incredible degree.

We don’t know the other circumstances. Anyway, a group of crystal lizards came over to cause trouble some time ago. Kausi took one in one hand and threw it out, which scared the other lizards and ran away.

When we were doing the mission, Cauvus's Dark Priest was using all his skills. It took him several times to kill one with Dark Words, Whip, and Soul Devouring Explosion. Now, he scares away all of them with just a few moves.

After an unknown amount of time, when Kausu dragged the last engine and threw it into the crater, he couldn't hold back the joy in his heart. He hugged Xiaobai who was gnawing stones next to him and kissed him fiercely several times. , I wish I could laugh out loud.

"I'm finally done!"

"Let's go and hand over the mission to me——"

Without any explanation, Kausi grabbed hold of a section of Xiaobai's body (the body of the giant rockworm is a wonderful spiral ring structure), and ignored Xiaobai's protest and struggle with a stone in his mouth. The body was hundreds of meters long. Just like that, he was dragged out of the ground and ran towards the direction of the determined one in a cloud of smoke and dust.

"Great steadfast man, I have completed all the tasks you assigned me! Now I come to you again, hoping to get your affirmation and guidance..."

The determined man lowered his head and looked at Kaus, who was looking happy, and then looked at the rockworm that was still struggling to escape. A soft smile appeared on the resolute face made of rock.

"What mission? I don't remember..."

The smile on Cauvus' face suddenly stiffened. As soon as he loosened his hand, Xiaobai, who was amnestied, immediately dove into the depths of the ground and escaped far away - The Stalwart was a direct descendant of Stone Mother Thera Zane. Descendants have a natural rank crushing on earth-origin creatures.

"Brother, how can you not remember? It was probably some time ago... I am a shaman and I want to consult the earth element about the secrets of fighting against the 'realm'! You asked me to clean up the wreckage of the gunship. I spent a lot of time It took a long time to finally do it!”

"What did you accomplish?" The determined person's tone was gentle, and his smile became even brighter.

"You let me...let me..."

"Prove your order and attitude!" The determined man smiled, "Look back now!"

Kausi looked back reflexively and saw the huge Xiaobai poking his head not far away. He wanted to get closer but was shocked by the majesty of the determined one. Farther away, several sandworms were crawling around, stone bats landed on the stone forest and tilted their heads to look this way, and jade-toothed shale spiders crawled out of the cave cunningly, playing with jade-horned insects. In a ball.

"Your quality, your tenacity, and your soul all tell me that this world has fully accepted your arrival. You are qualified enough to be regarded as one of our own anywhere in Deep Rock Continent, even Thera The throne of Zane will also open its door to you. So I solemnly declare now: your reputation has been identified as - worship!"

"Continue your journey, my friend! The Thrazane Throne is still far away from here. You can ask your little friend to take you there!"

From extreme disappointment to extraordinary surprise, it took Kaus a long time to react. He solemnly saluted and expressed his gratitude to the steadfast person, and then greeted Xiaobai with high spirits.

"Pippi Bai, let's go -"

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