Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 217 Blackstone Portal

The Republic of Chile, located in the southwestern part of South America, is the longest and narrowest country in the world. It was originally inhabited by Indians such as the Araucan, Mapuche, and Tierra del Fuego people. It became a Spanish colony in 1541. Afterwards, the Chilean people, led by Bernardo O'Higgins, launched a struggle against Spanish colonial rule and declared independence in 1818.

The forestry resources here are very rich. The forest covers an area of ​​about 25 million hectares, which is nearly one-third of the entire country. It is rich in temperate forests with excellent wood. It is the largest exporter of forest products in Latin America.

"From here to that mountain, this forest area of ​​nearly 10,000 hectares belongs to me!" Gideon Malik introduced as he walked beside Kaus. "In order not to make people suspicious, I Four orchards have been built here, including a small copper mine, which can bring in approximately US$300 million in revenue every year.”

Kaus was very interested in old Malik's generosity. In order to cover a portal, he actually bought a large piece of land and built a large base here.

"There are about 7,000 indigenous people working here. I dare not say that their treatment is the best in Chile, but it is definitely higher than the average income here."

"I have placed a security force of about 800 people here and hid four laboratories. Over the years, about 600 aliens have been attracted here and then used by me. Some aliens with little potential was moved elsewhere and..."

"And be humanely destroyed?" Kausi chuckled, making old Malik a little embarrassed.

"At least five hundred aliens! Well, Mr. Gideon Malik of the World Security Council, I always thought that the most powerful one among Hydra was Baron Strucker or Zola. Now it seems that the one who is the most hidden is It's you - a retired Secretary of Homeland Security!"

Old Malik smiled and replied modestly: "They are too high-profile, I just do what I think is right!"

He stepped back and invited his guests to the entrance to the underground base.

Following Kausu's footsteps like a shadow was a tall blonde. Old Malik couldn't see anything special about her, but judging from her expressionless face and gestures, she should be a very powerful woman. A well-educated nobleman - maybe he is also very skilled.

"Lover? Bodyguard? Other collaborators?" Unable to identify her identity, the old Malik didn't pay attention.

Following the two of them were Erica and Elsa, who were both good-looking and capable. Malik had already obtained information about the two of them. Erica was a famous gold medal assassin before she retired, and Elsa Recently, he has become famous for his superb skills in hunting monsters in the "Back Wave Team".

"Kauus plans to use these two women against the hive?"

Old Malik frowned a little. He didn't think this was a good idea. There were obviously two powerful combat powers, Iron Man and the Hulk, but why use two "ordinary" women?

Behind a few people, there was a purple-haired girl holding an orange cat. She looked around like a curious baby, and from time to time she pulled Stephanie, the half-owner next to her, to whisper.

Looking at his baby daughter, old Malik couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

Seeing her and Kausi discussing something together without any scruples, the mature old Malik immediately realized something - this level of intimacy has exceeded that of a partner, so what else could it be?

In the eyes of old Malik, the matter of the Bloodhoof Sect is an attractive reward that Kaus throws to the Malik family: to build a supernatural force from scratch, and Stephanie is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the entire sect. This means that the "Supreme God" including Kaus himself is just a totem, and Stephanie is the one who holds the most power.

Recalling his attitude when he first learned about this incident, he thought it was like a child playing house, and the old Malik couldn't help but feel ashamed of his shallow vision.

Stephanie only had one thing to prove: she summoned a bolt of lightning in front of Malik Sr. and shattered a table in front of him!

"Yes! Every priest has spell-casting skills that are no less than mine!" Stephanie held a blazing fire in her right hand. The swaying light of the fire made her look like a phoenix in the fire. She told her father proudly, "But they all Not as good as me, I am the only person who is most devout to Kaus. The more devout I am, the more powerful I can get from Kaus!"

At first, he felt something was wrong. Worried that his daughter had been brainwashed, Old Malik hurriedly asked for details. After learning that the current core members of the Bloodhoof Sect were a group of teenagers, he suddenly realized it!

Stephanie has just come of age. If you directly give her an exorbitant status or throw her a super power, she will only mess up things due to her lack of experience.

But Cauius chose a narrow and straight path for her.

A small sect of dozens of people, whose members are all half-grown children, is an entry-level challenge for Stephanie. As the sect continues to develop, Stephanie will gain a lot of experience and continue to grow - and when the sect develops into a behemoth that attracts the attention of the world, Stephanie will also grow into a pivotal political star.

Think about that old guy from the Vatican. If he came out to compete for the "President of the Earth", how fanatical would his hundreds of millions of supporters be?

As for whether this sect will die midway? Old Malik is not worried about this. In his opinion, even if Kausi goes to an alien planet, the forces he stays on earth will at least give normal support to this sect, and old Malik has accumulated decades of Resources are not decorations either. More importantly, even if she fails, young Stephanie can afford to lose and start over again!

Kausi would never have imagined that Erica and the others would work together to do this just because he was bored and did something unintentionally. And the old Malik, who has become more mature, also misjudged the situation and regarded the Bloodhoof Sect, which was supposed to be a farce, as an important measure for cooperation between the two parties.

Therefore, the old Malik opened the Chilean base without reservation, and his respectful attitude even made Causs himself feel a little flattered.

Walking at the end of the team was a middle-aged man wearing an exoskeleton mecha, with two weapons in the gun box on his waist. He had a cigar in his mouth and a leisurely expression. In his eyes, the dangerous South American jungle seemed like a leisurely stroll in his own back garden.

Malik Sr. knew Frank Custer and his legendary story. In his opinion, Kaus's ability to draw such a strong player to his side shows that Kaus's ambition is extraordinary. Only in this way can old Malik leave his daughter to Kaous with confidence.

Enter from the gate of the base, go all the way to the fourth underground level, and pass through the heavily guarded triple defense area. When a heavy metal gate is opened, a dark stone door stands in front of you.

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