Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 218 Stepping onto Mavis

"This is the black stone portal left by the Kree."

Cauvus knocked on the hard stone pillar and said with a funny face, "At first, the Kree used the earth as their own testing ground and developed a batch of biological weapons, but finally gave up - until one day the Kree When they were almost wiped out, they realized what they had missed."

"Actually, the hive is not bad, but the Kree used it in the wrong place."

Old Malik looked at Erica and others with some worry. He thought that Kaous came here just to check the situation first, but judging from his appearance, it was clear that he planned to open the portal to another world immediately.

"Don't we need to make some preparations?" He also tried to persuade Kausi, hoping that the preparations would be more complete, "Tony and the others are still here..."

"No, we just go in to kill a bug, record the coordinates and come out." Kausu took the big orange cat from Carrie's arms, "Beliar will go in with me, Carrie is not allowed to go! That planet we If you want to use it as a base, you can't eat it all..."

Carrie's little face immediately fell down, looking like she was about to cry.

Stephanie knew a little bit about the foodie nature of little Carrie. She pulled Carrie and whispered: "Did you see the orchard you just passed by? You can eat enough later!"

Thinking of those red fruits and how great they looked, Carrie immediately felt no longer sad.

Old Malik was so frightened that he could hardly speak. He didn't know what was going on over there, let alone how powerful the hive was, but Kaous took a blond beauty to an alien planet. How could this be like that? Want to conquer aliens? He was obviously on a trip—and he had his pets with him.

But at this time, there was no room for him to say anything more. Cauus patted the black stone portal and roughly figured out the path to this thing. He searched around and found the embedded one on the stone pillar of the portal. Energy generator.

"Well... in order to avoid any eventuality, let's take precautions!"

Kausu's words made Old Malik finally breathe a sigh of relief. Just when he was about to say something, Kausi patted the purple-haired girl on the head and said, "Carrie, if you find that the bugs I didn't kill all come out of the portal, Fly out and you can... deal with it as you like!"

Jiali curled her lips and said dissatisfied: "I know!"

Kausi chuckled and turned on the energy generator, and a white light immediately flashed on the portal.

The scenery between the stone pillars was strangely distorted, turning from empty to nothingness. But this emptiness only lasted for a short time. After a while, the light and shadow between the stone pillars began to change rapidly, like a kaleidoscope.

"All three-dimensional portals work on the same principle. By bending at the limit of space, two points far apart are folded and overlapped together. You can reach the other end without any movement." Kaus explained to Stephanie A few words, "We'll go there first."

He gestured to Belial, and the two of them stepped into the portal. The scenery in front of me just flickered for a moment and immediately turned into another world.

This is a planet shrouded in dim red light. The land composed of rocks and black soil looks so desolate and desolate. The rocks on the ground are exposed and stretched out in strange shapes. The endless mountains in the distance were outlined by a ray of light. Above the black earth, a red fireball hung in the sky with the same black background, emitting a soft dark red light and spreading around, making everything clearly visible.

There are countless canyons on the black land, and these canyons vary in size and depth. It extends deep into the core of the earth, revealing the fiery red magma hidden inside the earth. The shallow one is just slightly below the surface, like a small basin.

"There is not a single living thing, not even a moving thing." Kausi shrugged helplessly, and even lowered his head to fiddle with it on the ground. "It seems that the hive has eaten up all the moving creatures on this planet over the years. …”

He turned back to look at the portal standing there, but Belial suddenly drew his sword like lightning.

There was a soft "squeak" sound, and when Cauus turned his head back again, he saw two insect corpses lying on the ground.

"Is this the hive you are talking about?"

Cauvus squatted down and fiddled with the fist-sized insect corpse, shook his head and said: "Who knows? But it seems that there are very few living things on this planet anymore. Maybe this thing is a clone of the hive."

For a Kree insect, Belial, who is a king-level demon, naturally would not take it seriously. She pointed in the distance, "There seems to be something over there."

Kausu couldn't see anything over there even though he tried his best. He smiled bitterly and said, "I said, Beliyar, how could I see so far? What is it?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a stone." Belial gave a ridiculous answer.

When I got closer, I discovered that these were several huge black pillars that were at least fifty meters thick. However, they were not the stones that Beliyar said. Instead, the entire pillars were made of a pure, almost transparent black crystal. Even though it was at least a thousand meters away, even Causs, who knew nothing about architectural aesthetics, could feel how majestic this ruin once was.

"It seems Mavis once had a great civilization too, and the Hive devoured everything."

Several fist-sized bugs suddenly appeared, and Belial was about to step forward, but was grabbed by Kaus.

"Our mission is to guard the portal and not let the hive escape to Earth!"

Gatekeeper? Who just vowed to say...

Belial suddenly understood, and without any further entanglement, she followed Kaus towards the teleportation gate.

By the time the two returned to the portal, sixty or seventy insects had already rushed over from all directions, making a squeaking and hissing sound, and pounced on the two of them with claws and teeth.

Kaus took out the Balrog Hammer and swept over with blazing flames. How could those insects withstand the burning flames of hell? Even if it just touches the edge, it will be immediately ignited and turned into a ball of fire, burning until no bones are left.

"It always feels a little strange!"

While wielding the Balrog Hammer to guard the portal with ease, he said to Belial who was doing nothing, "This portal has been opened so many times. Didn't the hive successfully escape even once?"

"There may be some restrictions!" Belial thrust out his sword from time to time, stabbing to death those insects that had the chance to escape the Balrog Hammer. It was as easy as playing house.

"Then let me try -"

Cauvus lowered his war hammer, and Belial's long sword immediately flew into the air with a sword light, perfectly taking over the task of defending the portal. With her help, Kausi lowered his head and searched on the ground. He picked up an insect that had its abdomen pierced but was not dead for a while, and stretched it towards the portal little by little.

With a soft "chi" sound, the bug that had just touched the portal immediately turned into nothingness. When Cauvus took back his hand and looked carefully, he realized that the insect's body seemed to have been sliced ​​flatly by something, even sharper than Belial's long sword.

"I understand!" Cauus suddenly felt relieved and said with a smile, "We don't have to worry anymore. This portal has been added by the Kree. If the hive is not attached to other people, it will never be able to pass through it. This portal..."

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