Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 219 Showing weakness to the enemy

In Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Gideon Malick's Project Far End is finally successful, and the Hive uses the body of Agent Grant Ward to return to Earth. Afterwards, the Hive seized control of Hydra, recreated Terrigen's mutation experiment, and planned to use missiles to spread the virus around the world, hoping to transform humans into primitive Inhuman warriors influenced by the Hive.

It was during this mutation plan that Malik's daughter Stephanie was accidentally killed by the Hive. In the end, the frustrated Malik reported all the information to S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Hive was eventually transformed by Phil Coulson and Death warrior kills.

The hive on the planet Mavis slaughtered all the indigenous creatures. Only then did it realize that there was a problem with its actions - a dead planet could not bring it any benefits, and it could not even guarantee the necessary food and energy. In this case, it had to go into hibernation and release some clones to move around the portal. Whenever Hydra implements the "Far Star Project" to release astronauts and some supplies, the hive will rush out to kill the astronauts, and then use the supplies to restore some energy.

After repeated attempts, the hive with certain intelligence finally determined the approximate opening time of the portal, so it has been a little more active recently, which allows it to release more clones to monitor the portal. Until it suddenly discovered that the portal was activated, and immediately rushed over excitedly.

This time a man and a woman came in. The doubled number made the hive really excited. It can eat one, then possess another guy and pass through the portal - on the other side is the almost defenseless earth. He can eat a lot, completely restore his energy, and then...

"How dare you resist? I am a great hive!"

After the first clone was killed, the hive immediately mobilized more clones. It is very experienced in this, and astronauts with weapons have resisted before, but they can kill one or two, but they are unable to fight against a huge swarm of insects. Hundreds of bugs swarmed up, even if the astronauts brought flamethrowers, it would be of no avail!

But this time it seemed a little different. The man and woman only discussed a few words, and immediately swung their swords and hammers. Dozens of insects were quickly killed to pieces, and none of them could break through. Defense circle, pierce that terrifying mouthpart into someone's skin, and then devour the delicious flesh and blood.

The hive was enraged, and it slowly stretched its body in the sleeping cave. More and more bugs rushed out of its body, and then flew quickly towards the portal.

As a hive mutant, it can control the movements of the insect swarm like an arm. Under the command of its mind, about eight hundred insects divide into dozens of teams to attack from different directions. Soon, the man and woman were at a disadvantage. Faced with the attacks of hundreds of insects, they were in a hurry, and it seemed that they would be breached in the next moment.

To Hive's surprise, Mingming saw that the defensive circle of the two people was shrinking, but as the insects continued to die, the attacking force of the insect swarm continued to decrease. As time went by, they gradually gained the upper hand, and the insect swarm, which was obviously insufficient in number, actually seemed to be stretched thin.

"The progress of the people on earth is not small..." The hive's consciousness was completely mobilized, and it completely woke up from its deep sleep, frowning and falling into memories.

At the beginning, the people who came out of the portal were still wearing bloated spacesuits, and their defense capabilities were pitifully low, and they could only move clumsily step by step; later astronauts would appear with gunpowder-type kinetic weapons; and then The astronauts will carry rover, and even have flamethrowers and high-speed kinetic energy weapons. The astronaut who appeared last time had learned to use laser weapons and annihilated more than a dozen of his clones.

Yes, that must be the case! After continuous technological development, humans on Earth have learned to modify their bodies so that they can breathe on alien planets without the need for oxygen bottles, and have modified skin that is strong enough to withstand cosmic rays and high-energy radiation.

Moreover, their weapons have become more powerful - look at the flaming hammer, it must be filled with a lot of fuel. But what's the use? When the fuel runs out, the hammer will become useless!

Beehive smiled proudly, and with a shake of his body, thousands of clones flew out of his body. If you can't defeat your opponent with a few hundred clones, then you can do it with more than a thousand, right?

After releasing a large number of clones, he slowly stood up straight, ready to follow and take a look and accept his spoils.

"Is it almost done?" Belial's long sword whirled, protecting his whole body. This method of passively being beaten but not attacking made her a little impatient. She asked casually, "How many clones does this guy have?"

"As long as there is sufficient energy, the clones of the hive are theoretically unlimited."

Cauvus controlled the power of the Balrog Hammer as much as possible, grinning and gnashing his teeth as he swung the heavy hammer. Every time he swung the hammer, it would bring out a large fire, burning the unprepared insects into ashes. It seemed that it was at the end of its strength, struggling hard against the swarm's attack.

Belial turned his head and glanced at Kausi, who was "extremely hardworking", and couldn't help but smile.

So, she narrowed her defense circle even more, and even a few bugs had exposed their sharp fangs. They were "just a little bit" away from biting her, but they were often cut to death by the sudden sword at the critical moment. Two halves.

Another swarm of insects flew over, and Belial blinked, "Are we still like this this time?"

"Hmm..." Kausu thought for a while, "No, no matter how stupid Hive is, if we just resist like this, he will be suspicious."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Fight with all your strength!"

"How to spell it?" Belial asked curiously.

"Look at me!"

Cauvus suddenly strode forward, sprayed a mouthful of blood on the hammer whose flame was getting weaker and weaker, roared crazily, held the handle of the hammer with both hands and shook it violently, and it suddenly ignited a raging fire.

Just when the thousands of insects pounced on him viciously, endless fire suddenly rose. At that moment, it seemed as if the air was ignited.

With just one blow, most of the huge swarm of insects was burned in the blink of an eye. Kausu was also completely exhausted. He swung the hammer feebly, but no sparks came out.


Belial suppressed a smile, but his pretty face was full of determination. He also gave a decent scolding, and the long sword shot out thousands of golden lights, forming a criss-crossing light curtain. How could the insect swarm that had been destroyed for the most part withstand such a blow? Like flying insects hitting the insect-catching grid, they fell one after another.

She stood on the ground holding the sword behind her back, panting constantly, as if she had reached her limit.

Beehive, who rushed to the scene shortly after, was so excited that his hair stood on end. This man and woman had exhausted all their energy and fuel, so why not let them be slaughtered by themselves?

Accompanied by Jie Jie's ferocious laughter, the hive finally condensed into a complete body and appeared in front of the two of them.

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