Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 242 Genocide

With the experience of "Thor 2", Kausi actually didn't think about facing Malekith at first, because the other party seemed to have a special skill, even if the ether particles had been absorbed by the female Thor Jane Foster, the darkness The genie is also able to pull etheric particles out of her body.

But after getting the Reality Stone, Kovus discovered the first characteristic of the Infinity Stone: it is alive.

Yes, literally "alive."

It is not simply a gem jewelry, nor is it attribute equipment. Each gem can give the user omnipotent control power in some aspects. If someone has six gems at the same time, he will be omniscient and omnipotent. (" # 93060 Nemesis")

Noticed? In the original setting, the word "given" is used.

The Reality Gem is a special one among the six gems. This gem may be the most powerful, but also the most difficult to use. It has a very powerful power, and the user can use it to erase and modify reality. It can also make all ideas, fantasies, dreams and other illusory things into reality.

However, all of this is definitely not unlimited. The energy contained in the Reality Stone determines the upper limit of modifying reality. For example, its energy can easily wipe out a star, but it cannot reduce the speed of light even by one millimeter per second - because a single move can affect the whole body, and changing the rules of the universe requires the energy of the entire universe. And the Reality Stone is only one sixth.

Because of this, Thanos must collect six Infinity Stones before he can use the energy of the entire universe to activate rule commands through the Reality Stone to wipe out half of all life in the main universe.

After personally experiencing the power of the Reality Stone, Kaus made a decision that all screenwriters and previous stone holders had never thought of - he activated the Reality Stone and formulated a rule command for the ether particles.

"Before the soul of Cauius Bradford leaves the main universe, the Reality Stone is under his control!"

This seemingly incredible rule was actually implemented.

The reason is simple, the Reality Stone cannot affect the "ownership" of the other five stones because the six stones are equal to each other. But it can affect itself, and it doesn't require much energy.

Secondly, no one would ever think of issuing such an order, and this order does not violate any known rules. Even if someone is lucky enough to be able to use the Reality Stone, he can't pick up a stone that he can't lift.

So Malekith was tragic.

He confidently came to the battlefield prepared for him by Cowus, allowed the spacecraft to be sent by the portal to the planet Mavis millions of light-years away, and then witnessed his soldiers being killed by more than forty little men. Things gnawed away, slaughtered, and even fought with another superhero, Iron Man. The reason is simple: he insists that as long as he walks in front of the ether particles, the ether particles that have followed him for thousands of years will come back to him and change everything!

But his spell failed, and it took him a long time to learn the technique of using dark energy to control etheric particles. He was worthless in the face of the rule that "the reality stone is under the control of Cauus".

Therefore, Malekith's failure was completely doomed the moment he appeared in front of Cauvus.

As soon as Malekith died, the battlefield immediately collapsed.

The cursed warrior Algorim tried his best to get rid of the Hulk, giving Malekith a chance to rush out of the battlefield, but the next moment he was caught up by the Hulk, and was caught off guard, one of his arms was violently The Hulk was torn apart. Algorim, who was evenly beaten at first, barely resisted for a few times, and then his neck was sadly broken, and the huge body collapsed.

Witnessing the death of the top two figures in their camp, the dark elves, whose morale had completely collapsed, also began to retreat. They ran desperately to the rear, where there were thousands of their own tribesmen who had no time to join the battle, and a ship that could leave this terrible place. Planet ship.

Forty or so shamans were full of energy behind them. They bombarded the fleeing dark elves with elemental spells unscrupulously, and their formations instantly dispersed. Uncle Punishment originally wanted to regain control of the situation, but after thinking about it, he finally said nothing.

The spaceship flew up staggeringly. Some of the dark elves who failed to catch up with the spacecraft cried and tried to catch up with the spacecraft, but they soon died in the pursuit of the young shamans. Several shamans stepped on the air element and flew up to try to stop the spaceship, but for a spaceship that could fly across galaxies, their power was still somewhat weak.

Seeing that the spacecraft had risen to a high altitude, Caus turned his head and ordered: "Beliyar!"

Belial nodded slightly, took a step forward, shook the long sword in his hand, and a bright silver flash suddenly cut through the sky. With a violent brush from top to bottom, he immediately cut the spaceship in half, and exploded violently. Come on, turn into a huge fireball in the air.

The poor dark elves could have had a big fight with Asgard at the last moment of the mass extinction of species, sniping Frigga, defeating Thor, seriously injuring Loki, and prompting Odin to speed up his death in advance. But now, their last trouble-making armed force has been declared officially extinct.

At the same moment, a clear singing voice suddenly sounded in the deep and empty universe.

"So hungry, so hungry, so hungry, I'm really hungry. One, two, three, four, one, two, three, I obviously ate five bowls of noodles this morning, but it's very strange. I'm so hungry now..."

The extremely brainwashing song was ethereal and uncertain. One moment it was floating not far outside the earth, and the next moment it was in the low-Earth orbit of Watt Alheim.

"...I am very hungry, my speech will not be clear, my tongue will be curled up, and my whole body will feel weak."

A small figure suddenly appeared in the void. It was a very beautiful purple-haired girl.

She looked at Watt Alheim, who was still spinning and revolving.

"Oh, this planet looks delicious at first glance..."

Little Carrie's saliva almost fell out. She dug around and found a small straw. Then he made a gesture and poked the straw in the direction of the planet, as if he was drinking milk tea and piercing the packaging film with a straw. Then she took the end of the straw in her mouth.

The entire planet suddenly dried up like a deflated balloon.

"Gudu, Gudu..." As Carrie continued to suck, the huge planet continued to shrink, rotate, and then become smaller and smaller. There was no explosion, shock wave, or any impact. A planet just disappeared suddenly.

"Ah wu..." Jiali touched her belly with satisfaction, "Finally the gap between the teeth is blocked!"

"I'd also like some desserts and drinks after the meal..."

She looked around and found nothing edible in the nearby orbit, so she flew towards the earth.

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